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Posts posted by Roogan

  1. I'v seen this topic quite a few times now, did anyone ever stop to consider that maybe we play as their handler? that we are effectively a manager for a squad of Tenno, acquiring and creating them their gear, managing the resources and funds they bring back from the missions we select for them,  and recruiting more agents under our care?


    Meanwhile the Tenno focus on being Tenno, as they should. Space Ninjas and all.


    would explain a whole lot, I think.

  2. ...Ya' know...unless they have played some OTHER plot focused game or visual novel. The Walking Dead adventure game was not the first thing to have a good story so that's one heck of a overstatement I think.


    and there are in fact, other point and click adventures too.


    Regardless, though, it was pretty awesome, its certainly one of the best examples in a while.


    a little off topic but:

    Anyone play "Analogue: A Hate Story"? gosh I love that.

  3. Half of you are pretty confused, though I guess they wouldn't be very hidden if they were easy to find. there are, like I said, a good amount of hidden rooms in all tile sets, with good amounts of both lockers and chests in them. And most of the so called "hidden rooms" in the void are not very hidden, they are more puzzles and parkour then secrets. In the Void, you get tons of credits and sometimes mods, in normal tile sets, you get credits are resources.


    But I guess most people really dont know about them at all.

  4. didnt want to ruin it before the PS4 came out....what



    As for hidden loot, yes actually, there are a nice amount of really good hidden treasure rooms, and I much appreciate there exsistance and how well done they are.

  5. You started this whole thing as your personal opinion, of course people who personally find issue with it are going to say what they personally feel about it and you, and they have the right to, just like you did by starting this thread in the first place.


    >you< personally think it should be more uniform, >they< personally think you're a &#036;&amp;*^ for thinking that way.


    iIf you had been more objective about it, then no, they wouldn't have so much right to say it like they did, but then the whole topic would have been even more pointless.



    Now more on topic just to throw it out there, wasn't there talk of there eventually being a trading system ingame? just think of how much those items will be worth then, with only a limited amount ever existing.

  6. the grineer are a whole race, and civilization, they have civilians, sub factions, and each grinner is a person, though cloning is primary. this is proven by in game dialogue, from comments made by the grineer themselfs,  our dear lotus, and shown out of game in one of the trailers. I wouldn't be surprised if some corpus were also of grineer heritage. we also know there are people outside both factions to some degree, or who defected from such from the descriptions of the alerts.


    in other words, the solar system is a big place.

  7. There isn't really a "best" solo Warframe, it depends on your playstyle and skill set, so everyone is going to give you a different answer...

    Though some would be better then others, such as, I would assume trinity specifically would be horrible at it, while Nyx is awesome at it because it doesn't matter how higher level the enemys are over you because they'll be strong enough to kill eachother.


    Personally, I have done solo stealth runs with Excalibur since I started playing, and no I dont use a sentinel. but when I want to solo rush with the most efficiency I use Nyx.

  8. Not sure if you've noticed, but enemy weapon damage scales based on enemy level. (level 150 enemies hit heaps harder than level 15 enemies using the same weapons) Conversely player weapon damage can only be increased through modding. While your point isn't entirely without merit- you've failed to take this simple fact into consideration. Though it's already been mentioned several times in this thread i feel it needs to be said once more: DE has already stated that they are aware some of the research weapons need a buff- i expect it'll be done eventually.



    I actually did consider that and just figured they picked whatever they consider to be its "default" or base amount, which I would assume is ether it before scaling or what the average level grinner is.

  9. So just wondering how many people stopped to consider that all these enemy weapons we are using are so bad because they have near the same stats as they do when the enemies use them, and are not magically different just because we are using them now?


    if they were more powerfull, all our foes would be owning us more.


    just think if grinner could hit what they were aiming at with grakatas, or if all corpus lazer weapons ignored our armor.


    besides, they prolly just copy pasted the enemy's damage stats for them as a placeholder. which explains the awkwardly long reloads and lack of crits

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