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Posts posted by (PSN)ExetSM

  1. Not really a bug though, agree it sucks when you accidentally polarizing the wrong slot but it is not unusual that you want to create a blank slot so warning would be a bit weird. But maybe always an confirmation like "Are you sure you want to add ZENURIK polarization?"

    EDIT: Should post this in Feedback categories, not in bug thread = )

  2. il y a 5 minutes, Tendou_Souji a dit :

    Forma is only farmable via void relics, so find a relic with forma as a common drop

    Not true, forma can be obtained via rare storage containers = ).

    I would recommend one of the Lua puzzles, where you have to jump from pad to pad in a specific order. It will always reward you with a rare container

  3. 6 minutes ago, Ker-Blammo said:

    Well you know now, why is there a question? Why do you need to use that word?

    Because there are tons of words/phrases that are, take out of context, does not have a negative meaning. If I spend a lot of time in chat I will occasinally use some words/phrases that have some history behind it that I had no idea about. Just as an example, "Pressing F to pay respects" gets you banned and I just a few weeks ago learned why. I had no idea and would get banned for it without me knowing why.
    We attribute meaning to words and some have different uses/context to them. So it's a valid question.

    Btw I think I like the idea, I have been thinking about something similiar but wonders how trolls may still use it in their advantage. But short story is that censorship is hard. If I say "You are completley stupid and your family should be eradicated" it's a lot worse then typing "Gay?" as an honest question. But maybe that is why report function exists. I don't know, I rarely do :3

  4. Would the dual stat mods still be one for each elemental type AND be 100% status chance increase? Status is already to op and sounds like this would make (if I understood you correctly) it even stronger (altough I would not hate it if these changes were made xD
    Atm I'm satisified but it would be nice if mods like Rifle aptitude got an higher increase, making it not additive but like 90% status increase instead, like their crit counterparts.

    Your last point though, yeah beam weapons need some love. Status/sec feels way to rushed and not complete. Another thing that would benefit from some love is the status chance per pellet. The mathmatical formula for status per pellet is just way to weird. Making 99.99999% status close to 0% and 100% gives each pellet guaranteed proc.

  5. 43 minutes ago, DeMonkey said:

    I know my post was sarcastic, but I would have thought my point was obvious. He used the word pay, this is indicative of a transaction, something that is rescricted to trade chat. The exact same thing happens when you use the word 'host'. Regardless of the context its used in you get kicked because it's indicative of recruitment and is restricted to... well... recruiting.

    My post was directed at OP = )


    27 minutes ago, Tsukinoki said:

    That specific phrase has one reason to be banned:
    Because not too long ago people used that meme and utterly flooded the region chat and relay chat channels with both that and just the letter "F" over and over and over again.  DE got tired of the F spam and added it to the auto-kickbots list to stop it from happening.

    Basically beyond the standard things to kick for (racist, sexist, homophobic, etc) DE has added in a few things that has lead to massive spam in the past (such as riot and a handful of others).
    No they don't have that list available for public viewing, which while it would be nice not many games have such lists.


    Ah! There we go = ). Thank you.
    And yes, that they add stuff later on, besides profanity and general depreciation, is what I addressed in my first post.

  6. No idea. I have never had any problem with such stuff, I think most of the words are common sense. Rascist, sexist, homophobic and such. But in your case I don't know. Maybe it's something down the line of "Press F4" is a common "joke" to pull on people? I do agree that it's unfair, sometimes ignorance is at fault, not bad intents.
    Maybe a list wouldn't be such a bad idea, but my guess is it would invoke a lot of useless debates about "well b**ch is just a word that's always been used yadadada *common privliege people whine*". 

  7. I think you are spot on when it comes to how the kickbot works. It identifies certain phrases which has been alarming in the past and as soon as they add it to the filter, to bot kicks those who uses it.
    Same as if you say "WTB" in Recruiting you will get banned, but just saying "I'm selling x" won't get you banned. It's the actual words that get's you banned, not the context of the message.

  8. 8 hours ago, KIREEK said:


    Always be present in a game and in the case of ember, do move around as the 4th is usually an excuse to go afk and no matter how many kills you got, afk is still afk and you can be reported for it.


