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Everything posted by ZacDaMan

  1. When selecting a mod eg at the trading post to sell, it is clearly visible which mods are equipped on a piece of equipment via the black hexagon. When selecting mods to equip on said equipment though, the hexagons are not visible on the available mods; just the mods you've equipped on that weapon config already, which is entirely redundant. This leads to situations where I may have 5 or 6 ranked duplicates of, say, Growing Power that I want to sell; I only want one of those duplicates to be equipped on any frames that use it, but when selecting mods to equip on any given frame, there is no black hexagon to indicate which duplicate is already equipped. This led to me having all 5 copies equipped between various frames, and me having to manually swap the mod on every frame (and every individual config on those frames) until I trial-ed and error-ed my way down to a single equipped duplicate. I know spaghetti code, but this seems like it should be an easy fix given the hexagon *does* appear in the screen, just on the wrong section? Pics to show that when a mod is equipped, the hex shows up, but when that same mod is down the bottom (while still being equipped on a different config, and many other weapons) the hex is not there.
  2. I'm scared of those health increases, I suspect that will have a bigger impact than we realize
  3. I'm torn (This wasn't in the patch notes btw). For box-breaking runs, it's great because I don't have to worry about missing any secret rooms that might have a cache or an ayatan, other times it just feels like it clutters the minimap with information that isn't currently useful, especially with no height indication other than an up/down arrow (not that that's a criticism in and of itself, it's a 2d map so I don't expect to know exactly how far up those 5 containers are). Maybe I'll get used to it but I'm finding there are more scenarios where the clutter is annoying than where I'm glad I can see the loot in that room above/below me. Maybe make it a settings option?
  4. This was the only change they needed to make. I had my hopes up when they talked about their nerfing reasons, and again when they said at the start it wasn't his damage that needed to be addressed, then they shafted him and ignored what people were actually unhappy about
  5. "we recognized that it’s not the damage Dante can deal that needed to be addressed" *massively nerfs the damage Dante can deal anyway with a LoS check that's bugged to boot
  6. When playing Armatus, I had a host migration between leaving the "airlock" and reaching the console that begins the mission. On reaching the console, I hacked it, but the door did not open, and the waypoint remained at the console, which could no longer be further interacted with.
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