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Posts posted by (PSN)Sgt_Buttscratch

  1. Wow you guys are the literal Narrow minded mod. God forbid anything different happens. I get the point of what hes talking about. Actually Eve online has just that sort of place. Players from different corporations and coailitions literally sit in that sub fourm spread propaganda and trash talk. Which results in 500v500 player battles.



    Anyways yea, kids here are highly sensitive so unfortunately OP you cant. A "clan trash talk" sub fourm would be nice though. Its a great way to release some tension or build some up between alliance members and clan members. 


    I played Dust, the ps3 shooter child of Eve, the clan interactions were amazing sometimes. The alliance I was in triggered the entire community to turn on them which lead to over 100 attacks on the alliances land in one night. It was amazing. Everyone I spoke too was loving it.

  2. Having this sort of chat tab could further intoxicate the community, maybe straightening out problems at personal messages is the best option

    The idea of having clans and alliances is to create toxic relations, personally as it stands it all seems dull, a very faint noise in a game that is otherwise just a farm fest.

    Obviously there would be rules and regulations to the manner in which you trash talk, a free for all mixed with the terrible minds gamers have starter to get would be a disaster. If done right it can create some epic and memorable moments.

  3. I was going to post a 'Good Game' thread with a couple sarcastic rib jabs throw in today. I don't really see anywhere appropriate to post one.


    Previous games I have played have had a section just for this and it has helped fuel some epic situations. Good old fashioned propaganda, minor trash talk etc.


    I know it has a teetering point that could lead to flame wars, but with that comes a little more bite behind the battles.


    Do you think we should have an area for this? (If I am being braindead, and there is a section could you point me in that directions)

  4. I have had this happen, at the end of the game the kill board shows all the rewards, kills etc etc. return to my ufo to have a screen with no rewards, no kill stats, but it also said everything I had equipped was "Excaliber" weapons, warframe, companion. I'll post the screen shot when I get home.

    This happened in a 3 man active T3 survival, not a campers survival.

  5. didn't read much of this post than just the OP, but I'll start with a little defense on this issue.(PS4 based knowledge)


    After the frost prime removal, T3S keys were getting low, then add Volt P, T3S keys have become scarce, so players are trying to make sure they get the best out of each key. Which has led to specific squad set up, and further more people trying to tell me how to build my frame.(what I am expected to have). I do understand the logic behind these squads, I just don't like it.


    2 examples of T3S:


    Farming for frost prime parts, 3 man squad, Nova P, rhino P and a half ranked hydroid. We ran around having fun, trying classy kills, wall runs'n'guns melee combos, Ability combos. It was fun. We also got the part.


    Farming Volt prime parts, 

    Type 1: "Hosting T3S, need nekros and fast nova" I pm player and get invited, "Do you have key?" answer NO you said HOSTING, truth yes i do but randoms need not know. Delayed response, do you have this mod?, this aura this? this weapon? Yes to all but my weapon hasn't been worked on. Kicked..

    Type 2: "Hosting T3S 60m+, need fast nova". I pm player get invited and we get in our space sperms fly to Void TS3, find spot to hide, Vauban  spams vortex, i prime, nekros d-crates and loki P kills and runs around like a madman every so often. By 50 minutes, I'm priming and killing whilst my squad get dropped every 20 seconds, usually my usuals would know its time to make the fun dash to the green Y fronts symbol, but these guys stuck it out for almost 30 more minutes(78 minutes was the final time).

    Not fun. I play games to have fun and have a laugh. I'd sooner run around like a crazed lunatic than be huddled in a corner using a barrage of ability combinations that will make you hate playing warframe(same goes to you Egate, no lifers).

  6. I like this concept. I had the same kind of idea floating around my cotton ball container.

    I'd see it as a male character.

    Disguise working from stealing an enemies appearance after he was killed. 

    Rather than steal a buff, I think sabotage would work better, the ability to turn the buff into a negative buff.

    3rd skill I'd think maybe deception or the ability to allow your team to pass unnoticed, deception being an ability to manipulate enemies perception so they have a very hard time determining your exact spot( drops in damage dealt and also accuracy loss).

    For a final skill I would like to see Mimic being a lure or an object that would attract enemies, as they get closer they drop their guard in their curiosity, dropping armor % and also making them susceptible to a critical damage. When either skill timer or skill button is hit Mimic lets out a large EMP blast either killing targets or leaving them scrambled and damaged.

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