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Posts posted by Xemgoa

  1. There isn't much else to criticize. I'm glad you fixed up your description for Daten up, now it's more presentable and folks can take you more seriously.

    For now, it seems Daten has accidentally been referred as a female, when I think you refer to this Warframe as male. You might wanna still gloss over each paragraph for grammatical errors-- over all, you seem to have done a great job. Nice work, Alpha.


    Hopefully other people can throw in their own constructive criticism and praise, and ask DE to have a glance at this. I'm not knocking the idea for an Anti-Corpus tech Warframe, abilities might be more suited against the Corpus-- but like all Warframes in the right hands can still excel at everything else with effort.

  2. Please do not post multiple times without someone to reply there after. You can edit your posts.


    Alright, reviewing the Augment mods themselves, I'm confused as to which ability they augment, so putting something like " - "Ability name here" " Next to each Augment card.


    I presume Data Virus is an augment mod for "Corruption", right? ... ... ... I think 10 is overkill, I feel it's fair to have 1 additional unit to convert, 2 might be pushing it too far, otherwise having +10 additional enemies to convert into allies would require severely weakening them so they don't just overrun the map they are on AND infect enemies, which I presume will eat at their health. In addition: What exactly does the virus do? Does it work like the Virus element? Or does it work like toxin-- only it damages machines from their internal circuitry?


    The next is... EMP Blast... I guess this is for the Laser Degrade ability? I feel the 100% to disable or outright shutdown enemies can be overpowered in it's own. Perhaps it would work if it had a 50% to disable and make them idle for a moment as they try to boot back up? I am not so sure outright shutting down enemies. Does that count as a kill? Are they permanently idle? Would this only work towards "Basic" MOAs and Ospreys?


    Last is Energy Overload, not a bad augmentation. I feel the damage buff (biasedly) might be much, but the additional damage and range are complimented with double the energy drain. So far the whole thing doesn't seem that bad. I would think on a 35-45% damage buff instead but we would have to see it in action against the current enemies to see what tweaks it needs.


    So far, that seems to be my response as criticism, hopefully it is constructive and helpful.




  3. A Warframe influenced by more Corpus oriented technology, that will utilize only technology built enemy units.... I don't think that is a bad idea, in my opinion. It sounds like a more Anti-corpus oriented Warframe, but might fail more poorly against Grineer...