    Where does it say that?
    I'm curious, because they implemented a system to combat afk players by not giving them rewards (and in some cases no energy/health regen). But getting reported for it? I'm not as accustomed with the rules as I should be, therefor wondering where it says that = )

  9. Wow, this is amazing. Thank you DE for taking such care of your members :heart:

    A question: On Sedna, Berehynia Rotation C, Axi C2 has 2.58% compared to the rest at 12.18%? On Rotation B it has the same drop chance as the rest. Just curious if that is a mistake or if it's a reason behind it = )

  10. 4 hours ago, (PS4)robotwars7 said:

    Loki's passive is unlimited wall latching, you can stay on a wall indefinitely. just find a good spot and rain down hell with a Zarr or something else explosive, should be an easy challenge.


    5 hours ago, Phatose said:

    Ivara?  Just take a loki to a survival, cling to a wall, toss a decoy, use his infinite cling to stay in wall hang until you've made enough kills.

    Don't know if you meant that it's long when you meant "infinite/indefinitely" but it lasts 10x longer then normal Wall latch

  11. 1 hour ago, Oksanya said:

    Im asking for advice, not S#&$-posting..

    wow calm down xD. How did that post in any way effect you ^^. I don't see you asking for advice, I see you more complaining and asking rhetorical questions, but anyways you have gotten answers already = ). It varies depening on what you do, check patch notes (as someone posted earlier) for exact drop chances for each mission type and level.

  12. 56 minutes ago, Makogan said:

    I'll try to multi quote, getting used to the site's gimmicks.

    If and since the relics stop dropping, both the relics and the parts will drop down in availability over time, thus increasing their prices and making them harder to get as time goes on unless there is a way to inject new ones over time, such as a regular un vault period (not one month every half a year but rather a permanent 1 month rotation so that old gear is always available for farming on a 6 month or at least 1 year basis.

    Thank you = ). There's a plus next to Quote, if you press that the quote will get stored and you can quote as many you want in one post (can even switch pages and the quotes will stay)

    Well, yes and no. But it's not a matter of how rare they are, it's a matter of what's attractive on the market. Ember is probably the most expensive prime and she hasn't been vaulted the longest. She is about 4-5 times more expensive then Mag (way harder to sell Mag then Ember) and she was vaulted before her. The relics will drop in availability, yes, but they will not go away. They will always come back for people to farm during a specific time, meaning the market will differ during a time period. But this "just" means you will have to farm more for plat, not that it in any way goes away.

  13. 8 minutes ago, Makogan said:

    I mean I am not sure how else to put it, it's a number that indicates how you've played and the amount of content you have seen, it directly correlates to you level of experience with the game :p

    No it really doesn't correlate to level of experience with the game. It's a "good" way to quickly filter out people you want for raids and such, but that is simply because it's easy. I don't know if you experienced Draco before you quit, but you could level 1 frame, 4 weapons and a sentinel from level 0 to max in under 15 minutes. It only correlates on how much time you've spent leveling weapon and not even and good indicator for that.
    I know personal references are bad arguments, but I want to tell it anyway xD. I have a friend that has played longer then I have and is quite experienced (not as much as me though) and is only MR. 18. He is way, way more experienced then some (maybe a lot? I dunno) MR. 23.
    The petty arguments from you seems to keep coming.

    2 minutes ago, Makogan said:

    We are going on a tangent, I am ok with playing money as well as grinding, and investing time, but I want to be able to chose when and how to do it, and it certainly doesn't make me happy that because I couldn't play I can no longer grind for the things that I want. Moreover, you all keep saying farm plat and buy, but no one has addressed the issue that relic inventories will drop as time goes on.

    Because that is the main issue, farm for plat and your problem is solved, even the problem of when to do it, not how to do it though but I fail to see how that is relevant? You can farm for other relics, get primes, sell that prime, rinse and repeat until you get enough plat to buy the frames you want.
    I don't understand your issue with relic inventory, I looked over thread but couldn't find any (might've been I just sucked though). But I don't think it can effect the "spend time to farm for plat" solution.

    And just a small personal request, if you could multiquote, that would be awesome :heart:. When there's so many posts, small posts, from the same player it becomes painful to read through thread. But that is just a personal request though = )

  14. 1 minute ago, Makogan said:

    The plat that I also need to farm to get more warframe slots, and weapon slots, and in terms of practicality potatoes, because the potato alerts are quite rare. I hate this compensation. "You can always farm for plat", yes, but there is already a lot of gameplay content that is plat locked without the need to add more. 

