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Posts posted by Dante

  1. 13 minutes ago, RuanSobrenomelegal said:

    What's up fellow Tennos.

    After the new update, Rising Tides, i had a big loss of performance. I have a pretty decent hardware, and used to play with all graphics options on high, without any problem. But now everything lags. If I'm playing and someone joins the squad, my game turns in a PowerPoint slide, just to begin with. I really love Warframe, but can't play like this. There is something I can do?

    Well my PC always gives low FPS if i'm hosting and there are people in my squad. But if that wasn't a thing for you before an update, try optimizing cache in the game launcher. I've heard it used to fix various issues like texture artifacts and simply lag.

    Tbh i didn't notice any loss in performance despite having average hardware (i'm always playing on low tho)

  2. What I dislike the most about this game is the animations.

    Don't get me wrong, i'm in love with this game, but some of the animations feel unfinished. A good portion of lich finisher animations as an example. 

    Sometimes animations just freeze on end (melee finishers, some lich finishers, used to be the case with some melee combos). Sometimes they are looking extremely robotic. 

    And the sad part is that those animations are rarely fixed once they're out (maybe except melee combo ones, ty DE for making them quicker & more responsive). 

  3. 17 minutes ago, Lazarow said:

    The new lich I got has a drakgoon which Im not a fan of but anyways I got a drakgoon from the first oen I did and this is my third lich. I dont like the weapon but I do like getting the other kuva weapons for the sake of mastery. What am I to do that would not be killing the lich so I can get a new one and hope it has something new. Are DE working on a way to prevent this or let the player choose what weapon the want, I hate getting duplicates

    Or if you find a weapon damage bonus for the "duplicate" better than the one on your weapon, you could merge them.

  4. Just tried completing the test, i rushed and was extremely sloppy but here you go:

    Also heads up, there's a couple of notification sounds from warframe forums in this video.

    EDIT: tried with unmodded skana and found out, that even without any mods it mostly oneshots enemies. So i'd advise you to put reach & attack speed mods on your sword first.

    Also, if you don't want to trigger a finisher you could try killing enemies with a slide attack. Or you could do what i often did in the video: bullet jump and an aerial melee attack afterwards. Both of those methods will keep you going.

    • Like 1
  5. 13 minutes ago, Walkampf said:

    When will people understand that Warframe is not a PvP game?

    The game currently has far more pressing issues to solve than catering to a few hunderd players out of several tens of thousands.

    DE already invented PvP several times new and it was never something a sizable crowd stuck to.

    The first Dark Sectors were pretty good imo. Dunno what the others thought, but imo the mode was kinda fun despite the lack of pvp-warframe nerfs. And the rewards, the hundreds of thousands of credits you could get per run... I would run the old dark sectors instead of index any day.

    • Like 3
  6. 9 hours ago, Vyra said:

    Game UI suggestion that we get an info what enemy was the reason i died and what gun and dmg type he used.

    Most Shooters have this, i really miss this in warframe due to the simple fact that i sometimes spawn in a highlevel misson or reach a point on a mission where i just die ( really no mate-revival option ) and i dont even know how or who killed me...

    I mean how should we learn if we dont know what killed us?

    If i'm not mistaken, somewhere in %appdata% there is a txt or log file that does indeed contain who died and for what reason.

    But yeah, a txt file is not exactly a Game UI. Wouldn't mind that addition.


    It looks like this: 



    513.437 Game [Info]: [nameoftheplayer] was downed by 6 / 5 damage from a TUSK SHIELD LANCER using a EidolonGLAPistol


    3658.636 Game [Info]: SMEETA KAVAT was killed by 110 / 231 damage from a EIDOLON HYDROLYST


    • Like 2
  7. 33 minutes ago, WaveOz said:

    it only punishes the good players and its annoying to have to be gimped half way through a run just cause one person is ill prepared for the mission type

    Giving a choice between two arbitration modes (with/without revival) would be the best solution in my opinion. There probably should be at least a slight difference in rewards or their drop chances to encourage people to try the "no revival" mode.

    Just my 2 cents.

  8. 20 minutes ago, SirCotza said:



    Since i was unsure of this feature i actually did some testing and wanted to report that here in order to have a bit more clarity over this topic. Infact during my research online i found discordant opinion on the topic and had to test it by myself.

    For the Test i used an atterax( 0.25 Critical Chance) with only bloodrush installed,a Valkyr with gladiator resolve equipped and an Helios with deconstructor prime with 3 gladiator mod equipped , all in the simulacrum .
    Case 1 ; Sentinel ALIVE ,total bloodrush combo 2.25 (1.65+0.6), combo counter 1.5x , total crit chance 0.25*(2.25*1.5 +1)=109%
    Case 2 ; NO Sentinel( it means unequipped ) ,total bloodrush combo 1.8 (1.65+ 0.15), combo counter 1.5x , total crit chance 92.5%
    Case 3 ; Sentinel DEAD, total bloodrush combo 2.25(IF IT WORKS,1,8 otherwise), combo counter 1.5, total critt chance 109%(IF IT WORKS, 92.5% OTHERWISE) 
    THEREFORE we can conclude that IT WORK, the gladiator passive still applies EVEN if the sentinel is dead,  otherwise i couldn't score an orange crit with my sentinel dead and the true crit chance would have been 92.5%.
    P.S. ( tested in simulacrum tho need ingame verification) you could repeat that for yourself for verification.
    I link a screenshot of Case 3 ( u have to trust me on the setup xD) https://imgur.com/SFQAA0R  
    Hope it helps.

    "Thanks for bringing it to our attention. We will fix this bug in the closest hotfix."

  9. 1 hour ago, krc473 said:

    People will crash. There are reasons we have restrictions on enemy spawns. If you try to spawn too many enemies at once people will lag and potentially crash/lose connection. This is probably not a good idea.

    Unless you make those enemies dumber (remove cover and other mechanics), which is why we have more enemies when fighting infested, or optimize their ai somehow.

    Still, it would make me very happy if i notice a huge army heading my way, though something tells me it would only work well in solo, maybe duo.

    So yeah, my thoughts are: i'm absolutely not againist it, but spawning more enemies would currently make your cpu suffer, also a better internet connection/hosting capability would be a must for this to play in a squad.

    As a suggestion, DE could remove the mechanics i mentioned (cover, hiding, maybe anything else) from grineer/corpus which get spawned in particular locations (rooms without any cover, open world maps) when player enters a currently non-existant horde mission (just crazy thoughts). Still a huge cpu hit, but that's something already.

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