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Posts posted by Zefat

  1. 1 hour ago, Xekrin said:

    It wouldn't really be a waste unless you plan to never use that sentinel at all as you will definitely need a few forma just to get full use out of the mod slots available.  One forma is more easily replaced than trying to go through support to get an accidental wrong deletion or waiting for DE to QoL the inventory page which hasn't changed in ages.

    From my perspective its a basic thing specially in a game that has so many weapons and so many items. at least something to know how to pick them, like the specters that saves your loadouts, and asks you if you want to keep the same loadout. I agree that it needs forma but still its making players waste a forma just to identify one item. Again what if i didn´t had a forma? Or just didnt want to use one, the problem is there even if its something you can "fix" with a forma. tho i'm not bashing this, but it could be something to be placed in future patches.



    22 minutes ago, Xzorn said:

    Isn't the market supposed to discount you for bundles when you already own a piece?

    I dont think so, check this post 


  2. 6 minutes ago, Mcl_BlueMadness said:

    Well I mean, sure, you can request a Quality of Life feature, but then you'll have to wait until it's implemented to have your problem solved. If you don't mind that, then sure, otherwise there's a workaround to get it sorted faster.

    True, but still i thought that there was a way to pick them without all this wasting components just for that single purpose, its something as simple as putting one small number or the date it was created or bought, i dont know. Thx anyway. :)

  3. 5 minutes ago, Neo_182 said:

    Change the color on the one you'd like to sell to better identify it. Boom problem solved!

    both have different colour schemes. it doesn´t show in the inventory. Non of the cosmetic changes appear in the inventory



    6 minutes ago, Mcl_BlueMadness said:

    Put a Forma on the one you want to keep. It will then revert to Unranked. The one you want to sell will then be Rank 30, and the one you want to keep will be Unranked.

    I know thats one way to put it, but what if i don't want to waste a forma? They could just at least do like they do with the Prime versions with the Immortal skins on, they keep the name but the icon changes to the skin you selected for example.

  4. I've bought the new Djinn Skin bundle, and i forgot that i had already one djinn, but the thing is i want to sell the old djinn and i want to keep the bundle one because of the reactor, so how can i differentiate one from the other? 

    This also happens alot to items in this inventory, for example repeated weapons from bundles or even frames, i cant differentiate them whatsoever.

    e.g :




    One has the skin and the other doesn´t so how can i know or identify the one with the reactor. 

  5. Mid mission, stumbled across a huge invisible block/wall that i could get onto by bullet jumping over the tree ornament thingy. Probably some error on the tileset gneration but its still something to report. 






    How i found this, the reason was theres was a mob stuck between the that invisible block and the corridor the screenshots were taken, i had a synoid simulor and was able to kill it with the aoe damage, direct hits wouldn´t hit the mob, but the mob could hit me.

  6. So i was farming the new Raptor, was in a team of 3, 2 of them dc or just left right before we've reached the boss room, at the corridor. The cutscene activated but the boss didn´t spawn ever i was there for about 3 to 4 minutes, the normal boss dialogue continued to work but the boss just didn´t spawn.




    Had to restart the mission, tried everything, backtracked to the start of the mission, killed alot of mobs, stepped on everything in the boss room and nothing.

  7. I've been off warframe for about 4 or 3 months max and came back about a week ago, and i already caught up to the new void missions and navigation changes.

    Since then i've been farmin fissure missions and the only ones that are really annoying and frustrating are the Extermination Missions, heres a list of bugs i've caught on and if not a bug, something really bad planned:

    1 - If you start a extermination mission on public, theres a huge chance you'll get matched with people already finishing the mission, at that point i've just wasted a relic without even playing the mission.

    2 - if you have an ember or any other offensive aoe frame on your group, and you just dash throught the mission the enemies will not turn into the fissure mobs and you wont be able to finish the fissure mission, therefore failing the mission not getting anything worthwhile, you just lose another relic. But to be fair to bypass this you just need to wait until the mobs get turned into void mobs. But that defeats the purpose of the offensive frames.

    3 - At low level fissure missions there's high level nullifiers, if i was not with a maxed out frame or weapon i wouldn´t be able to finish most of the mobs inside those bubbles.

    4 - Fissures spawning and dissapearing in less than a second not turning or spawning any mobs whatsoever. On the other hand i've seen a couple of times fissure mobs spawning without any fissures (could be a graphics issue tho).


    Hopefully this will be fixed soon, i dont have any control on the matchmaking, nor the ammount of mobs to collect the fragments on time.


  8. same thing here had 4/8 for alad, the crazy thing is at the end the event was still running for me for about 2 hours, i had to restart the game and reinstal it for the event to pass, steam confirmed 76 files not confirmed like wtf, and after that,  the event went 11/15 for alad and still i didnt get any rewards what to do now?

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