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Posts posted by torint_man

  1. Just now, Fifield said:

    So if enemies can't damage you, where's the threat?

    And what's got to do with balancing the game?

    That's why I said the cap should be level 80. The enemy hits like a truck, but not a train. It's enough damage to give consequence to any mistakes, but not so much that it's punishing. Sometimes, things happen that are beyond the player's control and feasible predictive ability, and in the current state of damage scaling, you just die, unless you have some sort of way to take the damage regardless, or prevent the enemy from doing anything at all, commonly referred to as "cheese".

    If damage is capped, you decrease the pressure on "cheese", allowing room for use of skilled frames, like banshee, saryn, and the new mag. In the current enemy damage situation, those frames are unusable in high levels, unless paired with cheese, like naramon, or bless trin.

    If you don't think level 80 is high enough, DE could always just change a few numbers until the optimal damage has been achieved.

  2. 13 minutes ago, Fifield said:


    It would greatly alleviate the pressure in the meta to nullify or prevent enemy damage. One of the biggest reasons banshee was the least used frame last year was because she is squishy af, even though her abilities in terms of damage output are arguably the best in the game. Frames like saryn, ember, and the new mag are looked down on because even though they have great damage output, they are impossible to use in high levels due to their inability to tank or nullify enemy damage past the sortie 2 level. 

    Also, capping enemy damage would give an endgame baseline for the meta to orient itself to, allowing for the "cheese" tactics (like wukong defy, invisibility, naramon) to be outperformed by skilled use of high damage output frames, like banshee, saryn, and the new mag. Also, DE would have a much easier time balancing, as there would be less pressure to balance on the damage nullification end.

    IMO, the damage cap should be at level 80. Hits hard enough to be a constant threat, but not to the extent that being vulnerable for one second means death.

  3. You can't really rework the corrupted mods because they are a concept, large positives for significant negatives. Many of the corrupted mods for weapons are suckky, as they often have too small a positive to be even worth a slot. Many of the corrupted mods for weapons could/should be tweaked, but I'd hardly call that a rework.

    It gets more interesting when you look at frames though. All five of them are good and are widely used, so none of them really need to change. There are few frames that have all of their useful abilities not require one stat, and even then it's not that bad. Like for example loki. No strength needed, so overextended for disarm, however range is a bit hampered by narrow minded for invisibility. Sometimes frames use them to max one ability, but screw over the others, like mirage with prism vs 1+3. The dynamic that the corrupted mods provide for frames is IMO, a good place right now. Sure, some min maxing can result in ridiculously effective abilities, but any issues with that should be blamed on the abilities, not the corrupted mods. Nerfing them would make the game a bit more boring, as the differences between builds would be much less, and "broken" and "OP" abilities would stay "broken" and "OP", as I implied in the previous sentence.

    Now, the idea of adding more corrupted mods for warframes. You immediately run into a huge problem. The possibility that you will reach and possibly go under 0% of a stat. The efficiency stat could be modified as negative efficiency behaves additively, but for the others, huge problems. The possible solutions are as follows:

    1. Make sure the values of the new mods don't run up against the 0% stat. This would be made harder with arcane helmets existing, and would have to make the positives smaller than ideal as the negatives would need to be small, and making -duration mods would be impossible (12.5% minimum and -5% from arcane helmets).

    2. Add a floor to all the stats. Problem is it would give players impunity past a certain point.

    3. Prevent the installation of mods that would cause a negative value. Probably the best and only way to go about it, as it balances out the ludicrous min maxers, like loki with his disregard for strength or chroma to his range, solving the problem of solution 2.

    Also, the problem of their acquisition. Vault runs aren't that bad (It's annoying for predominantly solo players such as myself, and the only other thing in the entire game that requires the use of recruiting chat is raids), and once you have all of the mods, you never have to do them again. However, adding more mods into the system would quickly make the drop table bloated, and would necessitate a secondary method of acquisition.

  4. Adding any more corrupted mods for frames would very quickly run into the issue of running into 0% of a stat. DE could,

    1. Make sure the values of the mods don't run up against the 0% stat. This would be made harder with arcane helmets existing, and would have to make the positives smaller than ideal as the negatives would need to be small, and making -duration mods would be impossible.

    2. Add a floor to all the stats. Problem is it would give players impunity past a certain point.

    3. Prevent the installation of mods that would cause a negative value. Probably the best and only way to go about it, as it balances out the ludicrous min maxers, like loki with his disregard for strength or chroma to his range.

