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Posts posted by ScorpDK

  1. Ivara has become my absolute favorite frame. Has a whole repertoir of abilities to deal with the various situations that may crop up. She is therefore great for most missions. Your arrows can be used for quite some creative solutions to otherwise rather tricky situations...and once you get Infiltrator...

    BUT- downside is that her playstyle is rather slow. You CAN speed around, but you'll die in a few hits so it is not advisable. unless you pop those sleep arrows just right. That, and it bears to mention that Prowl will cause you to lose energy whenever you take damage from any source, meaning that during Vampiric Nightmare, you will be thirsting for energy orbs a LOT.


    Still waiting for that Navigator Augment. :v

  2. It's also possible you used up your void energy by crouching and thus don't have enough to dash, too. The fact that the abilities all share the same (small) energy pool quickly brings problems since you cannot prepare for a dash without entering the cloak mode, which uses up energy rather quickly, thus making it impossible to dash to begin with. Do hope DE makes operators less of a waiting game, as atm you are mostly jogging/standing around, waiting for your energy to recover, unless you immediately switch back to your frame.

  3. 6 minutes ago, BetaDude40 said:

    However I do think that enemies noticing blade scrapes is a really weird thing to notice. In worlds and tilesets with banging machinery and very loud computer systems.

    Oh, thanks for reminding me.

    With how they are reworking the sound assets to make the maps more immersive, I would imagine that areas with lot of ambient noise should potentially mask the Tenno's actions better than in areas where there is little to no ambient noise.

  4. I would like to report two issues that have been cropping up in the past weeks that affect stealth gameplay negatively:

    1. Since melee weapon impacts on walls alert enemies now, it's impossible to kill an enemy with a long, wide-arcing melee without alerting them, even if they die the very instant you swing.  The only way to dispatch them without causing a ruckus, is from behind with a stealth finisher. Which is not always an option.
    2. Enemies put to to sleep by Warframe powers somehow trigger an alerted state if you melee-kill someone near them without using a stealth finisher. They do NOT, however, react to weapons impacting surfaces, gunshots, firecrackers or Kubrows peeing on their legs.

    One thing that would be greatly appreciated, is a "Grace Period" during which enemies will not trigger an alert after hearing a noise (and perhaps, being subjected to damage from a Tenno/companion), it doesn't need to be very long, half a second should be plenty to ensure that your melee connects with their face or that your other 15 SMG bullets impact, thus making slow melee and low-damage, high rate-of-fire firearms also viable for stealth.


    I understand Stealth is not a huge priority, given how most players love to go guns blazing with the most powerful rifles and highly volatile ammunition, but there are some of us who enjoy a slow, methodical approach to a mission.

  5. All your weapons now have your Mastery Rank as base added to their mod capacity, so you can forma easier because you don't have a level 0 weapon without mods anymore. Run a stealth mission, kill enemies silently, and you can get from rank 0 to rank 30 in 2 missions at barely 30 minutes playtime.

    Is it slower than Draco was? Yes.

    Is this a bad thing? Not really. The problem was Draco, not the leveling speed in general.

    I mean, sure, they could increase/balance the affinity gain a bit, especially for tough/high level enemies, so that high-level runs are more rewarding, that would be neat.


    If you have an Ivara with Sleep Arrows or a Loki with Hushed Inv, etc. - you can even speed-level shotguns (which lack silencing mods, and therefore ruin stealth), and a single high-level spy vault run will grant you anywhere from 14-30 levels, depending on how you did it.

  6. Limbo needs more than just 1 ability spread out over 4 different buttons.

    There are many things you could do with him, without changing his current gimmick - given that it's basically, as said above, one single ability with different targets.


