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Posts posted by Praxxor

  1. 4 minutes ago, peterc3 said:

    DE seems to have the general opinion that racial and bigoted slurs are unwelcome on their platform. They aren't just going to leave it up to "people who are offended" to filter it out after the fact.

    If people have a problem with being so unable to control their language on someone else's platform, good riddance.

    Reminder that you will get suspended if you say "gay" in any context at all, including "I'm gay". The bot is broken, even DE admitted it... why are you being so defensive?

  2. 4 minutes ago, Pent_ said:

    Is it inclusive if they're alienating people who have differing opinions? Hell just a few days ago someone got banned for asking if anyone else was from Niger. That's pretty non-inclusive to people from Niger. And it was the bot that banned them. The mods get happy when people are upset with them and consider it a win. Us haters aren't actually hating. If you'll go back you'll notice I'm doing my absolute best to be receptive to you despite you're incredible hostile attitude. I wouldn't be surprised if you were specifically looking for a hateful response that you can latch onto and say "See? This community hates trans people." I don't want to put words in your mouth,  but your hostile attitude has to go if you want to continue here. People have had their posts deleted and been administered warning points for saying a lot less than you are right now.

    I think it's really sad to see that their reaction isn't changing despite your best efforts. I'm inclined to believe that it's a regular troll looking for attention.

  3. 4 minutes ago, blink8888 said:

    Yeah and curiosity got me and that's my fault, was expecting I was getting banned only at region chat, because I got banned before on region chat because I say something that not even racist or even harrassing?

    and so I assume this time I were going to be banned on region chat, but turned out I got banned completely from the chat, which is really annoying because I have to use social media like facebook to even chat my friend. and tbh its quite overkill to ban me completely from the chat server because it hinders me from talking with my clanmates and also trading.

    Yeah exact same thing happened to me, I'm one of the warlords in my clan so now I can't moderate my own chat lmao.

  4. 7 minutes ago, Sikreci said:

    Let rephrase my original post extra concisely, then. Bot is fine, mods are cool, haters drool, thanks for being inclusive DE ❤️

    Saying "gay" in any context will get you suspended, that's so inclusive that it causes an inclusion-overflow and becomes completely exclusive eh?

  5. 3 minutes ago, Sikreci said:

    I don't debate people who clearly have no idea what they're talking about and make no effort to educate themselves. I've got better ways to spend my time than teaching a free Gender 101 class.

    I was this close to agreeing with that other dude, but you're only getting more and more aggressive. You're only harming your own cause, that is if you do have a cause at all and are not a troll yourself.

  6. Just now, Pent_ said:

    Someone's got to take the first step. If I can show that I earnestly care for them despite my disagreements and maybe reach and understanding by opening up first and setting our differences aside, then I will without a second thought.

    You surely seem like a kind human being, most people, including me, are unfortunately not. I don't think I'm obliged to open up to someone who's actively trying to close themselves off. That doesn't, however, mean that I'd not consider their arguments if they tried to argue instead of telling us what to think.

  7. 2 minutes ago, A-p-o-l-l-y-o-n said:

    The word trap long predates the association with cis-gendered males. Let's not pretend like that's the actual intent of the word. To do that only undermines the fact that trap is actually a common word, that refers to an actual type of item, and can most appropriately within Warframe be associated with a particular warframe's abilities (Vauban).

    I'm sincerely sorry if I have offended any professional mine and trap layers and their tools of trade.

  8. Just now, Pent_ said:

    The only way to approach someone's mind is to be respectful to their beliefs, whether you agree or disagree.

    Respect is a two-way road though, I can't respect someone who tells me that I should stop talking.

  9. To the people saying it's transphobic, it's not since it was never supposed to be about transsexual people, it was always about cis-gendered males who look so feminine that they could "pass" as females. Calling a transsexual a trap IS transphobic. Calling Nezha a trap is using the word how it was intended to be used, a male so feminine that he could trick you into believing that it's a female. You're making an issue out of absolutely nothing and giving the trolls more material to have fun with. Good job.

  10. 6 minutes ago, A-p-o-l-l-y-o-n said:

    "Nezha is a trap" is not just a joke. It carries actual negative connotation about people.

    "Nezha is a trap" literally means "Nezha is probably male but has distinctive feminine features". Yes, you can use the word in a negative context, but I can take pretty much any word and use it to insult someone. Our overreaction is what gives this word enough power to become a slur.

  11. 4 minutes ago, Caliboom said:

    I'll be honest, I never ever saw anybody using the word "trap" to insult someone. It's just kind of a dumb, weak, silly insult, honestly. People normally use worse words to harm others. Besides, we're talking about a fictional character, not an actual person, so why censor people for it?

    It's not even an insult since, in that context, a "trap" refers to a male that has noticeable feminine features. I've seen this word being used by male cosplayers who cosplay female characters more than anyone else. We shouldn't be adding negative meaning to words that shouldn't have it. People will always find a way to use a word as a slur, and the more we react to it the more they will use it. The best way around the situation would have been to ignore it entirely, the people who are interested in using the word as an insult would stop since they'd not be getting any attention, and attention is the only fuel they want.


    Also, the whole ignoring idea won't work now, the trolls will try to find a way around the filter for as long as it entertains them and no autobot can really stop them. The next step from here is issuing IP bans, which is even more ridiculous.

  12. 10 minutes ago, Wyrmius_Prime said:

    DE is located in Canada, the promised land of the SJW's. Nothing new here, just skip using region chat completely and have fun with friends and a clan.

    You get banned from all chats. Source: got banned from all chats. 

    I'm one of the warlords in my clan, definitely wasn't a clan ban lol.

  13. 1 minute ago, Schrenk212 said:

    Someone else worded this perfectly

    " I think your missing the point. Its in bad taste, it goes against their word. Allot of arguments here i would guess are coming from people who don't have it and want it. How many people will it matter to in a year after the whole community has it. It looses its status as a symbol of being their since the beginning. "

    What's more important, something you said 5 years ago or a poll you made 2 years ago that ended in 85% of your community voting yes? Since when is a decade-old announcement more important than what the community wants?

    And, please, don't compare this to Founder's Packs, people paid for those, no one paid for Lato or Braton Vandal.

  14. 13 minutes ago, (PS4)OmegaSlayer said:

    I think that you founders and CBT should need a big giant monument in every relay with all your names on it.

    Like some kind of hall of heroes, because thanks to you the game survived in its infancy and hardest moment.

    No one would be playing Warframe today if it weren't for you.

    You don't need a gun in your arsenal, you need something that everyone can see, because that's what you actually deserve.

    I think that's already a thing? There's a roll of names on top near where Baro appears IIRC.

  15. Excalibur isn't the default Warframe, he's just the first fully-built Warframe made by the Orokin (because a Rhino seems to the first infested mass that the tenno indirectly controlled). There's no such thing as a default Warframe, it'd be the same as saying that there's a default class in an mmo like WoW, it's just silly and makes no sense.

    With that out of the way though... 


    LMAO no, DE had female/male versions early on in the development and noped the idea into oblivion by making FemExcal into a different Warframe (Nyx). There's no chance that they'll introduce different gendered versions of the same Warframes. They might allow us to use male powersets on female Warframes at some point (DOUBT THO).

  16. 41 minutes ago, Carnage2K4 said:

    The Dojo obstacle course is being replaced (probably this year) by a modular version that is build by the clan owner (or any anyone with building permissions), so there is no point working on it as it's not going to exist soon. You'll just need to wait until the Dojo revamp is released.

    I think it's actually next week.

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