  5. You're complaining about bursas, while using Inaros, who is objectively the best frame against bursas? Bruh, either you are incredibly ignorant about inaros's mechanics, or you have yet to git gud. His 1 immobilizes them, and if you have a dagger you can use the charge attack for a ludicrously high damage per tick slash proc. His 2 immobilizes them for 30 seconds, as does his 4(more like 15 seconds on his 4, but whatever). If you don't walk into the nullifier bubbles and spam 1 when you see an isolator bursa, your scarab armor will be just fine.

    I will now list all of the other frames with viable counters to bursas.

    Ash: Invisibility and high damage bladestorm (sure, BS only hits bursas once, but the slash proc after will deal just fine with them)

    Atlas: Spamming 1 in their face while enjoying invincibility during the animations.

    Equinox: Sleep, pacify augment

    Excalibur: Radial blind, exalted blade for damage

    Frost: Cold proc on his 2, freeze with his 1 and 4, slow and block with snowglobe

    Ivara: Invisibility, sleep arrow, artemis bow for damage

    Loki: Invisibility

    Mesa: Her 2 almost perfectly stun locks bursas

    Mirage: Prisim blind

    Nova: Huge slow and more damage with MP, damage with her 2

    Nyx: Mind control and chaos work for their full duration and effectiveness.

    Rhino: Stomp

    Trinity: Well of life, EV

    This list plus inaros means 14/29 frames have hard counters against all bursas, including isolators, meaning that there is little excuse for failing to counter bursas. The situation the original post describes is a sortie, so there would be even less excuse to come unprepared.

    But lets say you still say that bursas suck because they limit the loadout of your frames. Worry not! Use status effects instead! Radiation will distract bursas, and cold will slow them down. The two best weapons for doing that are the staticor and tysis. If you put cold on your staticor, the bursas will be both distracted and slowed! Add corrosive to strip their armor! Modding a tysis with radiation and cold will produce identical results, as long as you keep in mind that yes, you can hit bursas from the front.

    TL;DR: You have multiple avenues to deal with bursas, so you have little excuse to fail against them, and any argument stating that they limit loadouts too much lack credence. 

  6. Not from me, but from here: https://www.reddit.com/r/Warframe/comments/4jz0li/unpopular_opinion_while_unexpected_i_dont_see/ 

    I agree with his thesis, so I'll show it here.

    I know there's a huge uproar in the community because of Vauban's building costs but personally, I don't necessarily see anything wrong with it. I know a lot of people (myself included) don't have the necessary components to build him even if they acquired all the parts, but isn't that sort of the point of a Prime Access? I don't see any justifiable reason as to why everybody should be able to own Vauban the same day (or even before) the people who paid $80 for his PA should have him. Yes, the farming of resources sucks. Yes, they're harder to acquire than some others. But you don't need Vauban right this second. You want Vauban right this second. How would you feel if you spent $80 on the newest PA and then everybody in your clan is running around with the exact same thing you spent a hefty amount of IRL money on? I've seen people saying DE is basically forcing you to buy it. Nobody is forcing your hand to buy anything. It might take a week (or more) to get all the necessary components but hell, by that time his price will have gone way down from the 550ish that it's currently going for on PS4, and it will give you plenty of time to farm it if you don't want to buy it from trade.

    tl;dr while the crafting component situation sucks, it's nothing that can't be overcome by putting some time into getting the parts. There has to be something to incentivise buying Prime Access or nobody would if it was so easy to acquire without it

  7. Not from me, but from here: https://www.reddit.com/r/Warframe/comments/4jz0li/unpopular_opinion_while_unexpected_i_dont_see/

    I agree with his thesis, so I'll show it here.

    I know there's a huge uproar in the community because of Vauban's building costs but personally, I don't necessarily see anything wrong with it. I know a lot of people (myself included) don't have the necessary components to build him even if they acquired all the parts, but isn't that sort of the point of a Prime Access? I don't see any justifiable reason as to why everybody should be able to own Vauban the same day (or even before) the people who paid $80 for his PA should have him. Yes, the farming of resources sucks. Yes, they're harder to acquire than some others. But you don't need Vauban right this second. You want Vauban right this second. How would you feel if you spent $80 on the newest PA and then everybody in your clan is running around with the exact same thing you spent a hefty amount of IRL money on? I've seen people saying DE is basically forcing you to buy it. Nobody is forcing your hand to buy anything. It might take a week (or more) to get all the necessary components but hell, by that time his price will have gone way down from the 550ish that it's currently going for on PS4, and it will give you plenty of time to farm it if you don't want to buy it from trade.

    tl;dr while the crafting component situation sucks, it's nothing that can't be overcome by putting some time into getting the parts. There has to be something to incentivise buying Prime Access or nobody would if it was so easy to acquire without it

  8. If you can't complete the mastery 11 test, then you don't deserve to be mastery rank 11. If you bring any sort of hitscan automatic rifle (You can just buy a branton on the market if you don't have a weapon like that), and the slightest clue on how to bullet jump and aimglide, it is trivial.

