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Posts posted by nms.

  1. On 7/5/2016 at 3:44 PM, Endorphinz said:

    But it would also alleviate the feeling of "oh no, I missed X legendary mod, now I'm not at my 100% potential and I shouldn't get into high-level stuff"

    Also everyone's definition of "end-game" is pretty much open for debate.

    "Alleviate the feeling".

    Someone give this man an award for the most garbage nerf reason of the third quarter, 2016. Perhaps a liset noggle.

    "I don't have it, others shouldnt benefit from it because I feel bad"

    "Cant rank it up, others shouldnt benefit from it because I feel bad"

    "I dont feel like wasting credits and time on ranking it up, others shouldnt benefit from it because I feel bad"

    There are either mental issues at play, or the self esteem of a skinny female teenager thinking is fat, and you managed to translate that into warframe, because anyone who has used the non-primed mods in high level content realizes they are fully viable like that, and, that primed mods are completely optional. The alternative is that the players lacking in every area of gameplay are the ones coming up with that conclusion, or "feeling", or whatever, because they can't be bothered to at least put in the time or ingenuity to devise a way to obtain and rank these mods up. Hint, it doesn't take a college degree.

    FFS people...


    1 hour ago, taiiat said:

    it still has use. all possible actions are useful pending your location vs where you want to go vs Enemy positions and actions.
    nobody around these parts seems to comprehend that though.

    Can you blame them? when they fight the dumbo NPCs the only thing they have to do is ADS and walk. That's their benchmark, anything else is "too much". Bare minimum is what drives warframe's PVE.

  3. 2 minutes ago, CrimsonCaliburn said:

    Would be hard to do because of different timezones. Some guys are from the states, i'm from germany, maybe others are from russia or australia, how should they do that?

    Then there's the people that work night shift, or two shifts in a given day. Might as well just remove alerts and give them the item if they start to account for everyone everywhere everytime.

  4. On 6/23/2016 at 7:55 PM, IceColdHawk said:

    Chroma player here, i don't know what you're talking about.

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    Well, that's a rank 27 grineer light unit. Are you able to do that sustainable against a rank 100 napalm, bombard or heavy gunner? add increased armor condition, or no full cp, or corrosive/radiation enemy boost condition and these 800 bullets will be gone well before you know it.

  5. 1 hour ago, Tymerc said:

    And bringing back the prime set doesn't insult those who bought it when it first arrived, like the 140$ Misa Prime Syandana that was advertised as a one time exclusive back when Ember Prime's Access was released being brought back for 60$ and spitting in the faces of everyone who paid 140$?  

    It doesn't, because the syandana was not the only thing in the pack and was not the only thing in the accessories. $139.99 - 79.99 = $60 between the inferno and blaze package. If your intent was getting the prime pack, you only paid $60 extra for the accessories and received an extra 2200 plat with boosters. Not being available separately doesn't mean its mandatory, or that a single item absorbs the entire cost, so stop assigning a $140 value to the misa prime. If you didn't want absolutely anything else from that prime access you shouldn't have paid $140, simple as that. Next time apply some rationalization to your financial choices at the moment instead of whining about it 2 years later.


    58 minutes ago, LazerSkink said:


    You paid $140 for a Warframe, 2 weapons, a syandana, an extractor, a large amount of Platinum, and 3 month boosters, yet everyone thinks they paid $140 for the syandana alone. Consumer's intent of purchase is not relevant to DE's rereleases, just because a person wanted to pay full price for the syandana only doesn't mean DE feels it's worth the same.

    But but... but then they can't be melodramatic on how they starved for the entire month because they HAD to buy the syandana. I'm sure they gave the plat away and asked DE to transfer these booster to a random dude's account, as well as turn the warframe and weapon into blueprints for a giveaway.

