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  1. I agree that Solar Rails was pretty S#&amp;&#036;ty, What I proposed is more of an instance based clan war that is hosted by the Clan's Flagship if they are the first to get there and start extracting resources. This could be anything and by defeating the Flagship your Clan takes over the Instance. As for how the combat would work I would Make it Railjack only or multi-phased where you defeat the Flagships Railjack team consisting of Tenno Pilots and Crew vs your Tenno Pilots and Crew and if you defeat the defending Clan you gain access to the interior which is defended by Tenno's AI Crew as well as other defense systems that can be unlocked within the Flagship. It could consist of multiple missions put together such as a spy into a sabotage into a defense/survival then you extract before the Flagship blows up. If you successfully get threw the whole mission your Clan takes over as the Defending Clan and allows for others to try and take over. to make it less messy, multiple clans can compete to complete it first and if another clan completes it before you it fails the mission and you extract with what every resources you were able to steal while Sabotaging the enemy. It could span over a week and the Flagship that gets destroyed simply requires you to Repair it in the Clan before you can re-use it again at 0 cost just a long wait time. The last Clan to hold the defending position gets a bonus reward while all other defending Clans that got defeated walk away with what ever they manage to collect within their run. there could even be a log where it shows the Clan the different attempts other Clans made so they can change up their strategy for defending.<this last one is a bit over kill cause I can't imagine recording play by play but more wishful thinking.
  2. Even so we can talk about it for fun and who knows maybe one day they will.
  3. This could be combined with the Railjack wars I was talking about. Instead of directly fighting we could sabotage each others Flagship while also fighting off defending AI Railjacks. it could use the Crews of the Tenno in the Clan and their load outs. And the Flagship could be defended by one of the main Factions.
  4. I created a discussion with my own suggestion. I hope peeps will join in on the discussion.
  5. So I'd like to hear what other people have to say about their PVP experience whether new or old. Personally I find PVP to be overly chaotic and boring. It's boring because their isn't a lot of thought that goes into in terms of methodical strategy. The basis of it is jump around in an unpredictable manner, shoot at others doing the same, sometimes use melee mostly for the ground slam stagger. For conclave based PVP I think variety in playstyles should be viable. Maybe it's because the game has been increasing in speed but I find it hard to think instead of react. I suggest reducing overall movement in PVP and adding melee counters against both melee attacks and ranged. If you strike at someone and they time a block and then quickly attack it will deflect your weapon and stagger you slightly but if you also block as soon as they attack you can have a sort of back and forth until someone messes up or they roll away. If you strike them with a heavy attack and they block it instead pushes them back while still in guard. As for Clan PVP ideas, with the new Railjack system being a thing, Clans could compete for Resource Nodes that pop up randomly in the Observatory that you can access from a separate panel. Maybe a random asteroid pops up and your Clan Leaders can deploy your Clan Flagship to mine it but if there is already a Clan there you begin Railjack war to destroy each others Flagships. It could be done so that every member whether online or not will have their Railjack piloted by their Crew while Tenno have to sabotage the enemy Flagship or Steal the Resources being Collected. This could also be an hour long event and each Clan Tier has it's own league to avoid Large Clans bullying Smaller Clans and the same Going for Alliances. It could be a Free For All invasion allowing multiple Clans to join in to either Plunder or Takeover the Node. Having a Mercenary System where lone Tenno or Clans can assist another clan for a Payout predetermined by the hiring Clan. The Flagship could have have a Hired Crew of Operators purchased in a separate terminal but similar to the Railjack Crew. Maybe allow for the donation of non prime weapons from Clan Members. After the Flagship of the Defending Clan is destroyed the first Clan that intiated the fight can take it's place allowing for the fight to continue until the node is depleted, sending the defeated clan home, requiring them to repair their Flagship at no additional cost but requires time to do so they can't just return to the same node out of spite. Unrelated to this sort of, maybe allow the Barracks to have a terminal that allows all the functions that the Orbiter has such as Foundry, Incubator, Ext. and allowing Members to Spawn into the Clan when they boot up the game. I'd want this because my Clan is like my Home in this game and the only reason most people do hangout there is because of the inconvenience of having to first load up the Clan or needing to return to their Orbiter to do stuff.
  6. I have found out that you can simply go to options-social-unlink steam account. I will leave this up for anyone who didn't know this.
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