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Posts posted by (PSN)XxDarkyanxX

  1. It's been 3 or 4 weeks now.

    I've gone through the good rotations, the bad rotations and rotations where the mission was just outright impossible for one reason or another.

    So what are the goods and the bads of DA from my PoV.

    Good : Well, the missions modifiers are extremely interesting, I find myself actively looking at them before starting the mission and am kept aware of their effect through the entire run.

    This means that to a certain extent they aren't redundant and do add a small layer of diversity to the week. Yay for fun.

    Bad ;

    The RNG is VERY hit-or-miss on the loadout selection.

    Enemies either feel like wet paper because you rolled Khora with her stat stick melee weapon and your incarnon toxocyst.

    Or they feel like a reinforced steel walls because you rolled Loki prime with a stug.

    This often results in people trying their best to act like they're helping with the mission while one guy just wash up the entire map with his favorite pew pew, OR in the case where you don't have a carry ; to fail the mission and retry until you find someone to do the mission for you.

    Unlike circuit, there's no redeeming factor like the cards to get more powerful, or the loadout changing after every failure, it's either you have a playable loadout or you don't.

    For the past weeks I've been the carry, plowing through everything thrown at me with variable difficulty, however this week I felt like that useless guy. (Yea I know, I can't always be the cool guy boo-hoo)

    I found myself just acting like a operator HP battery to our carry while collecting the left-over pieces of alchemy and body blocking the necramechs.

    I am infinitely thankful that there is a way to still complete the week even if I get screwed by RNG, but it doesn't diminish the terrible feeling of getting 30 kills despite reviving your teammates 14 times and single-handledly filling the alchemy vials by yourself.

    If the RNG loadout is here to stay, I can only suggest tweaking it so that it rotates once per daily reset, so that "Join a carry" isn't the only viable option to completing the weekly.

    Let me put the nail where it's due The game mode isn't difficult ; Luck with the Loadout is the only difficulty modifier here.

    • Like 7
  2. Just want to add in on that.

    This is a bug with Nidus's augment ; Parasitic vitality.

    Losing the buff while you have low HP, or gaining the buff while you are dead may put you in a Perma-death state.

    This is most likely caused because you have less than 1% hp and the game needs to remove a % away from your Max due to the buff, which results in the game not knowing whether you're dead or not, it just pulls the plug on you.

  3. Le 23/04/2024 à 08:53, (PSN)NinjaBlade626 a dit :

    His teleport can`t consistently open humanoid enemies up for finishers (which I can show proof right now if you want)

    His Bladestorm visually is inconsistent can`t kill efficiently, very slow.

    I do agree about the enemies not properly opening to finishers, that needs a look into, pretty frustrating.

    Bladestorm being slow to kill though? We must not have been playing the same Finisher damage, though I blame my build for allowing 2 million damage per hit on bladestorm.

    (Although the swipping left to right to target enemies, that gets old very quickly, so yeah maybe slow and inconsistent here)

  4. Le 25/04/2024 à 19:22, Hexerin a dit :

    Wombo combo of "skill issue" and "doesn't understand how it works". The orbs are incredibly easy to grab due to how slowly and predictably they move, and gravity doesn't affect Void Sling in any way.

    I won't disagree that being skilled and finding the sweet spot would make it better. But the other comments and yours proved my point to be true anyway.

    And yes, Gravity. Your operator slowly floating downward as you're clunkily trying to correct aiming on a controller is a pretty nasty flaw for an ability with a delay-on-cast to it. Which, I imagine you personally counter-act by forcefully hitting the orbs from an angle below to mitigate this issue of distance and latency because you might have experienced it yourself ; you can phase through those orbs and miss them even if you're actively two hands deeps into it.

    I can praise you for being smart and good, but that doesn't excuse bad game features.

    • Like 1
  5. Came to report the same thing.

    Me and my friend were messing around in simulacrum and found out that the Max Hp gain from parasitic vitality instantly revives a dead player.

    If hp increases post-mortem(Through any type of healing), the player will live freely.

    if Hp Decreases post-mortem, the player will instantly enter a permanent death and be locked out of the game with no allowed control.

    So far, as OP said, Perma death happens from dying while linked, or from losing the linked buff while your hp is very low. It may also happen if Nidus links you while you're bleeding out, it's a toss of the coin for that one.

    In post-death you cannot open the menu to leave, as such closing the app or waiting for mission failure is the only available option.

    I don't need to mention how bad this could be for griefing. If someone dies and there's a Nidus nearby, you can say goodbye to your 20 minutes of farming because you'll get nothing out of it.

  6. After 2 years of avoiding void sling, I can safely say I want neither of them.

    Void slings sells itself as a more controllable and less chaotic void dash, but fails in every aspect of it because of gravity.

    Take the most obvious contender for this : The void angel fight. Trying to hit moving orbs with travel time while falling downward with limited energy simply never worked, it never got better, I still see a majority of people just dropping like flies as soon as the orbs spawn.

    And that's a boss fight that mecanically was designed with void sling in mind.

