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Posts posted by CreepinDeath

  1. Where did you hear that? The omni box is going too, so moving to only plat boxes doesn't seem to make sense.

    Based on the thread in the news and announcements section they are looking to move all the gear items into the foundry system.

  2. I'm not sure why so many people are complaining about the Strun Wraith. I guess it may be because I didn't get the chance to use it at the 50% crit rate but I maxed it to 30, added a maxed blunderbuss giving the max crit rate of 38%, and I was seeing lots of yellow numbers. I have to say I love this new shotgun. What's makes it even better is that it only took 20 minutes of play time to obtain. No complaints here. =)

    Quite honestly, when I first saw the numbers on the Wiki the first thing that came to my mind was "This has to be a mistake but I hope I get to try it before they bring down the crit rate.". Unfortunately I never got the chance since I was at work.

    Edit: Grammar

  3. Except that is not what happens.

    You just stay there, letting enemies to kill you, when the "Mission Accomplished" sign appears...

    I know, it's just a detail, but damn that felt stupid, when i saw that for the first time...


    It's on the same level, when you finish rescue mission, tennos get extracted and you can sometime see the one, who you rescued, running there, forgotten on the ship.


    Yeah, it doesn't make sense that mission is accomplished after running out of oxygen. I think it should be changed a bit. What if when your oxygen drops to 0 the Lotus provides and activates one last oxygen supply and states we did our part, Alpha team has been extracted and that we need to get to extraction ASAP. Make it and you accomplish the mission.

  4. Finally got a chance to sit down and participate in this event. I am THRILLED with the addition of survival missions, as that's always been number one on my wishlist (seriously, screw defense, babysitting is no fun) since I started playing. But the oxygen element really stifles the experience. Each time I've run the survival alert, my times varied by several minutes thanks to enemies not feeling like dropping extra oxygen every other run. Sometimes I can wait until around the 12 minute mark (when spawns start tapering off to make way for heavies) to use tanks from Lotus, and other times I have to use them as they come because enemies aren't dropping anything. This lack of consistency is frustrating, especially considering my best time is 19:57 (though the mission psyched me out by keeping me in until exactly 20:00 >_<), and a single oxygen drop would have gotten me to that final prize threshold. If this mission style becomes permanently added to the game, I hope DE considers removing the oxygen element, and instead have the player just fight til' they die.


    I actually hope they keep it in but have different types of survival missions. You can have the oxygen depletion, a traditional survival where you just try to survive a big onslaught of enemies, and maybe a survival type where bombs are planted at certain points of the ship and you have to fight through hordes of enemies to get to the bomb and disarm them and then new ones are planted after they are disarmed. You have two types of sabotage missions so I say why not have a variety of survival missions as well.


    I have to agree that they probably do need to look at the drop rates of the oxygen tanks but I have to say it is a fun mission type.

  5. Wow, what a pain. I expected some new mods mixed in with the existing mods. This was a major disappointment. 


    Talk about making nightmare mode pointless in the future. After this weekend people won't even bother running nightmare one it's done. Good move DE... Give everyone the mods easy so they don't have to run Nightmare mode anymore!.

    I'm wondering if they're doing this to give an opportunity for players to obtain all the mods and new ones will be added to nightmare mode in a future update.

  6. Wasn't lag. Every else was working fine, enemies were massing behind the door and we could kill em. Door simply would not do anything even after a few min.


    This happened to me yesterday on an Infestation mission in Jupiter. Door was green but it would not open and you could actually see the Chargers trying to get through the door.

  7. This is a pretty old bug, I'm surprised it's still around. I haven't encountered it for months. Maybe it's just that one map?


    Probably. I played an alert today that had the Pangolin Sword and this time the doors opened fine. I'll have to try that mission again and see if the same problem persists.

  8. I'm not sure if anyone is still continuing to run into this but I'm on an Infested Raid mission that had a secondary Spy mission. I had accidentally broken the glass in the ship and hacked a console. When I picked up my first datamass I made my way to the green lit door but it won't open at all. I tried looking for another window to break open but there are no other windows and since this is an infested mission I can forget about a lockdown being activated.


    Is anyone still having this problem? Has DE address this problem? I don't see it being mentioned as often as before. It really irritates me that this bug is still in the game as I had just obtained enough circuits to build the Hind and I also got, from one drop, 2 Neural Sensors. I guess i have no choice but to quit the mission and go at it again. I know this game is still in Beta but I would think this type of bug should no longer exist.


    Also, I wanted to post an image but I'm not versed on the ways of posting in forums as I rarely post in them. Just started doing it often now because of Warframe. It states I'm not allowed use the file extension of the image.



  9. It seems Reach has replaced Fusion Cores as drops. I have been playing most of day and have not seen a single fusion core drop.


    I'm glad I'm not the only one that noticed this. Before the update I was getting a good amount of fusion cores and I haven't received one this whole weekend so far. I sure am getting a lot of Reach mods though.

