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Posts posted by torint_man

  1. Addressing the the argument put forth in the title of this post, I would be inclined to disagree. Why? Because look at the quest from a new player's and designers perspective. The newer player just unlocked eris, and there is this shiny new quest that just got unlocked. Now, he accepts it, and now it says to get pherliac pod part from the juggernaut in eris. This gives the player something to do on top of clearing the nodes of eris, and introduces the juggernaut mechanic to the player. Then, once he gets all the parts, he builds it, and the next day he can do the next part, which is introducing the player to what the pherliac pods can do. Then, he is told to farm argon crystals (which I find to be the weakest part of the quest), and continues the next day. Then he does the golem fight.


    There is a disconnect with this perspective, and that of the OP and veteran players. They want to just blaze through all the content put in front of them, and are annoyed when they can't. Also, I am certain this thread was created was because of the frustration of the blueprint drop rate being bugged, and that has since been fixed.

  2. you can only destroy nullifiers bubbles with primed reach if theres only 1 nullifier and it is not moving towards you or running at you, i do actually play the game, and nullifiers dont stand still and wait for you to break their bubble and kill you, they run at you and from all sides, tell me, how will you break their nofunallowed bubble of stupidity if they close on you by all sides? you cant, you have to run away and must surely touch the bubble and lose Hysteria.


    I dissagree, see:

  3. Here is a story I think is relevant to this thread. During the starting days of iTunes, the random song setting was introduced. Soon, Apple got complaints that people were getting occasions were songs of the same genre or artist were playing in a row. So, in order to stop these complaints, Apple had to change the actually random algorithm into one that made it "feel" random. This relates to the problem OP seems to be having. He is getting periods were he gets barely any of one item, then later proceeds to get a lot of that item. You have to consider that as time goes on, the probability of those periods haven had happened increases.


    Also, another thing OP has to consider is confirmation bias. When he has stints of not getting something he wants, or getting a lot of what he wants, he remembers it, but when that doesn't happen to that extreme, it is an unremarkable event, and he does not remember it. As a result, when he remembers instances of farming for something, occasions of extremes occupy a higher proportion of his mind than the actual proportion of what happened.


    TL;DR: Things described in OP's post are to be expected, and he complains about because it occupies more of his memory than it logically should.

  4. Just exploit the exterminate spawn system. Go straight to extraction (enemy radar will show the way), then when you are there every enemy will be at extraction and the two tiles previous. Any aoe damage will help immensely, and since you have a telos boltor, the syndicate proc will kill everyone on the tile. 

  5. I hate you, go die. I despise Manic Bombards, let alone the Manic line itself. Here, let me teleport and shove a missile up your arse point blank herp derp

    Manic bombards don't use ogris, they use the gorgon and teleport a hell of a lot less than normal manics(Kinda tells me you have never fought a manic bombard). Also, try going into the simulacrum and spawning a bunch at high level. That is FUN. Seriously, go try it. Bonus points if you don't use abilities. After doing that, I have to say that they are quite possibly the best designed enemies in the game.

  6. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1lXZVTR_DZAGCqxF1oZi0XyW9P2vdCK1VdmUaOCDTJgE/edit#gid=0


    This is a table of all the weapons in the game, with optimized mods, ranked by burst DPS. The rakta cernos is 1st place, while the dread is 17th. The cernos's burst DPS is almost twice that of the dread's. Also, the complaint of the cernos not having 100% crit chance is only something that looks bad on paper, but not in practice. Do you hear of anyone complaining about the Tonkor's crit chance? Also, the Dread is more guilty of inconsistency than the cernos is. A 25% chance for double damage (red crit) is not something you can depend on.

  7. I can't help but feel the toxicity of this thread.


    Anyway, I feel OP's first idea could be modified to work.

    Currently his idea is as follows:

     Y = Your exp contribution percentage in the squad, ie, 25%

     S = The contribution percentage of the person who got a kill / did something else to earn exp


        EXP = base * ( Y / S )

    The problem with this is that one's xp gain could be borked if there happens to be a miasma or other kill abilities spammer in the group, leading to terrible xp gain. As such I think the best way to modify it is as follows:

        Y = Your exp contribution percentage in the squad, in decimal form, ie 25%=.25

        N= Number of people in squad


        (Y*N) cannot exceed 1.5 and cannot go below .5

    This modification makes it so that if there happens to be a miasma spammer, one's xp gain won't be destroyed, and if one kills more enemies than is proportional, they will get some extra, but is capped to prevent exploit. This I feel to be the best change possible to the shared xp mechanic.