    Nevermind all of the tilesets that have tiny holes which need precise aiming, which you'll most likely fail and bonk your head into because you had to Double sling upward to reach it. (Looking at you entrati tall room)

    As for the previous void dash I never liked it, it was lazy. You either abused AoE operator passives by spamming back and forth in a room, or you used it as an archwing to travel.

    I am one to think Aim glide, slide and a controllable bullet jump are things that simply cannot be removed from gameplay.

    The kahl gameplay using jetpacks felt horrible

    Operator void slinging feels horrible

    Atlas's rumbler augment is an absolute joke (literally)

    I understand the need to make operators different from warframes but to me, gameplay-wise, it just feels like I'm crippling myself on purpose whenever I click on drifter.

    • Like 2
  7. Il y a 10 heures, DreisterDino a dit :

    Btw.."not immediately" is a nice wording for "definitely not this year, but maybe next year".😛

    That was the point 😜 It's all about nuance.

    Point being, there's too much stuff hidden in there for it to be "abandoned".
    I dare say Lunaro and Frame fighter are abandoned, they're at the bottom of the barrel and they have absolutely nothing that is spectacular enough to be lit back into hype.
    PoE and OV however are far from that, there's a lot of things that can be worked upon, it's just one of these moments where DE decided to focus on something else.

    The wording was mostly in reply to Op's end of the world scenario in which PoE and Orb Vallis were completed left to rot.
    PoE probably is gonna get its rework and addition after the OV model is completed instead of juggling back and forth between empty map expansion.
    ( Imagine making PoE 9 time bigger just to use their new updated geo-building methods, but leaving it just as empty. )

    It's not on the schedule currently so I don't expect it to show up this year, feel free to drop a question in the next Devstream, see what's their thought on that.
    I'd very much like to know what happens with the Orokin tower, the Quills and mostly know when it is that I can put my fist in Nef Anyo's Profitable face.

  8. PoE and Orb Vallis both have content to go on.
    The orokin tower,
    new eidolons,
    the Quill,
    the two other Orbs fight,
    Nef Anyo himself, all of that still has to go through.

    The content may not happen immediately as we've got plenty of stuff to go through this year to structure the universe a bit more, but it's bound to happen eventually specifically because it's content that caught player's attention and has a chance to bring in money.

    So no, not abandoned, simply postponed.
    I'd probably be burned out with creating the open world if I had to go through 3 years of it just to wrap it up nice and neatly so I'm good with waiting.

    • Like 5
  9. Well if you're gonna make a video on these to help newbies and for entertainment, doesn't hurt to help a bit since I complete rivens for my entire clanmates.
    *To be noted there's probably ways that are easier that I don't use because I'm just too lazy to find other means*

    Challenge ; Get the killing blow on "x" amount of Sentient.
    Solution : Enter Plain of Eidolon at night and use Operator mode to kill Vombalyst whilst a riven is equipped.
    Side note : If the challenge include a modifier like "While invisible", you can try projectile Amps or Void Dashing damage to finish them off.
    This will give you enough time to trigger invisibility.

    Challenge ; Find "x" amount of caches.
    Solution : Plain of Eidolon's bounties contain an objective in which you need to find 3 caches in a small area, those actually count.
    Otherwise it's very easy to memorize the cache placement of Earth Sabotage nodes.
    Side note : If the challenge include a modifier like "Undetected", be wary to not trigger the actual Sabotage objective as it will raise the alarm.

    Challenge ; Synthesis a Simaris Target without ability or Traps.
    Pre-phase ; Pick a target from Cephalon Simaris in the relay, don't rely on your teammates to find a target.
    Pre-phase 2 ; You don't need to look for the target, just hold the scanner in your hand and press the aim button for a millisecond in every room, once you get close enough the Simaris Icon will mark the target for you from as far as 3-5 rooms in advance.

    Solution : Target can be knocked down by melee attack or blast procs.
    Solution 2 : You may also use Warframe ability such as Rhino skin or Invisibility BEFORE the encounter, they will not trigger Riven failure.

    Challenge ; Kill "x" amount of airborne Condrocs
    Solution : In Plain of Eidolon, there's a massive sentient pillar towards the left side of the map (Next to the ocean) around which 4 Condrocs always flies in circle.
    If you miss those 4 shots, go back to Cetus and reload Plain of Eidolon.

    I'll stop right there, these are a few niche tricks for those challenges. that I personally use.
    I would've done other challenges but the solution to those is pretty vague "Use this warframe ability to do this obvious thing" doesn't really make for a good video.
    Good luck.


    • Like 1
  10. Doesn't that also kind of prevent the acolyte from dying until the duration is over?

    I mean, it's a strategy indeed, but it literally only takes one quick second of burst for me alone to drop the acolyte health to his fleeing state, I'd be kinda annoyed if someone used that strategy when I'm fully aware that he'd already be dead if it wasn't for someone else's interaction.

    I'm torn on this, because I could definitely see it as some sort of "Troll potential" causing some sort of misunderstanding considering it's an ability that prevents damage from actually ticking in real time until the duration is done.