    • Alright, 1st off:
      • Your grammar and sentence structuring needs work, however it is good enough for me to comprehend the idea, so it's a minuscule problem. Also, despite the four posts you made without any responses to-- make sure they stay in one post. Edit your latest one if you have to. It's to prevent unnecessary bumping, I believe it is a No-no in the forum rules.
    • 2nd:
      • Daten's ability Corruption: As much as people had talked about it in the posts above mine, what MOA's and corpus Drones does "Basic" fall under? Will Daten's Power stats augment the "Corrupted" allies slightly/considerably so they are viable? Will Daten's "Corruption" not Corrupt any Technological enemies that would make things overpowered or put you at a really unfair advantage, to the point the entire game (In terms of just Corpus/invasion tilesets) is made too easy?
    • 3rd:
      • Shockwave: I guess this is to replicate the Shockwave MOA's doing this as a tactic against you. I don't think it's a bad idea. There will be complaints that "Rhino can do something similar, far better", but I think people need to see outside of "What we already got", and look at a perspective of, "Something that is different but is done a different way". It could be handy for distracting and de-armoring nuisances that get grouped up with each other (Although, take my advice, I saw your posts earlier in this thread that can "One-hit kill" Infested-- refrain from that. The point is, when conceiving these Warframe/weapon/pet ideas, don't let any of their abilities, complimentary weapons or pets be powerful enough to win the game for you, even against one Faction or small, tedious thing. You can do that if your the strongest, wise Warframe fighting on the lowest level planet, or against mid/high tier enemies with just the right build and tactic.)
    • 4th:
      • Drone Backup: Hm... I'm not sure how I feel about this ability. Don't get me wrong, I think Lynx is the inspiration behind this, but... I have to ask, will the Shield Osprey's provide the benefit of extra shield capacity and shield regen when deployed? Will Shield Osprey's be able to fire back? Will they strong enough to be useful, while being frail enough so enemies can counter them if they focus on your drones? What about these Assault Ospreys, did you mean like the Attack Ospreys that usually are deployed by wounded Fusion MOA's? Will they be strong and tough enough to be viable in combat without making any mission too easy? Can said Shield Osprey's assist allies? Will they seek out any Ally they can find to buff their shields if they don't have a Shield Osprey? Or will they kinda track players but will try to attack anything in the vicinity with the Assault Ospreys? Will either Osprey stick around until killed, or will they stick around for a certain period of time? Would the Shield Osprey's make Daten Invulnerable until destroyed, or do they just buff her shields like a regular Shield Osprey?
    • 5th:
      • Laser Degrade: Not a bad idea, could be a bit stronger-- however, I don't think that'd be the case since we have Power Augment mods in the game and it might not need a buff. I think it's a unique idea. If the power does Proc, does it first take the initial energy to cast, and then a bit more if there is any successful proc's? Does it have a small blast radius on impact with any surface or enemy?
    • And 6th:
      • Passive abilities: I think they're both unique and fitting to Daten's abilities, I'm not knocking either her double hack time when accessing a terminal, nor her ability to turn a "Basic" MOA into a permanent ally till slain. My questions are: Would Daten get the benefit of double hack time when accessing Grineer terminals? Would it have to be double extra Hacking time, why not just a couple or several seconds longer of hacking time? What about his ability to convert units on the first strike? Does it have a small chance to convert technological enemies if the first shot or hit of your melee? Does it matter which weapon you use? If the first shot/strike doesn't convert the MOA's, would resumed attack on the un-coverted MOA take further damage? Would the Converted MOA that took damage from the first "Hit" regain a bit of health from the initial convert or will it have to stick around with a fraction of health gone? Is there a limit, like Daten's "Corruption" ability, as to what MOA/Osprey units will be converted or not?

    I am not sure about the Augment mods themselves, so I'll review those later. Right now I want you to read what I have posted here in terms of legitimate questions. I'll respond later.

  4. So... As I was getting ready to practice for Mastery Rank - 17, I got an idea how it all worked... (Possible MR 17 Test layout spoilers; discretion advised.)


    I had to slay 30 enemies while juggling with a time limit, using my melee to smash these orbs around the arena to get a few extra seconds.

    "Gah! What am I suppose to kill!?"

    I noticed that no matter how many Virtual Infested I killed, the counter would not count up (See below image):

    "Nope, game is saying "Still counts as Zero". Dang it."


    The enemy on the right hand side of the image is definitely on his way to dying. The middle one infront of the warframe is certainly dead, I slew a few more before this fella and they all did not count towards my 0/30 kill enemies counter.


    Could DE be so kind as to have a look into this at their earliest convenience? Thank you!

  5. I'm sitting on the fence with Kavat's, have I have been for Kubrow's and Sentinels. I hope to make this as constructive as possible, because I love their various breeds and many uses!

    ...But the one gripe I have with either of the Kavats-- and Kubrows too, is that they can... still kinda be as dumb as a post, I'm sorry if calling them "Dumb as a post" counts as not constructive criticism.

    For as long as I have used them, they sometimes don't react smartly, or be smart and take certain pre-emptize actions to certain various situations where standing there or just aimlessly wandering about the map before deciding to attack is not a smart idea. They seem to use their trademark abilities at random, rather than when their abilities/powers are needed most. Some of those Kavat's I own and Kubrows, still will wander into a corner and either get stuck there, or will allow themselves to get beaten on before realizing they're being attack-- by then they end up being mulched up.