  6. 6 hours ago, trieuazn0 said:

    as a common, t4 Defence Frost player, i just want to say.

    if the Frost is using a black or dark energy Colour, they most likely don't know if the bubble is up or not. Just remind us forst players to slap one up again

    This is pretty much why I stopped using purely black/dark energy colors, visibility is great and all, but in the clusterf*ck of the moment, I would have a hard time noticing whether globe was still alive and would just respam it, even when not needed. Just choose something in between dark and light, more leaning to dark and you will still get some particles but it wont be obnoxious at all and will still have good visibility.

  7. 9 minutes ago, Stratego89 said:

    Rename it something else? But then it's not mastery rank anymore. "just a completion and progression number for content"? That's what the equipment section of our profiles and our codex is for mate. No. It needs fixing. Period. There are already "systems" in place to do what you just said- there's no reason to leave it in it's horrible state. DE themselves have said it's bad and they want to fix it to mean something in the past, they just need to be reminded of that until they eventually have time to do it.

    Yeah, and how much you have completed in the game, from all of its content (which should be accounted for and given weight to offset the guns and frames) should be the metric that will define how many perks you get in return, like number of trades, syndicate cap, drone allocation, starting capacity for forma'd weapons, etc. Not your number of grineer/corpus/infested kills considering how useless they are in determining actually skill and "mastery". Mission time also includes grinding the same mission over and over, repeatedly, grinding vauban prime in t3s with ivara adding to your mission time determines your skill? really? nah. Currently, mastery rank is progression (call them progression points that give you perks and qol), they just need to include all the other aspects of the game into it so that its not just about guns. And yeah, the equipment page and codex are there, but to only show you, not to give you back things for doing everything in the game.

  8. 2 hours ago, Stratego89 said:

    ALL of this. Guys. Rework MR completely from the ground up. Seperate it from affinity. Reset everyone's MR to 0 afterwards (with grandfather clause). After it sits for a while and you guys KNOW it works- THEN take your time to figure out what should be MR locked where and make forma/MR change. Until MR isn't cheesable just like the stuff you're nerfing- it shouldn't be relied on for anything. If it means nothing (And it DOES mean nothing because of Draco- NO ONE can honestly deny that) then it shouldn't even be given the time of day as a system for other things.

    Uh, what? None of the stats in the profile page mean anything considering the skill ceiling in this game is right there at floor level and any one can exploit mission times and kill numbers just by strolling by at low level nodes cleaning everything or using an ahk script to circle around in exterminations or captures or deceptions, or simply getting carried. Even so, at the moment, as far as my hours have changed, idling in the dojo and relay will also add to the mission time played. The only thing that is closest to measuring skill there is conclave kills. Other than that, measuring skill from garbage AI is absurd and a poor metric.

    Sure, measuring from how many guns you have ranked up and how many nodes in the star chart you have cleared does not mean skill either, but its at least a more unbiased metric and it defines how far you have progressed in experiencing most of the content in the game. Perhaps it can add in how many quests you have completed, or how much have you participated in the simaris scans, and how much have you completed your codex. The only problem here is draco, not the fact that guns and nodes are used to determine progression. Maybe mastery rank should be simply renamed to something else to not imply "mastery", maybe something like completion rank, while fixing nodes that breed mediocre habits. Hours mean sh*t when it comes to true skill simply because of carry, cheese and because people will just stick with 2 or 3 guns/frames and that's it, without at least giving at try to others, people will just stick to a few mission nodes and ignore everything else, to then complain they dont have x number of resources when DE releases a frame or gun asking for it. Just look at the dude you quoted, 4890 missions completed, 628K grineer kills and an absolute mediocre number in the other factions for the amount of hours he has spent. We could even throw the assumption he is probably in the group that would complain he has not enough oxium. He is exactly the draco-type guy you are referring to, if you have given him the choice, he probably would have less than 5K kills on the other factions, only ranked up a handlful of equipment and he would be done with the game. We can throw the argument that dude should be at most MR 6 based on what he has experienced apart from dracoing his guns, its clear enough he barely plays any other faction, he could have just simply idled out a good number of these hours and there is no test to measure how well he can aim, how well he can use the mobility in the game, how good he is with the warframes, his game sense, and how well he will do under stress e.g how well he can do against other humans in a disadvantaged position (because the AI in this game is not really "intelligent"), unless DE implements ranked conclave/team conclave. Profile stats for hours and PVE kills are just meaningless, it doesnt imply content progression and completion, and it doesnt imply skill either.

