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Posts posted by (XBOX)YoungGunn82

  1. On 2024-01-05 at 11:17 AM, Drophys said:

    Let me show a true one punch man build
    Get furax with incarnon, build as much damage as possible with crit damage

    MORE CRIT DAMAGE!!!! and a bit of energy sustain
    Slap a wrathful advance to get that sweet extra crit chance that is 1:1 with your strenght, about 231% crit chance

    And you'll punch up to millions of damage per punch

    So build update: subsume nourish for no energy concerns and more damage. Path of statues and rubble heap is amazing cc. Using dex arcanes on primary and secondary for combo durations as well as naramon focus. 


    two red tou away from 4 purple tou. VaWwgxS.png
    I despise rivens buuut for Atlas I had to. melee exposure arcane for corrosive. Blood rush for more cc. EdWJITN.png
    Adarza more cc cUNX5Tp.png

    And right now I’m criting r for 99milliom. mvTmYah.jpg

    One hitting everything. I’m addicted to making number go up! Love me some Atlas. 

    Cooking Food Cooking GIF by Nickelodeon


  2. On 2024-01-01 at 4:05 PM, (PSN)robotwars7 said:

    Dont forget Subsumed Wrathful Advance also works on Landslide, so you can just jump into red crits whenever you want! 

    Question about this subsume. What did you replace, I’m assuming the rock wall? And what’s the play loop? Is it advanced wrathful, landslide landslide landslide then AW to the next enemies? Rinse repeat? I’m vary intrigued because I ran into the gem on YouTube and holy S#&$balls. 


    • Like 1
  3. 3 hours ago, Tsukinoki said:

    And what?
    Do you want a gold star or something?

    Your entire point is a big complaint over nothing.

    What next, are you going to complain you have too many nano spores next?
    Or that you have too many mutagen samples and nothing to spend them on?

    So basically you play essentially the bare minimum and go "Yep, I have too much.....it must be the same for everyone else!  I want DE to do something about this!!!!!"

    And again what do you expect DE to do?
    Hand you a gold star and pat your head?

    For one player to claim that they have a "bloat" and that DE must handle it now because they have too much just passes on funny and lands squarely in sad.

    ron burgundy GIF

  4. 9 hours ago, Slayer-. said:

    Bloat is a user issue of possibly maining a frame, I play a lot of frames and would like more shards on more of them.

    I mean yeah. I don’t just throw shards onto frames I don’t play on the regular. What’s the point in putting shards on a frame and put them back in the closest. Just imagine all the but hurt if DE decides to let us combine shards into tou shards lol. 

    3 hours ago, Tsukinoki said:

    What bloat?

    My bloat 

  5. 2 hours ago, 0_The_F00l said:

    Having styanaxs subsume on him just makes him overall a better brawler in my opinion , and pair that with a moa that can use tether mines makes it a very interesting combo.

    Oh now that’s neat. Here is my current build. Arcane melee exposure is pretty disgusting. Pair that with this build and I’m getting some crazy numbers. Here is my current build: hE6vAG4.png


    then dex arcanes on primary and secondary. Almost have the tou red I need for crit damage tou violet shards :) not really sold on the 3 umbra on Atlas. Coarse was thinking maybe path of statues instead of the umbra fiber..but yeah idk. 

    • Like 1
  6. Oh the carnage! Lol 

    Love punching the Aoclytes in the face! Just feels so damn satisfying! Going to eventually put 4 touforged violet and touforged yellow. (37.5 x4 and casting speed x1) any advice as a new Atlas player is appreciated. 



    what new Warframe do you find more fun to play than your typical after the new shards were released? 


  7. 10 hours ago, (PSN)robotwars7 said:

    Wait, you don't know Mesa's lore?

    She used to be a part of a group of Tenno outlaws called the Van Der Limbo gang, who went across the system robbing Orokin Vaults at the behest of their ever-scheming but charismatic leader who always "had a plan but needed Credits", but then they all got Lumbago Prime, and died, except for Mesa, who fought to the death against one of the Seven, Executor Micah, perhaps the worst Orokin, even worse than Ballas they say! After that, her blueprints were rediscovered on a Mango farm in Tahiti, and then bought by Alad V, who assembled her as his assistant during his Mutalist phase.

    Ok 👌 now I now I need to see this in a Styanax anime style trailer dammit. surprised john candy GIF

  8. I keep getting hints that we will get to use our operator heads on our Warframes as helmets after Warframe 1999. By hints I mean in one of the new tilsets there is a graphic on a wall depicting a mag Warframe with an operator/drifter head.  Or somthing like this: Jk35r9D.jpg

    I just can’t seem to find it again to get a good screen shot. That said what are the odds this will be a thing. And the fact that I’ve wanted this since 2022.


  9. 55 minutes ago, SDGDen said:

    does the 60 eyes variant drop more grotesque splinters too or just more curses? 

    I think maybe 2 more splinters. You could do 2 runs of 30 eye the time it takes to spawn and kill a 60. Some just like to do the 60 eye for “bragging rights” and the ugly white hands you get for your loading screen. 

  10. 32 minutes ago, (PSN)Sentiel said:

    They have no idea when the Prime comes out

    Ok I stopped reading here. Primes come out like clock work. You can get it to almost the month it will be released. Just takes a simple google search. 

    2. With primes the only real difference is, is the word prime and cosmetics. 

    3. being ignorant to that fact every Warframe will have a prime, that falls directly on the player. 

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