    By all means, they can still be handy and pull off some things to save our skins, including my own, but the thing is that I wish they could be trained to attack, react and defend themselves more fluidly. Or rather, instead of using them just as they are when they have reached adulthood and use mods best fitted for their abilities; you could train them to perform or react in certain things when certain things have been met. Instead of them mulching down, one, maybe 5 enemies, but get downed or ignore the fact they are being shot at. I'd like them to fight smartly, more often, and move about more fluidly.

    It would be nice if the pet's themselves, after spending so much time gathering experience not just from their levels, but also from watching how to fight and how their owner fights, would fight a lot more smartly.

    E.G. - If the Kubrow detects a sniper trying to shoot him from a long distance, whether they detect the sniper tracer, hear the shot or get a visual of said sniper; the Kubrow will run for cover if it's too far from the sniper. Going further: If anything wants to impede his attempts to take cover, it'll deal with it and try to juggle evading the sniper while removing what's not allowing him/her to sit comfortably behind. Now going even further: If it detects the sniper is distracted, it can either make a mad dash for the sniper or get behind cover that is closer to the sniper in an attempt to safely close the distance with the sniper before reaching and Annihilating said sniper before following their owner or resuming the fight.

    E.G. 2 - It would be nice if you could open your Radial item/expression menu and can select a button/option to command your pet to use their unique ability, rather then wait for them to decide when they will use it.

    (That, or steal Tyl Regor's genetic research and make Manic Kubrows/Kavats)

    I hope this stood on track, and hopefully DE will have a look at this thread.

  6. So... I found this, and it occurred within Saturn - Titan:

    "The little Fuel-cell that could"

    I'm thinking it is a bug, this occurred sometime today, I didn't take account of the time mind you all, and me with several other players in the screenshot speculated on it's appearance. We thought that maybe something occurred in the survival maps where this now has a use, but we found nothing it could work for and left it there. Likely it despawned after a while (if they do despawn after some time) before we left but we didn't care about it much for the time.


    DE, any thoughts on why this may of occurred? It doesn't seem intrusive, maybe it's a bug or not, but I could pick it up and drop it down, it doesn't seem game breaking so it's likely a useless "Spawn-in".



  7. You invited me to have a look at this idea, and as far as I have read: It does need a few tweaks and revisions but I feel a small few of people who coherently voiced their concerns, suggestions and criticism (and not just said "OP" or didn't even try to make this work) have covered my major concerns about what needs to be covered for the most part. I would appreciate the patience of any viewer to read this through. Constructive criticism can't always be short and sweet.

    First off:


    I don't care how people use their free will, but if they want to criticize about ideas like this: They need to be unbiased and give a fair analysis, while providing some feed back on how a Warframe can make this work. Even with the money we invest in this game: DE alone decides what gets in. We can't read their minds, we don't have 100% of their interests in mind most of their time and would rather just have our way or completely refute change. In which case: I can't cover every facet of detail about how people could behave but if they don't try to make this work or have a thought-out few reasons on how this wouldn't work mostly or entirely, it would be polite to simply not say anything at all and move along. If they want to be amused by getting someone riled up, they can go elsewhere.

    Second off:

    I think I personally like this concept, however, in order to implement this into the game (If DE decides on it), it might take some adjustments. "Caliber" doesn't sound like he would get too confusing with one particular Warframe in mind, "Excalibur", since it's easy to address who someone would be talking about if the "Ex-" was included or not. Before people complain: You all forget we can adjust to it and it'll seem like it wasn't a problem at all. Same way people will knock this Warframe around crying OP, but the thing is when ideas like this are implemented, they can't be expected to always be perfect. Inventors had to go against the meta and try the daring or conceivably crazy in order to invent things like this. Would you be saying they shouldn't even be trying? If this warframe gets implemented, you all won't complain once you find him both fun and viable in combat. Let's not be hypocrites or try to decide for what DE does or doesn't want.