    So you think that there's is to much stuff for you to farm for? Well hey, welcome to an F2P game!
    At least I can get everything (except cosmetics), I've sadly played to many games that people who pay money will get an permanent advantage. In Warframe it's all about time. If you don't have time enough to farm for frames/plat, you buy plat and spend it (which is a solution to your problem if you still are willing to spend money on plat. Buy plat, buy the frame). I can get everything with investing time. Some is more effective then other.

  15. 6 minutes ago, Makogan said:


    The obsession is a mixture of principle and what we could call player envy. On one part there is the fact that, as marginally better as prime equipment is to normal equipment. It is still better objectively with no downside, so why must one conform to a lesser version of the same thing? The other thing is, player A has something I want, and I cannot get what player A has because I was studying hard and working when the item was available, and now that I have free time I cannot get it because  it's vaulted.

    Yes it's objectively better, but nothing that will mean life or death for you (in most cases).
    And you can get it! By spending time in-game and farming for plat. The only thing you cannot get is cosmetics, and that has no value to your build, only your appearence, and if that is what you complain about, that is just you being envious and pety.


    5 minutes ago, Makogan said:

    I think it is justified, whatever motivates people to play is important, at least for that player. And mastery rank is a status symbol, so I disagree, it definitely matters.

    Fair enough, that it motives some people to play is important and is therefor slight justified (still doesn't make your point valid, it is not that effective of an point) but the fact that it's a status symbol and that matter to people is laughable and not justified


    3 minutes ago, Makogan said:

    Although I agree that the excalibur prime thing is a fiasco and I also dislike it, there is actually a way around it, release another warframe that is a different version of excalibur, with the exame same stats as excalibur prime but that looks different.

    I am sorry but you just sound more and more petty. Why is it a fiasco for DE to show their gratitude to people who helped them get their game off the ground? This weird, constant complain about Excalibur prime is just.... lame. Grow up people.

  16. While I do not agree with your points I like the fact that you kept it fomal, but as a lot of complaints on the forum I see no suggestions instead (unless it's skip the vault?).

    This obsession with primes people have is faulty imo. You don't need Rhino Prime for a good Rhino build. The difference with Rhino and it's prime variant is 85 more armor, 0.05 more sprint speed, extra polarity and the bonus from when you near Death orb in Void (I think that's all?). This is not what makes a build good! You will do, just as fine, wth normal Rhino, mods and ability is what makes Frames good, not, necessarily, it's stats like armor and health.
    And they also give you an option to farm for in-game currency in game which you can use to buy the prime, if you desperately want it, from other players, So when you say you can either only farm it for a limited time or buy it with your money, is false. You can farm it for a specific time, you can farm for plat and buy, or you can spend money to get plat and buy it that way. Same goes for cosmetic (except the second point)

  17. @Justin_Case001 I like this post because it made me ponder over what I really think of these mini-events, because I share you view on the fact that they are indirectly forcing us to play (please notice heavy emphasis on indirectly), but I also like the aspect of us working together as a community, towards a common goal. I wonder if that is the best way to go? To get us to work together they force us to play?
    That said I also like the story aspect of it. It gives me a sense of reality, because I am not only kicking Vay Heks face with tiny arms attached in raids, but he also attacks us.
    I don't think they are bluffing though, I just think they won't let it go that far because they want us to enjoy what they have to offer, such as Simaris and Baro so they will implement something else if we were to let Vay Hek destroy Relays.

    @Bouldershoulder I am greatly jealous of you avatar and want it! Gimme! :heart:

  18. @P0Pz It seems you are extremley lazy and want everything delivered in your hand. After the Transmission (which is a bit story, yes) there's flashing blue light in the news section where it states "Here is the information about Ambulas Event, read me!". You don't even have to move your camera for you to see it. Nothing, it's one of the first thing you see.
    If you don't see that and start saying "I get no information, you failed, I have to talk to other Tenno's", well you just suck.

    I see no point in going on with this discussion, it has already exceeded the "normal" lenght for off-topic discussions. So I won't keep it going but I thank you for a civil discussion :heart:

  19. @P0Pz wow I did not know about this tag feature, you learn something new everyday

    And that is the same as plugging your fingers in your ear and going "LALALALALALA" when someone tells you something.
    The info is to much to state in your face. What it does is flash with blue text that says "Here is information about Ambulas Event!". The info is there, just not in your face at the start of the client, but after the Transmission from Frohd Bek, it is flashing in your face. If you ignored that, that is your problem, not DE's.

    And if the text "What you need to do" doesn't appear when you log, that doesn't mean you get zero information, that is just silly.

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