    Potential ideas right here>

    Change #1 - Rift Mechanics

    • Item Pickup / Interactive Objects possible to be accessed in the rift, unless specific conditions apply (hacking, etc requires physical presence)
    • Everything inside the Rift Plane is muffled, meaning your guns and enemies inside the rift cannot alert enemies outside via gunfire, com hails, etc.
    • Enemies and Allies have a reduce visual presence while in the rift - meaning: enemies outside the rift suffer a penalty to their detection range, requiring them to get closer before they can see them and react to them. (They appear Ghost-like at a distance, fading out the further away you get).
    • Possible balancing downside to the above would include a reduction in view range for the player (environment becomes darker as things get further and further away from you)

    Change #2 - Ability Merge

    Make his 1st ability a hold/tap ability (tap to Banish, hold to Riftwalk - due to the hold-time, remove/reduce the casting animation for himself entering).
    Enemies in the Rift receive increased damage, Allies in the rift continue recharging energy.

    2nd and 3rd ability are now rolled into his first ability / passive rift effect and both slots available to be used for something fresh.

    Potential new ability: Rift Gate.

    • Marks the targeted area(s) as Rift Gate(s), pulling enemies into the Rift as they step within said area.
    • Rift Gates placed near environmental objects and objectives will pull those through, too.
    • When you re-cast Rift Gate on the same location, any enemies currently within said Rift Gate zone will get forcefully expelled, taking explosive damage and ragdolling upwards or away from the center of exploding gate.
    • Allies can enter the Rift by tapping the USE key while anywhere within the Gate zone. (Or just stepping into the area, whichever option sounds best)

    This frees up Cataclysm of said effect, and allows it to be turned into a more impactful ability of its own.


  7. DE has not been able to make a procedural map generation algorithm that allows multiple paths, because the various pieces have no way to connect up unless they were specifically made for that specific purpose. Which, by itself, is a bit sad, but on the other hand makes sure you cannot truly get lost because you will only run into dead-ends eventually.

    As such, yes, you cannot miss a fissure when on a mission involving one. It will spawn in a room that's on your direct path to the extraction zone.


    What MAY have happened, is that you played a multiple-mission node before the latest hotfix patch fixed the relic menu showing up on non-fissure missions.


    But you're correct with the reactants. In Solo-Mode, you have a really hard luck with RNG where either you get more than enough reactants to get the fissure to 100% in under 30 seconds, or other times you can't even get to 30% after 2 minutes. Especially when the mobs run off right after spawning (quite bothersome if there are ziplines and they just hop on and p**s off into the sunset)

  8. Ah, so this is what's been going on. I was starting to wonder if my ISP had increased the chokehold it has on my connection, so that I am now not even able to play a game that's been working fine as a single-player experience for the past 3+ years (or however much time has passed since Patch 7)

  9. RNG has always been a cruel mistress, with a restricting, rather tight leash and terribly sharp and pointy heels. (EG: Took me over a year to get the Rifle Multishot mod)

    As for the fissure gameplay, I have yet to get a single item that I am trying to get my hands on. As per usual, Solo-players do not benefit from the new system, as they only have 1 reward to pick. And even the fuel items drop so rarely that I am always tight on the time-limit. Especially on higher tier fissures where the spawning mobs can one-shot you as they drop in right on you while you attempt to put the fuel into the fissure.

  10. I've played Warframe for years in Solo-Only mode, on my own machine - where, not only once, but quite many times, did I happen to be losing internet and/or power mid-mission, which didn't trigger any issue whatsoever, as I would just wait it out, continue to play the mission, but wait in front of the extraction zone until the connection to the Warframe servers was re-established. Again, I was able to play perfectly fine. Offline.

    A few updates ago, I kept running into the issue of randomly getting kicked to the login screen while in the Orbiter or mid-mission. Which made no sense, as that wouldn't happen while my internet was cut. Again: OFFLINE plays FINE until you have to update your account during extraction.

    So now, not sure if those random kicks to the login screen have been fixed - but instead we also get a dumb user-input freeze that forces the player to stand still while everything else in the game continues moving as normal. You know how that feels, when you're chasing some high-level capture targets after a T3 Fissure...and the game decides that you should be unable to move for the next 20 seconds because THEIR SERVERS...unrelated to your current game...are having issues? Who keeps adding these ridiculous "features" that ruin the quality of life of the game?