    Hm, this seems like a Warframe that can fend for himself, by himself more fairly but can still be oriented for supporting his team with ammo recovery and supplying ammo for what is needed. You're typical soldier meant to go head first into battle and bravely traverse across the middle of the Warzone. I feel Rhino does this too, but even at the players skill and loadout: You're not throwing your weight around to bash enemies heads in, rather you keep a comfortable long to medium distance from your foes but try to keep a suitably close distance.


    This Warframe would make an excellent addition to two other Warframes I can think of, Volt and Vauban. Given how Volt does seem like the Shocktrooper: Able to quickly rush in, deal heavy damage and duck out before the opponents have a chance to retaliate; where as Vauban seems like the "General" of the outfit, if an opportunity to make some progress doesn't come around, he creates an situation or an advantage for him and his team, Caliber seems like the soldier assigned to get out there and fight. (Players skill may or may not apply.)


    I feel his ability to supply his team and himself ammo through regeneration at 40% near last 3rd rank, I feel is a bit much. Team ammo restores are still viable if you can't wait for Caliber to get close enough to provide ammo or if you don't have a Caliber on your team, so I don't know what one person is gripping about: Saves me having to use my Team Ammo restores once in a while (maybe more often). I could suggest between a 15-20% regeneration. And should it restore any ammo type? Or just common ammo types? My concerns for some guns that are purposefully hard to get more ammo for, may get more back than they need from Caliber if his 3rd ability can supply it in access. I wouldn't know, the regeneration probably handles that.


    I'm more curious on the concept of Caliber, it would help to have a professional concept artist look this idea over and get in contact with you on how to create a visual representation for this Warframe, his different body parts and several angles to view him. Otherwise, I'm more curious Lore-wise on why his special gun is disassembled and each part is stored away in individual satchels? Each of the Warframes are talked about either they were independent sentient beings, or they were meant to be operated by unique Tenno we never heard of who solely operated these Warframes... I'm curious to how the Orokin decided on how Caliber was suppose to come into being. I know he seems like the Warframe built around trying to keeping the aggressive on and try to win through attrition with supressive fire power by trying to keep his foes back and provide cover fire for his allies... but I wonder, what's his lore? Maybe he was influenced by some kind of culture or national image?


    I don't think there really is a problem with his 4th ability, "Caliber's Rifle", but it could use a more unique name for his 4th ability. Like maybe a name for a reliable firearm we have today or from the earlier days. Like "Liberator", or something along the lines. Otherwise it's not an issue either, even if there is a gun that can do it better, the Warframe powers still have their use on the battle field. I thought at first the stats for it were a bit strong, but they have to be in later tougher levels, like Sorties, Nightmare missions and maybe even the Raid missions. They may not one-hit kill everything on the hardest difficulties possible, but if they can do some considerable harm or just a 'wee' bit, they can still be viable.


    Over all I believe this could be viable Warframe, I'm worried that people who don't like change or are looking to get people mad for their own amusement or bitterment (or people who don't know how to offer proper criticism), are going to try and shoot it down as early as possible without trying to help refine this. I mean, yeah, we have Team health restores, but we got a Trinity anyway. Why forbid Caliber from being the Warframe that helps assist players needs with ammo concerns and help provide oppressive firepower?


  8. 1 hour ago, MokutoBunshi said:

    you guys realize that ember got one of these kinda  buffs right?



    I believe the premise is that, these specific Warframe's govern over a single element that ties into their theme, and the same elements are effective against them, for better or worse.


    He is proposing that the Warframes should atleast be resilient to both the element and their respective Proc status effect, for the respective Warframe that uses this said element.

    Example given (or E.G.), Ember should at least be very resilient to fire projectiles, sources of fire and fire traps, and fire procs will benefit/not be very effective against the Warframe who has them. Ember did get this upgrade, but that doesn't cover for elemental Warframe's such as Frost, Volt, Saryn, etc.