    • Like 1
  11. Eidolons and Arcanes are still practically the best and fasted Platinum grab so you'll still see a large amount of players going for it.
    There will, however, be a suddent decrease when Profit Taker hits because those players will be farming for new amps and cosmetics.
    Every second spent eidolon hunting is one not playing the new content so... That's bound to happen.

    As for in the long term? There's still another eidolon to be brought into the game, PoE still has a lot of unexplored story and with how improved Fortuna was in term of usage I'd say PoE is bound to get a map increase at some point along with new quests and bosses so you don't need to worry about that.

  12. il y a 12 minutes, ThunderHuy a dit :

    I’m currently on the third rank with the Quill so I could go as far as Rank 3 amp parts...

    Go for the first 3 combo you can get in the Quill's offering.

    The gist of it is ; Every amp combo is good/decent against the eidolon, they mostly all do the same ticks of damage if you're new to the whole eidolon fighting setup, but the big One Shot Meta works better with specific amps and specific school.

    You won't be able to achieve their Meta results without having a max school Madurai and cheesing mechanics.
    If you just want to go in and kill some eidolon with friends then pick whatever you can right now, and as you kill the eidolon you'll get enough standing to buy the next tier, then the next one up and until you reach a setup that you personally enjoy. (It would still technically work with the Meta either way)

  13. Haven't ever seen stat-bashing nor would I believe it could've ever been a thing.
    Shaming someone for being an old casual player is just stupid, in all terms and forms.

    At best, Mastery disgust and distrust might be the furthest I've experienced, but that's mostly because there's no real way to recognize skill other than that quick number so people usually sets a very tight barrier on their recruitment requirements and that alone can be considered a bit toxic since there's no real correlation.

    I'd say that looking through your stats and bashing you out of nowhere for little to no reason definitely deserves a report.
    By all mean, when you encounter someone like that, add them to your blacklist. You shouldn't ever see or hear from them again.

    • Like 1
  14. il y a 10 minutes, -EGSplendidfun- a dit :

    That doesn't make any sense. That like saying walking is under legal examination in minecraft. 

    Walking is a basic movement interaction, "Fortnite Default Dance" isn't.
    It's a signature dance move created by someone outside of Fortnite a mere 5 second of google will tell you where it comes from.

    Fortnite just so happen to have reproduced those many dance move through animation into the Fortnite universe without actually looking for the rights to do so, nor pointing towards a possible source.

    And this is why people don't take you seriously.

    • Like 1
  15. It's merely killing efficiency and RNG.

    Boosters won't help you, the only that will help you is how fast you manage to run the map and kill the boss as well as your very own luck on Drop %.
    Are you having a rough time killing the boss or is it just time consuming?

  16. il y a 2 minutes, MagPrime a dit :

    I wont put it on your half.  But you bring dipping sauce for the crust. 

    Darn, can't "accidentally" steal your part if it's infected with pineapples.

    Your foresight is on point if you've managed to see that far in the future.
    It's my loss, I'll bring the dipping sauce.

  17. No.

    Join a clan, go to their Corpus lab, get the opticor blueprint , get the very few resources it requires, there you go free opticor.
    As for limbo, there's a quest and a prime version. Not point in putting money in something you'll change in the next 5-10 days.

  18. il y a 3 minutes, MagPrime a dit :

    Well, he didn't want it and I don't like wasting food, so, sure.

    For the humor; I'm gonna say that Stalker Mode devolves into sharing angry memes until someone gives up

    Well considering we're practically already meme'ing stalker, I'd say that bet is fairly close to completion.
    How about we just share the pizza and enjoy the incoming chaos from the side-line instead?

    Don't you dare put pineapple on that pizza.

  19. à l’instant, MagPrime a dit :

    I foresee threads demanding certain powers not working on Player Stalker, reduced damage or the ability to either bring their own weapons or mod Stalkers weapons.  

    I foresee invulnerability phases, Nullifiers, Operator static and Max damage capacity by weapon type. (Last one is a stretch I'll admit, DE would most likely work with Damage reduction instead)

    You wanna bet that pizza that the other dude in that previous stalker thread wanted to throw on the ground?

    • Like 1
  20. Can't wait to see him come back to this thread in about 3 months complaining about getting killed 1 second after spawn by a magnetism mag or a Status spamming flamethrower operator practically making you an impossible to miss target who'll kill himself if he shots.

    • Like 5
  21. Honestly, what Abb said.

    You'd need all the moderation in the world to counter all the censorship evasion that region chat daily users are doing.
    There's simply way too much traffic for it to be used by new players.

    I was chilling in region chat a year back with a few of the moderators, simply helping them out answering questions on my spare time, the amount of warnings that had to be given every minutes was simply astonishing while in return we'd only get one to two new player asking a question about resources every 10 minutes.

    I say; Personally close up the box that is region chat and let the toxin stay inside.
    Open up a different chat bound by different rules made to answer questions specifically.
    If you moderate region chat to the brink of destruction all of the toxic hidden inside of it is going to overflow into trade and recruitment channels.
    Let region chat be "Social channel" and give an alternative for helpful advice.

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