    Mastery rank should remain as it is, just a completion and progression number for content, just fix the draco leeching and rename it to something else. You know what would drain the number of players from draco? making it the size of the large corpus interception map. You will have a hard time sharing affinity and leeches will simply just die because they cant hold points by themselves and you can't RJ FROST EV from the middle of the map to anywhere. You will have to actually kill your stuff by yourself, hold your point and not die. And with the new forma system, you are fully viable to do so with an unranked gun.

    The PVE aspect of this game has a lot in common with MMO type games in the sense that the enemy is stupid easy or a bullet sponge that needs to be gangbanged or wasting time hosing it, it is based on using time to complete the game and determine your rank from that. If you want true skill you are gonna have to measure it from human players a la counter strike, not NPCs.

  9. pnU6Hw6.gif

    Your site back?

    Not sure if sh*tpost or using on-screen keyboard of ps4.

    Either way, you do get the materials back, even platinum used to rush construction. But you dont get it to your account, it gets stored in the resource vault of the clan, so if you try to build something in the future, the materials will be there to reuse.

  10. 11 minutes ago, (XB1)AtlongsterATL said:

    Why are people so upset?  Ok, no I do get the oxium issue. But to me it seems like primes exist to give end game players more stuff to do. They're the ones more likely to have an excess of materials or at last complete star chart access to farm said materials.  Thus the resource requirements are playing into the intended demo. 

    Not sure, primes are supposed to be, well, the primes, the high tier. Wouldn't be surprised if DE starts resource walling them for people who have progressed further into the game, which is well, logical. You still have vauban, you still have plenty other frames and guns with MR3 resource costs. Here we have again a product partially focused on the late game players, where noobs are complaining because they dont have the resources for it. What a f*cking surprise, who would have though people would complain. Yeah, i'm sure getting out of the void and draco to play corpus nodes where the oxium drones are common is super hard, and it will take you 6 months to reach 14K, im sure of it.

    Now go complain syndicate primaries are MR12 walled, excalibur prime is only in the inventories of those who paid money at the beginning, that the targis armor set has only been released once and will cost $60 as a pack if it ever gets unvaulted with no way to farm it, and that ember mag and frost cost's are exorbitant because they were vaulted. Go on, whine.

  11. Rebump for that shiny bug that still hasnt been fixed. Happens mostly when I solo or host on invasions. Enemies will simply stop spawning, can stay there for 10-15 minutes idling and nothing, unlike the previous bug where at least waiting at extraction caused them to spawn eventually. Also happens every once in a while in the void. Always forcing me to quit and redo, only to experience the same thing.

  12. 43 minutes ago, Schregger said:

    Simple question. Which is better for Grineer, like in sorties and high level endless modes. Radiation, or corrosive. And lets say I have CP aura equipped, as well. 

    Corrosive with status, on mid/low fire rate you ideally want 50%+, on high fire rate you can get away with like 20-25% status chance, the higher the better, as long as you keep a balance between damage and chance. Shotguns with a high pellet count will strip armor super fast, i.e strun wraith can strip armor of a 135 napalm within the first five shots when built for status. The corrosive proc removes armor permanently and gets stupid useful at high levels if not running 4 CP. You need to find the balance between the damage types though, meaning, put as much weight on corrosive as possible so it procs more often, sometimes it is preferred to skip an extra damage type if it means putting more weight on corrosive, even if it takes out status chance. If there is space, corrosive+heat can help in case you strip the armor, as heat adds bonus against flesh. Corrosive+cold is another acceptable combination as cold adds bonus against alloy.