    However, this kind of thing would be difficult to execute without something breaking and making gameplay fair, engaging, and not a total overpowered fest. If this were to happen, there would be the issue of what a Warframe of a particular element, would be weak against another element. That might just provide a challenge in itself, but player will complain to this, and if not this, it's just we all often hate change. We want new things, concepts, features, mechanics without anything we already know or done to never change at all, when in reality some things have to be made, and it can only stay fun is if we don't get too comfy and make things tremendously easy.

  9. Hello there,


    First off, I would like the community to NOT ACT LIKE SHEEP, as in just going with whatever everyone is going with, and please form your own opinions. Having a opinion is not as bad as you think, we have the common sense to know when there is a good opinion and a bad opinion. Second, I ask that if the viewer(s) could not shoot this down quickly, and explore the idea thoroughly, or at least as much as you can before making a statement.


    Alright, time to get to the nitty gritty...


    You know, we have Kubrows, Sentinels, clones, syndicate deployable allies, and I feel we may have another companion coming in, I'm not sure, DE will unfold what they create.


    However, I'm just as fascinated at some of the autonomous construct and organic creatures we, as the Tenno, haven't really incorporated into our arsenal of helpers.

    What I mean is that I find the Osprey's and Moa's, and even the quadrupedal automatons of the Corpus to be fascinating, and I wonder how they would look visually, and perform different when integrated with Tenno uniform and with proper modifications.

    You'd only be able to use a MOA if there is a locker that is hackable, and the poor thing, while useful, only lasts a short time. The Osprey's are intriguing as they are, having some unique utility they provide for their Corpus master and ally attack robots, sadly being frail as they are and only can be obtained as a deployable. (I am aware Nyx can control one for a moment of time, but that isn't the point I want to make.)


    I kinda wondered, what it would be like for a Tenno to abduct this kinda technology, either stealing one of the MOA's, Osprey's, Jackels, Low model Hyena's, Grineer drones, etc for their own use, or finding the schematics to build your own? Could you improve these companions, like the ones you could now anyways, into something much more dangerous and efficient than what the other factions can achieve? How would each of these automatons and life forms can benefit the Tenno and their allies in different and various aways?



    MOA's are just like Grineer foot soldiers, only they keep some distance and fire from a short-medium range. Having different variations of the MOA models, allows for different companions with different tactics to approach on the field: Shockwave MOA's will jostle groups if they can get close enough (provided they can be programmed to act smartly and not charge in with little sense of self-preservation), Railgun MOA's will prefer to take combat from long range and try to peg threats from said distanct, Fusions will try to incinerate opponents at close range and deploy a helper if things get out of hand/if the MOA gets worn down enough. Hyena's are dextrous, a bit fragile but they have superb combat capabilities, able to mitigate their opponents DPS by frequently moving around and doling out their own arsenal to chew through their opponents, atleast until they get decimated. Etc. This applies to both Corpus, Grineer, and maybe the technology used by the other factions.


    I know there will be impatient players that will still say or cry out it's overpowered, I want to thank you for being patient and understand that I can't cover every single facet of detail, and I can't be expect, as I am sure a lot of people are, to cover every single thing in order to make this not OP. The idea is to not only see how this can be implemented and share those ideas as suggestions on how that can work, but also how to make these ideas happen, to have their applications and not make every other pet/companion/etc moot and inferior. I can't always cover that and a good number of people can't expect that of others.


    I appreciate your patience for reading this to the end, and my apologies for being "wordy" throughout the first post. I would love to hear your ideas, and see how the Tenno could come across this tech or come to the idea that they can incorporate their architecture, decorations, and add their own flare to each of these companions, how mods may have different effects on said companions/pets/etc if they managed to get a hold of one for their own use, change behavior at random, such as how the companion should prioritize what it does before doing anything, etc.