  10. +1 on keeping raid. I typically do raid missions for leveling up and farming but could use a revamp. Maybe instead of just activating a console to open the artifact container you would have to hack three codes, each one being harder than the previous and the difficulty of hacking would go up based on the level planet you are on.


    I think sabotage could use another type as well. How about adding a third type where you have to plant explosives in designated areas and when the final explosive is planted a timer is set for you to get to extraction before detonation. Would be nice that when you get to extraction you start hearing the charges go off.

  11. Doing a T1 Raid and every time the elevator started I would fall through the floor and spawn back in the lower floor.  I couldn't complete the mission because my objective was on the upper floor.


    Just happened to me too and had to abort the mission. Luckily I didn't find any uncommon or rare mods that I would like to keep.

  12. These missions were really awesome, I could totally feel an improvement in the AI, the gameplay, etc. The heavy grineer gunners on Pluto felt really heavy, took much more damage than before, and that was awesome. The new CD-disc throwing eviscerators were awesome too, I really love the addition of a new grineer heavy that doesn't look the same.

    The difficulty of defending the computers felt really good, it had me on my toes the whole time, and if the team wasn't as reliable it was crazy to see how the enemies started to really crowd the area.

    All I can say is that I am satisfied with the event regardless of the reward, creating difficult and unique missions to keep players on their toes is all I ask for.

    Thanks DE!


    Agree 100%. I hope the Fomorian ships stick around. It could be added along with alert missions and could pop up maybe once a week or so with the possibility of awarding a rare item. 

  13. This event does penalize Solo players. Not only are defense missions usually something not suitable for solo, in addition, the Corrupter mechanics flatly penalizes solo players. Why have the option of Solo gameplay and at the same time penalize the players that choose such an option...?


    Can't the game engine detect that you are in Solo mode and allow carrying all Corrupter types ? Too hard to code? :-)


    I was able to solo the lower level Fomorian ships (up to level 30) with a Loki with no problems. It looks to me the spawn rate is a lot lower when you solo. I'll try the higher level ones solo but i know I'll probably have to use a tank frame.


    It's a 'community event' learn to play with people or wait for a 'solo event' in the future.


    This is exactly the type of event we needed too. Something that involves working with others. The last event really felt like a solo event and got stale quickly (this coming from a person who usually plays solo). This one feels a lot more fun and can get intense during co-op play. Definitely a better event than the last one.

  14. First of all, one of my friends simply doesn't care, he doesn't want the Snipetron, the mod, or anything having to do with the event really, he didn't even try to do any Grineer missions for drones, all he did this weekend were exactly the same as usual for him, Xini and Void runs. Does he have to take the blame too? He didn't even try, he just doesn't care at all. 


    As for me, one of my family members is in the hospital right now, I need to stay by his side during the weekend, also, I have guild activities during weekends in another game which I've been playing even before Warframe was a "thing," furthermore, I have work and night classes, as much as I want too, I can't just take an all-out-all-nighter like some summer break high school kid. 


    Yes, I do want Snipetron, I do want to help out the community, and I did, just not as much as hardcore players did, should I take the blame for "Hey, I'm done for this event. I'm going to enjoy other things in my life. I'll see you later. Oh, by the way, make sure to get two of everything so you can give one to me."?


    Seriously, you can keep your two cents as much as you want.


    Well, it seems that your friend is not participating in the event so how can he be blamed? My comment is not towards him. My comment is also not towards you. You obviously want to take part in the event as much as possible but you have a family member in the hospital which I am sorry to hear. I am sure if this wasn't the case you would have spent more time in the event. My comment was more towards those who just want to get the minimum and be done with it when they can add a little more. 20 drones equates to one or at most two missions. I'm just not seeing why they can't add a little more.

  15. Looks like we're at 82%. Going to try to kill as many as possible then it's off to bed for me since I work tomorrow. I wish I had the day off so I could put more hours into the event. I guess it's good that I'm farming Saryn BP's. Killing two birds with one stone. =) Keep it up everyone!


    Edit: Grammar

  16. its gg for all those who really care... 19% in 10h;/ all noobs who get 20+ only and stopped killing should be banned... no fill no reward... great


    I don't think it needs to be taken that far but if that is their attitude and don't want to work hard towards the community achieving 100% then they, in my mind, do not deserve any rewards.



    Maybe this game got boring after 200 hours of gameplay.

    Maybe people meet their new realationship for the first time in real life.

    Maybe people are busy with an ask me blog, youtube videos or other platforms and blogs?

    Maybe those busy people still want a little reward with the chance, that update 9.0 will bring something huge, again.

    And maybe, you were very rude writing this post.



    If that is the case, then they should not take part in the event. This is exactly what it is, an event. Something you are supposed to set time aside for if you are going to participate and work hard with everyone else to meet the goal requirements. DE definitely should have set the goal for the Snipetron Vandal higher. It would have made the people who are only killing the minimum 20 and then quitting for the rest of the event to stick around longer and work towards the reward.


    Edit: Grammar

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