  9. Against void, go corrosive due to heavy gunners and ancients being the main health tanks. Also consider: if a damage type does extra damage to an armor type, it will ignore a percent of armor equivalent to its damage bonus. Corrosive damage will do +75% against ferrite, and will ignore 75% of the armor involved in the armor damage reduction calculation. 

    Against grineer, corrosive is going to be better than radiation, as significantly more units have ferrite armor than alloy. Also on any sort of reliable status weapon, corrosive will be king due to armor reduction against any bombards or napalms.

    Viral is only going to be better if you have at least three corrosive projections in the team.

  10. Not from me, got it from this: https://www.reddit.com/r/Warframe/comments/4jz0li/unpopular_opinion_while_unexpected_i_dont_see/

    I agree with his sentiments and wish to share it here.

    I know there's a huge uproar in the community because of Vauban's building costs but personally, I don't necessarily see anything wrong with it. I know a lot of people (myself included) don't have the necessary components to build him even if they acquired all the parts, but isn't that sort of the point of a Prime Access? I don't see any justifiable reason as to why everybody should be able to own Vauban the same day (or even before) the people who paid $80 for his PA should have him. Yes, the farming of resources sucks. Yes, they're harder to acquire than some others. But you don't need Vauban right this second. You want Vauban right this second. How would you feel if you spent $80 on the newest PA and then everybody in your clan is running around with the exact same thing you spent a hefty amount of IRL money on? I've seen people saying DE is basically forcing you to buy it. Nobody is forcing your hand to buy anything. It might take a week (or more) to get all the necessary components but hell, by that time his price will have gone way down from the 550ish that it's currently going for on PS4, and it will give you plenty of time to farm it if you don't want to buy it from trade.

    tl;dr while the crafting component situation sucks, it's nothing that can't be overcome by putting some time into getting the parts. There has to be something to incentivise buying Prime Access or nobody would if it was so easy to acquire without it

  11. In corpus excavation, it is highly likely that you would have a frost on the team. And let me tell you, frost trivializes the threat of bursas. His CC is fully effective against all bursas, with his 4 having the advantage of complete freezing and armor reduction, allowing for easy kills. Use the 1 to disable and get close, then his 4 to reduce armor.

  12. Every one of his new grenades has a niche use to it.

    Tripwire: Any door in any infested mission, any choke point in any defense mission.

    Explosive: Armor shred, great for bursas as it allows you to not have to take anti armor to corpus missions.

    Concussion: AoE confusion is self explanatory, also great for bursas.

    He still has bounce, probably useless as always, but I don't really see why people are complaining about the "rework" when it does nothing but add to him. They might not all be useful all of the time, but the same can be said of Ivara, with her noise arrow and zipline being very niche in their use.

  13. Do you want to complete the ruk assassination sortie? Do you also want to not use "chesse" to do so? Then you're in luck! Inaros saves the day. With steel fiber and scarab swarm, he has 600 armor, cutting ruk's damage to a third. Use his 1 with covert lethality to heal off any humanoid enemy, or use his 4 to stunlock groups of enemies AND heal at a rate not even the level 100 sargus can outpace.

    Cheesy praising of Inaros aside, use Inaros for the ruk assasination, I did it twice solo and it worked great with handspring in his exilus slot, which has an innate dash polarity.

  14. Adding something that's as absolute as a one hit kill to headshots would be far too exploitable. Covert lethality is fine, because it requires somewhat special conditions for its one hit kill to activate. Headshots are far too easy to get to allow a one hit kill applied to them. Something like a percent of health on a headshot (maybe a third) would be okay, but not the entirety of their health. 

  15. On 4/2/2016 at 5:59 AM, JeyJ13 said:

    I've seen moas use the capture point terminals, so that advice doesn't help at all. Unless I've missed some patch notes that stated that moas can't hack anymore, I will assume that they still can.


    As for loki with a shotgun, that wouldn't have worked too well in this case. 3 or 4 of the bursas were just knocking people off of thier feet and a pair of isolators spamming thier bubbles everywhere, so loki with a shotgun would still not have worked too well. I don't even know why the bursas went wild spamming abilities like that either, but a few of the busas had isolator bubbles stuck to them.

    Moa's have never been able to actually capture a point. Sometimes, they will approach the console, and the point's light will flash, but its not actually getting captured. It would only be getting captured if the letter of the point in the top left of your HUD is blinking.

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