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Everything posted by MisterFiddles

  1. I would love some clarity on this, because as it stands they've just ruined Nightwave for absolutely no reason whatsoever. All this amounts to is freezing three of the weeklies on remarkably lacklustre options, and guaranteeing the catch-up will be a miserable grind; there won't be enough recoverable standing to hit 30 at the last minute without doing these fixed acts back to back to back to burnout. Players running ESO and a zillion captures are surely not the intended result? As extra acts they would have been fine, but not like this. I have been a warframe player since the stamina bar days, I have an unspeakable number of hours played. I even hit MR30 just before these changes while I caught up on the previous Nightwave! I was actually excited to crack on with the new one ahead of digging into Whispers, and my enthusiasm for both has absolutely guttered. The original pitched version of having three *additional*, fixed, unrecoverable acts per week would have let me snag a rank of progress on the weeks I only had time for a bit of forma'ing or relic cracking, relieving the later catch-up grind... these revisions mean I am not only locked into the catch-up grind, but it will absolutely suck. It's just such a wild unforced error, and has really put me off playing the game overall. The old system funnelled me to content I had no other reason to touch, and it was worth it for the trickle of forma and potatoes. The updated system is absolutely not worth it, and does not encourage me to buy plat or plat-included bundles to make up for it. Quite the opposite. :P At this point, IMO, the answer has to be either a full reversion to the previous system, or embracing the original and extremely well received pitch.
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