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Posts posted by mogamu

  1. Here's my ideas for sniper rifles re-work.


    1) Standart on-screen crosshair on all sniper rifles should be removed to discourage no-scoping.
    2) Damage of sniper rifles should stay the same, but headsot damage for them should be increased.
    3) All sniper rifles should have innate punch through.
    4) All sniper rifles should have innate ability to penetrate nullifier, and Arctic Eximus bubbles (maybe with decreased damage?)
    5) Headshot kills should cause all enemies in a small area around the killed enemy to panic and search for cover.

    6) Headshots should cause stagger.





    Great topic!

    1) no opinion on crosshair

    2) Agree about the headshot multiplier, i wish that extended for all weapons.  

          (purely for example don't bother modifying)

          5x headshot with Sniper

          4x headshot with Latron/Bow

          3x headshot for semi auto

          2x headshot for fully auto 

    3) Yes on innate punch through

    4) Yes on piercing Nullfier bubbles.  Makes snipers unique, no need decrease the damage.

    5) Dont shoot me, I too think it should be a mod.  Balance the slot by letting it scale with damage mods.

    6) Stagger could hurt the follow up shot, how about a headshot blinds the enemy for 3 seconds or procs confusion.


    Glad to see this discussion starting.

  2. So, I got an inbox gift of Orokin cells.  I opened and accepted them but I continue to get notifications every time I return to my Liset that the message is unread and I am sent to the message UI.


    After testing, claiming the item again does not add *more Orokin Cells to my inventory.


    *Honestly, I don't even know if they were added to my inventory the first time



  3. @xenogelion

    I am pleasantly suprised with what I saw, with that in mind...

    My expectations have always been one of two things.  Either the Sentients were strange in presentation(exactly what we see here) or the Sentinents would be some twist on the lore i.e. Sentients are normal humans, Orokin are the monsters blah blah blah.


    This is pretty much what I expected.  Something strange and otherworldly, wrapped in some sort of technology.(turned our tech against us).  I would just hope for many enemy types as there seem to be only 2 types in the video.  Other than that, this is what I expected.  The one twist is the little glowing cores, that is intriguing.  I am excited to have that explained.  Is it synthetic?  Is it alien?  Is it void-based and somehow related to Tenno origins?  That little glowing bit creates more questions than it answers, which is fine lol.

  4. Additions:

    • Added in settings for ‘Invite’ reception preferences. This setting allows you to choose from whom you receive game invites: All Players, Friends Only, or None.


    I don't usually reply to Hotfixes, but when I do...its this one ^

  5. On the Grineer Asteroid Defense tileset the enemies are stuck in the spawn rooms, you can go kill them.  I have seen this happen if the host disconnects.  After those enemies are dead the next wave returns to normal

  6. Well done 7gims.


    Weapon Stats screen is nice

    Mission lobbies are very informative

    Unlock-able mod slots by mastery level, great idea but agree about only allowing utility mods

    Codex looks complete


    The ninja master's class is maybe something the community could put together.

  7. Grineer "FlameHand"



    Attacks with grenades from a distance.  If you get too close, they will slice you with a arm-attached blowtorch.  Killing a FlameHand with a head shot will insta-kill it.  If it dies of a body shot, it will attempt to suicide with a grenade killing anything within 7 meters  .This can be used to your advantage either way.



    napalm grenade throw, fire melee (high proc) and suicide grenade


    Environment restrictions:  Grineer Tile-sets





    *Dont worry, any grenade about to detonate beeps violently.  Run Tenno run!@!@

  8. Great post Dark.


    Considering the scope of Warframe DE has done a masterful job of pushing development on this game.  No one is perfect, but they listen to as much feedback as they can and try to make the best game they can.  Good luck getting 99% of other game devs to hear your suggestions and criticisms lol.


    Good Dev, Good game, just keep giving them feedback and enjoy the ride *thumbsup.

  9. Hey Mogamu! Thanks for this! I am totally with you on 1, medium on 2 and worry that 3 would defeat the purpose (it would just be reward 'creep' from the other nodes). I really appreciate this (and the tons of other feedback we've gotten).


    We are working quickly to expand on this system - random stuff that is coming (that may miss the mark on some of your concerns but here goes):

    -New game mode, potentially with vs. to make it more interesting and challenging to play contested sectors.

    -Rail strategies in the from of types (nuke rail, as destabilizing force), as well as strength/weakness rail types to create some strategy in the planning and deployment phase.

    -Troop preparation mechanics based on the rail strength/weakness you're attacking.

    -Some amount of tactical responsiveness at rail level when being attacked (accessories you can build for your rail and deploy to bolster).

    -Some grief reduction in battle pay baiting.

    -Tenno Specter enhancements as well as the potential for individuals to build a 'simulacrum' object that captures their current load out and then is available by tacticians to deploy as Specters in a specific tower.

    -Fix the damn 'first to click' as you mentioned.


    Longer term, it goes wider:

    -Use the Dojo building (with UI improvements) to make the gameplay spaces players attack (ala Dungeon Keeper) to increase variety and fun.

    -Faction invasions of Dark Sectors to widen the conflict.

    -Some Lore and "ritualization" of all of these conflicts to address some of the 'Why are Tenno fighting Tenno'... expanding on Tenno as Warrior culture and making it easier for people to accept the cultural ramifications of this game mode.

    -Road-building expansion of Dark Sectors (in that building a rail potentially reveals another Dark Sector beyond).

    -These Dark Sectors will become the Frontier when the new faction invades (dramatic music).


    *-As with everything, these are ideas we are pursuing and do not constitute a guarantee, void in Ontario, etc. :)


    Thanks for the response Steve!  It really means alot to the community that you guys actually read feedback.  DE always seems to do whats best for the game so I look forward to these features.

  10. Basically, there kinda has to be at least some aspect of permanence to rails for the political/clan/alliance meta to actually form and do what DE intends it to do. If there's nothing but a constant stream of contesting with no opportunity for break, this won't happen. Yes you'll get churn as clan after clan does it, but you'll not get any actual political stuff forming without at least one side who cares enough to remain in control of a rail for more than one contesting period. It'll be too ephemeral and transient.

    Thing is, with your suggestion, Mogamu, there's no real incentive for that to happen beyond alliance prestige, which isn't going to last very long if rails churn *that* quickly.


    A couple things to consider

    - this isnt a mmo with 30 servers.  Political intrigue is possible (I ran guild leadership for a 200 member mmo clan) but It will never function the same in warframe without segmenting the player base


    - A 4000 player alliance with members in various continents can easily kill a contested node.  If half their player-base does 4 missions its gg.  Many of these big alliances are holding multiple territories with minimal total member participation.  ie a couple hundred dedicated mission runners.  


    - lastly, im not sure how actually fighting for the node makes it less prestigious to own it.  I would argue the opposite =)

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