    If really low status chance go full damage with radiation, or radiation with toxin, against grineer. High base damage allows the toxin proc to deal good DOT, if it happens. Radiation is good when focusing for CC, on weapons like the sonicor, ragdoll+confusion can keep the enemy away in case of emergency, but damage falls off hard as the enemy gets higher since it flatlines, while enemy armor and health scales up. Radiation can have extended damage lifetime on weapons with a really high base damage, like sancti tigris, since they will still deal good numbers on 100-150ish enemies, but it will eventually fall off.

    If using 4 CP, go with viral, or viral and heat. For viral you only need to proc once to halve the HP, additional procs just refresh the timer.

    Bombards, heavy gunners and napalms are the main focus, napalms having double the HP as the first two.

    You should get the key to the simulacrum (simaris) so you can test out builds and weapons.

  13. 9 minutes ago, JeyciKon said:

    i like the way it is now, i used to be into the auction house idea, but after warframe.market i changed my mind, there is no player interaction on action house, with warframe.market you get it and works just fine. unless they just make warframe.market into the game, where your stuff is published but not sold automatically, just like warframe.market.

    This is what I've actually always wanted in the game. A place like warframe.market, you create your listings, they only show when you are online, you have the option to autopost them when you login, or do it manually. If you want something, you search the listings, contact the seller/buyer, go to dojo and do the trade. At any point in time, the people online are the ones that determine the price for items. If you quit the game, you no longer show in the listings since there is no point to it. You can browse listings by type, and you can search and sort them. It will remove the garbage trade chat and keep the momentary nature of the trade system, while at the same time, allowing people to actually play the game with their listings posted, instead of grinding the trade chat. It will be more organized and clean and retain interaction between players, retain dependency on dojo and maroo's bazaar for making trades, and nullify the current stupidity the bazaar is right now.

  14. On 5/2/2016 at 2:27 AM, Bronjun said:

    I thought DE stated specifically that vacuum is exclusive to carrier. 

    Yep, learning how to go exactly above drops is a crucial skill that should be required in a shooting game, it is imperative that the player knows how to use the keyboard and mouse, master DWASDDWASDWASD, to direct their warframe right above the required drop with good precision. Picking up ammo boxes is the next pro level, even if you are not getting paid, you will still be pro, guaranteed. Aiming enemies is optional, you need to aim at the drops, time the bullet jump and land on it, for dem extra points. Dodge around enemies? no no, you capoeira around drops to ensure dominance then you go over them. Applying vacuum to everything will diminish this important skill and gameplay technique, the strategy surrounding stepping over drops is the true endgame, if you are missing drops, its because you are a noob.



    Don't worry, in two years they will realize the absurdity of it, like they have done with everything they have and are reworking right now.

  15. 37 minutes ago, (XB1)EternalDrk Mako said:

    some strategy tenno 

    Status types:

    -corrosive removes armor 

    using weapons with this element on grineer can be very effective 

    though some higher ranked ones are not effected by this much due to type of armor 

    using radiation can be more beneficial in that case 


    Corrosive still has x1 multiplier on alloy armor, retaining the full 180% elemental damage, or 120% or 150% depending on combination, and it will still proc and remove armor, in addition to having the standard 75% bonus on ferrite armor. At high level, corrrosive becomes more viable for killing enemies than radiation and viral, or radiation only, if no 4xCP and if using a high status weapon, or a high fire rate with 25%+ status chance, simply because you will be able to strip the armor considerably and the stripping is permanent, it will tear down chunks of hp stupid fast, as the comparison between CP and damage increasing auras, removing armor provides better net damage than pure damage increase. The viral proc combined with radiation does very little once damage reduction gets to stupid high levels, even with half the hp the damage received is just too low and unviable.

    I've been testing for a while the corrosive proc in the simulacrum with different guns and its just insane how high status primaries or secondaries with a decent fire rate melt enemies at level 135 with a single or less than a clip. Even a status chance of like ~30% but with a high fire rate ends up being really good at tearing armor out.

