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  1. I think the most interesting option would be adding light and dark control to mirages kit with something along the lines of mirror ball creates areas of light and sleight of hand creates areas of darkness I think that would round out the kit and keep it dynamic. Barring that I think a toggle will result in light dominating but I actually think darkness is more important to mirages kit because while players always want to stack as much offence as possible hall of mirrors is a far more interesting way for mirage to increase damage and Id rather that be the focus of her offence. If it had to be one I'd probably make eclipse and area defense ability where it creates an area of darkness that protects all allies in it then with the disco ball in the dark mirage can have a rave. I suspect tap and hold will be the most popular option but I think that the eclipse buffs are so simple that it will be boring. It will be a straight damage boost to the self like vex armor but that is even less dynamic because it doesn't require taking damage.
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