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Posts posted by Daziri

  1. Phage. I own alot of shotguns. But Phage is just the beam of death. Shredding enemies with INNATE Viral + corrosive you built. Riven helped me get 100% status without sacrificing pure element mods. 

    Corinth feels amazing. 

    (Sancti) Tigris (Prime) my most used shotgun(s). 

    Vaykor Hek is also nice but I dunno it feels lacky in damage (i prob built it wrong). 

  2. On 3/30/2018 at 4:40 AM, nms. said:

    That image also shows how f*cking depressing focus gains are during normal play.

    Eidolon Lens on Saryn and Lesion


    => A few wave-20 hydron runs (2-3 games for me) and i've already capped the 250k (with a booster ofc). Not to mention couple trilodon hunts whoop. 400k down down down. 


    By no means the focus system is perfect. Nothing is. Focus could use a bit more changing (remove the damn orb) but the gains itself are fine since its supposed to be longrun procesa taking up years to max. 

  3. Tell me what would happen if a room was filled with 200 electricity/dust/smoke/fog/steam/fire effects. On low end computers it would be impossible to load into dojo... Just saying...

    And before you tell me to buy a new comp I infact own a highend computer but I care for my clanmates and not all have gaming comps. 

  4. I'm not sure about Nekros, but Tigris might stay low since its reeeeeeeeally "farmed". Galatine is good if not the best heavy melee: I think it will be worth something after getting vaulted. Nekros Prime... getting him without Lephantis sounds neat for some of the farmers who don't want to grind as much. I think overall  Nekros Prime Access items will be somewhat medium-levels of worth.

  5. On 1/2/2018 at 12:34 PM, lasikko said:

    i have never liked zephyr and always loved mesa, that's why i am dying to see her as a prime. Though equinox would be super cool aswell, but he's a male so it wouldn't work. But technically is he a transgender so... maybe

    She (equinox) is actually full female. Both Day and Night forms.

  6. Well, like you said, nothing triggers me like a Host Migration in important situations (which can cause ingame bugs/glitches; like a teralyst continuously respawning from a spot to another).


    Another thing is that I hate is the continuous complaining... Like why can't players be thankful for ONCE. My Nyx is in a crappy state apart from Assimilate yet do you see me complain?

    No you don't.

  7. 7 hours ago, -Jehuty- said:

    There is something in Warframe that really grinds my gears, something that i consider the biggest flaw in the gameplay, Gunplay is completely overshadowed by Warframe powers in the endgame. You could literally press 4 to win (Mesa, Banshee, Ember, Equinox, the list can go on forever...) in the entire mission without having to shoot a single bullet, encouraging boring and lazy gameplay.

    While i recognize that this is partly player's fault for choosing to cheese the game i want to ask Devs something. Is this how we are meant to play? Why guns and weapons in general become so irrelevant in later game compared to Powers?

    No idea what you're talking about. This can happen in low level missions. Try again later on. There are some exceptionally good warframes whose powers are strong even in late; Mesa, Saryn etc. But no way in hell is this game being overshadowed by powers. And tbh Powers SHOULD have a major impact ingame play. I mean we are magic space ninjas. Not just pew pew.

  8. Would DE consider adding some old (but great) concepts in the game as Deluxes?

    Such as Saryn Primes original concept K80hqhf.jpg

    Saryn P is great but I wouldve wanted this over current one... So many times over. 


    It hurts my heart to see great opportunities go to waste. If not, would DE allow this skins helmet as Tennogen skin, but slightly modified ofc?



  9. 2 hours ago, lylathewicked said:

    Has anyone else noticed the excess of harassment on pc warframe?

    When i started playing warframe everybody was super helpful and friendly. Every now and then you'd see someone come in and harass other people about their builds. Now its just personal harassment and it happens regularly. Whats happening to the warframe community? Whys everybody so angry?

    I noticed similar things happening on ps4 warframe, and nobody seems to want to help anybody do anything at all on ps4. Its so bad on ps4 i havent played in a while.

    But i love warframe so i keep playing on pc, and im finding more and more that id rather solo or just play with friends. Its hard to make friends on the game these days. More often than not i get harassed about something by some random player and find myself switching to friends only mode to get away from the negativity. In no way did i ask to be harassed, it just seems to happen. No instigation what so ever. 

    I was just wondering if anybody else is feeling the same.

    Well I got called many names for using lavender color on my frame. You can guess. Like a couple weeks ago. 

  10. "You used to dream of old earth didn't you, bathed in gold and solemn blue, I intend to reclaim it now, from the spores and the ruin".

    Saryn Prime, your time has come. We need you to do what you once did(?);

    Rid Earth of the Infestation. 


    So to the point:

    How are you guys feeling about Plague Star?

    Tbh I thought there was some form of "defence" in Plains (making sure the infested cant reach the gates). Though our Mask girl is offering some really great stuff. 


    Ps. Is there any chance of increasing the difficulty?? 

    (Haven't had time to play much today)

  11. While originally I was a Nyx main, I've grown very very fond and close to Saryns powers. They are my true salvation in the time of need.


    Saryn is that one warframe I rely on when I'm going all (???) in X mission / alerts / ops.

  12. 12 hours ago, VocalMagic said:

    Do you think it'd be Excal, or Nyx, having gotten their "deluxe" skins before they were even called deluxe skins? What sorta thing would you like to see for them?

    I, personally, hope it's Ember, though...

    Nyx because I want her having a skin that works around her thematix. Not a straightup almost copy from dark sector. And Imo the Nemesis is just too masculine for Nyx. 


    Excali is getting umbra so thats why Nyx. 

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