    Radiation is good, up to a certain level, since it gets the 75% bonus on alloy, but it should be focused more on CC with the confusion proc rather than damage dealing as ranks go up. For instance, a sonicor built with radiation can be quite good since the explosion has a nice status chance. But once armor starts stacking, the damage falls off fast, while corrosive with the proc only keeps scaling even on alloy.

  16. Sorties shouldn't be the place where people rank up their crap, any of it. All equipped weapons should require level 30, period. Even people with r30 frame and primaries, but unranked secondary or melee, will still purposefully afk or not kill so they get more affinity from teammate kills on their weapons. It will avoid afkers, it will avoid leechers. Only one goal, the reward. Doesn't matter if you are frost, or valkyr, or loki, rank 30 on whatever you want to equip.

    Want to rank up your stuff? play any other node with like minded lazy people. This approach of letting unranked gear into sorties is incessantly lame and only turned into a leech fest. The social loafing in this game knows no bounds, something as easy as this game, and people act like damn homeless individuals. Can't imagine the amount of procrastination at work or anywhere else that requires a slightly higher commitment.

  17. Not sure if drop tables remain the same across platform, but:

    Pluto Hieracon, Phobos Zeugma, Europa Cholistan, Neptune Triton, all of them excavations, have 25% of 5xR5 on rotation A.

    Tower IV Extermination.

    Tower IV Defense on rotation A and B.

    Tower IV Interception on rotation A and B.

    Uranus Caelus on rotation A.

    Sorties after obtaining all/most of the one time rewards.

    High tier regular and dark sector survivals on rotation A.


  18. These Rathuum nodes could have served as a nice conclave team deathmatch bot practice, if the entire arena sticked to conclave rules, mechanics and loadouts. Even without the nerfs on the enemy, it still was a press 4 or simulor cheese. The endless mode was just a jump around and roll the dice for the one tap with an ash camping energy for his permanent 4 spam.

    I guess this just highlights the exact reason why conclave had to branch away from PVE.

  19. The low health of the excavator has always been defended as being the balance for a much faster rotation. One excavator, 1 minute and 40 seconds, is equivalent to 5 minutes in a survival. It is also supposed to punish you harder for a lack of coordination, given the fact that you can parallelize them and further reduce the rotation times.

    The excavations in europa have been broken for a while already, too much of a while... to be acceptable, even today, much worse when soloing. You usually have a few choices, suck it up and deal with the spawn disruption, dont do them, drop a new loka specter on hold at the excavator while you traverse the map looking for power cores or trigger a new excavator in another spot, with the hopes that the specter damage reduction will keep it alive under fire.

  20. 1 hour ago, (PS4)DesecratedFlame said:

    Other MMOs being more or less P2W doesn't make WF less so.  If they jumped off a bridge, it wouldn't make it any more justifiable for WF to jump off too.

    What or who are you winning against with the affinity booster? Or even better, with whom are you actually competing in PVE? the AI? solid baseline for comparison...

    The only winning against something I see is conclave, and an affinity booster will do nothing there.

  21. If it rewards mobility, precision and coordination, it will turn out to be the same thing as conclave right now, the bare minimum players complaining they cant do anything.

    If it doesn't, then Lunanwdo's got what sloths crave, some of that PVE standstill cheesemaking electrolytes.

    I got insider information that lunaro is the new dark sector conflict mode and is a lacrosse match between specters.

  22. 4 hours ago, Drufo said:

    You know how many credits you can get from those? 

    As you go along into the game, credits become irrelevant, and you end up preferring trash mods that you can use to rank up other mods, over using any kind of cores or a duplicate of that mod you want to rank up, or even uncommon or rares. To me, these sentinel mods are a godsend so I dont use anything else to fuse, I get to discard these on smaller things, and the cores, or polarity matching uncommon and rare mods, get used to rank up the heavy stuff like R10 or L10 mods. Simply because getting credits is easy. Anything that makes me save cores is welcome in my mod pile, regardless of credit expense.

    TLDR trash mods are good to offset core use once you reach the point where credit expense is irrelevant.

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