  11. Fissures turn every single mission into a forced pseudo-survival, with the same problems - a timelimit and a RNG-based drop of an item you need to get before the timer runs out. That, combined with hateful enemies (Nullifiers, Bombards, Heavy Gunners) spawning that are both quite the bullet sponges and completely ruin your day because they spawn directly on the point with no warning), makes for a rather un-fun experience.

    Solo-players seem to get generally shafted once more, considering their ability to get the fissure to seal before the arbitrary timer runs out and the game goes "well, better luck next time".

    On Corpus missions, they will also keep spawning Bursas the second you activated a Fissure, too. For no reason. Just to give you another kick in the rear while you're down on the ground already.

    I don't know how to improve this, really. I would guess removing the timer or increasing the drop-rate for the traces and fuel item, and sorting the spawns out better. On high-level missions, I would expect Bombards and Nulli-Bubblebutts, but on low-level missions the only thing that should come out of those fissures are low-rank  crewmen and grineer grunts, with shield drones and occasional Ancients thrown in for good measure.

  12. 15 hours ago, [DE]Megan said:

    Volt’s Electric Shield will now ragdoll enemies when being carried while sprinting, like so: https://gfycat.com/FairFarflungAndeancockoftherock

    Can we potentially expand on this by adding a special effect on the impact location on the shield model (and potentially the target itself) when you knock someone down with that?

    Also - perhaps add (more of) your momentum to the ragdoll, so running at full speed into them will send them flying backwards a good distance, depending on their mass VS your speed.

    But it looks like a fun new mechanic so far.

  13. There are many weapon types I would like to eventually see - this being one of them. The Mios and Lacera are actually scissors with a hook attached, if anything, not a Chain and Sickle combo.


    Other weapon archetypes I would be looking out for:

    • (Massive) Ball and Chain (lots of knockdown/stagger)
    • Morning Star / Flail (by design can bypass shields and blocks/parries)
    • Bladebow (charge-attack is a high-precision arrow that pins enemies)
    • 100% Kick-based melee ( Armored/Bladed Boots?)
    • and much more...
  14. Additionally, the Grineer Spy vault that has you avoid 1-2 sensors, walk around and down some staircases to the other side to turn an elevator on, so that you can then go back and take it down to where the console is in the room behind a lone Grineer unit...

    if you turn around in front of the elevator console, and look a the maintenance hatch in the ground with the flickering barrier that leads straight into the console room - said barrier also triggers an alarm if you touch it with Infiltrator on.

  15. Loki can be offensive (due to his stealth damage boost), but you need to be careful of his squishy Health pool, several power duration and efficiency mods help him out greatly, as is Hushed Invisibility, as you can fire any gun without retaliation from blind-firing enemies.


    Limbo, on the other hand, is more defensive - or, even more so - passive. He can just walk by almost any mob without a bother, and that's his strong suit. Actually attacking people involves pulling them one-by-one into your void rift, then killing them.... You're not gonna be going around killing people fast...

  16. As neat as the adjustments are, I don't really believe in "slight damage buffs to compensate", considering that very few actually use damaging powers in end-game scenarios due to how the damage inflicted becomes laughable as enemies keep scaling up, while 95% of all WF powers do not. Given our powers are fueled by void energy, it wouldn't be wrong to assume that they should continue to be efficient even against a level 200, 500 or even 1000+ enemy. Same would apply to channeling void energy through your blade, dealing damage according to their base HP, rather than their scaled one. There can be a falloff to this, sure, but at the very least you will use all your tools and won't just rely on crowd control and the heaviest ranged/melee weapon you got on you.

    I know that requires a lot of balancing, but it keeps all powers useful past the first few planets - and we know you're already working on some powers to make them more useful in later stages of the game (Such as Volt's Ultimate using the enemies' HP pools to base the damage on)

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