    Blessings and take care, folks.




    The same thing can be applied for the various, technological wonders of automated infantry and helpers that are present, and yet to be discovered

  10. Greetings Warframe community,


    First off, before I post my concerns, I would like to ask the community TO NOT ACT LIKE SHEEP, and think for themselves. Having an opinion of your own is not as bad as you think.

    Alright, getting to the juice. Setting a scenario that happened recently, I was sent a recent invite from someone that I played with before and I noticed this player has done this before. (Information withheld of course, since I have respect for this fellow, and I know there is always the part of the community that will go bloody extremist or are sick in the head to do something detrimental to innocent individuals). I wanted to let this player know that it would help for me to know what I am being invited to exactly, before being sent the invitation.

    As follows:

    Myself: "It'd help for me to know where exactly you be inviting for, before sending me an invitation..."

    Before you enter a comment, again, I'm not the kind of guy to simply go on impulse or accept an invitation before being asked first, I'd like to think and prepare before going into a mission. I'm not sure how my statement comes off by being a jackass, but remember, I want to apologize to this fellow.

    The proceeding statements from the player came after:

    Player: "you could just ask"

    Player: "instead of being a jackass".


    I replied with an answer, where am I getting with this? Just be more patient and read down further, we're almost done here.

    Myself: "It wasn't meant to be taken as me being a jackass ^^;"

    Player: "User is Ignoring you."

    I felt this player could have taken my statement a lot better, I was ignored after being addressed as a jackass. I feel the ignoring system can be unfair sometimes, and in some cases some players don't give you a chance to make amends or at least argue in your own defense.

    Don't you feel that, even with an inbox in your ship, that there could be a way to send an apology or make a last statement to players, even if you only get one chance after being ignored? I really don't like how some will choose how they are going to behave...

    (Then again, I am likely just as at fault for that statement-- and for walking away during the conversation to make a pot of coffee. Add a pinch of kosher salt to your coffee grounds, folks. You're coffee -might- taste better.) ( And I still wish Tenno could send each other mail, only if the mailbox can be configured to only receive mail from people on your friends list as a way to avoid botters and phishers.)

  11. Hello there! I go by "Xemgoa" from in-game!

    I would like to exchange T4 keys for 2-3x T3 Capture keys each.


    I'm hoping to get the last part I need for the Nikana Prime - The Nikana Prime Hilt. I'd buy it but I don't have the platinum, and I can't be arsed with doing Excavations for more keys, unless there was a reliable and fair way to make only (or more often as possible) Tower III Capture Keys. (I'm trying to remember where they might drop, but my memory is fuzzy...)


    Hit me up from in-game if interested!

  12. I have some parts and blueprints I would like to part with, in exchange for platinum. Ask me from ingame or in a private message if interested! This list will be updated regularly (as in, when I think I have something new to sell or when I am out of stock for something).

    Edit #1: I had to fix my prices a bit to be more fair.

    These are the following items I have, along with their prices:

    - x6 Boltor Prime stock (5 platinum each)

    - Carrier prime Carapace (75 platinum)

    - x4 Nyx Prime systems BP (20 platinum each)

    - Scindo prime blade (30 platinum)

    - x2 Ember prime helmet Blueprint (5 platinum each)

    - x2 Burston prime barrels (10 platinum each)

    - x2 Ankyros prime gauntlet (7 platinum each)

    - Mag prime chassis blueprint (4 platinum )

    - Nova Prime blueprint (5 platinum)

    - Cleaving Whirlwind (Stance - Heavy blade) (7 platinum)

    - Malicious Raptor (Stance - Claws) (10 platinum)

    - Bo prime ornament (5 platinum)

    - AKBronco prime link (5 platinum)

    - Rhino prime helmet blueprint (10 platinum)

    - Vasto prime barrel (5 platinum)

    - Fang prime blade (4 platinum)

    - Boltor prime stock (20 platinum)

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