  8. In search of defining how good or bad each damage type is, I did some research. Now, lets start by ranking each physical damage type against each other for each faction. In order to determine that, we must look at the damage tables for each type.




    Let's start with infested. The clear winner is going to be slash, as it does bonus damage for all the types(sinew is Phorid exclusive). Impact and puncture tie, as neither do bonuses to any infested type. Now, Grineer. The clear winner is puncture, as it does bonus damage to all grineer(Machinery is to rare to matter). Now here comes the complicated part, is slash or impact better for grineer? One might argue impact is, because of slash having reduced damage to armor. However, slash does do bonus against flesh. Now, let's do some math.

    Slash vs. Ferrite: 1.25(flesh)*.85(ferrite)= 1.0625

    Slash vs. Heavy: 1.25*.5(alloy)=0.625

    Impact vs. all: .75

    Now, what can we conclude from this? Slash does way better against light grineer, but suffers against heavies. One could argue a tie because of each being better at one type of grineer, but this falls flat, due to the fact that basically everyone has a radiation build against grineer, causing impacts advantage to be effectively pointless.

    Now, the corpus. It's the faction all the impact defenders are going to say that it's the best against. However, my research indicates otherwise. One might look at the stats of corpus in the codex and see that moas and crewman have 165 shields and 60 health, making impact great, due to the high shield to health ratio. However, this becomes wrong at higher levels, due to this: http://img4.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20141123175430/warframe/images/5/5c/Shielding_Ratio.jpg

    What this graph says is that shields and health converge to a 1:1 ratio. There are shield ospreys, but experiments in the simulacrum indicate that they only increase a moa's shield by 20%. Also, when one goes against corpus, they will most likely have a magnetic build, causing shields to become negligible. Now, it's down to health. Most flesh enemies in high level corpus will be elite crewman and nullifiers. Everyone who's played the game knows how squishy they are, going down way sooner than normal crewman and moas. Techs do exist, but are rare enough to be considered negligible. This effectively makes flesh negligible. Now it's down to robotic. Puncture is best, impact second, and slash last.

    Now, let's tally the scores, with first worth 2, second 1, and third 0. Puncture has 5, slash has 3, and impact has 2. (With infested, puncture and impact are both second place) This basically shows why impact is the least useful damage type.

  9. If your having trouble killing the stalker, here's some tips. Firstly, always make sure you have shield restores and specters. The shield restores will make it so you can take a hit, and the specters will distract him. Next, get into a position where he will stand still, shooting at you, but unable to hit you (i.e. cover). You will be able to shoot him to your hearts content, and he will die. 

  10. The main issue I have with the existence of the resources in the title is that nobody ever uses them. The moment that the things they are used for became available in invasions, not a single player with any knowledge of the game has built a fieldron, injector, or mass. They have become completely and utterly useless, becoming a stain to the recource drop table.


    Now, I know what you pessimists are going to say, "oh, another thread about clearing useless things from the drop tables" and "it's never going to happen because DE wants to maximize the grind". You know how even the most common mods have a use? As modding fuel. Do you know how the dozen copies of that prime part gets dealt with? Ducats. The reason I bring those two examples up is that they have a use (albeit a small one, but still every player in the game will be able to take advantage of) that will never go away. 


    Now, there are two options that would make the players happier. The first is to just get rid of them. This I doubt will happen for obvious reasons. The second option is to give them some sort of use that will never go away. Personally, I have not come up with any specifics, but in the end, they need a use that will never go away. Suggestions are highly encouraged.

  11. 1. They recently revamped capture, so there might be separate entries for target types

    2. Might be an accidental copy of the electric crawler.

    3. There are no hellion eximi, but the codex might not know that.

    4. Might not be j3 golem, as I think he was removed before the codex was a thing, or possibly could be anyway.

    5. Unknown if those exist, since there are no manic eximi.

    6. Same issue as #3.

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