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Posts posted by mogamu

  1. ohh, I got another one

    - OMG ulties are too much, i thought were were ninjas.  press 4 to win, i hate it.  Nerf them

    - OMG ulties do NOTHING against high level enemies.  Its stupid.  Buff the ulties

    - OMG Nova's ulti actually kills things, when we said we wanted ulties to kill things, we didn't mean actually kill them.  We mean only kill them.  DE you suck!

  2. step 1) Reach rank 7

    step 2) Clan research with tons of materials

    step 3) Gather lots of materials for blueprint

    step 4) spend a ton of fusion cores bringing hornet strike up

    step 5) spend 20 platinum on a Catalyst

    step 6) Shoot something and it dies really fast

    step 7) Wonder why the weapon you spent the last 6 steps creating is more powerful than noob weapons

    step 8) nerf it

    step 9) complain that it isnt worth all the time and resources, buff it

    step 10) repeat


    some of us are tired of riding this ride, and we would like off please sir.

  3. What you guys dont understand is, the "warframe" is already doing all of the work.


    I don't have to jump in my seat for him to jump, i don't have to slide for him to slide and i dont have endure pain when it dies.


    So, to suggest that I cant just hold the moust button down while my "warframe" repeatedly pulls the trigger makes absolutely no sense at all.  There are very few weapons in this game with a slow enough fire rate (bows, snipers, some shotties) to not be subject to this.   I can burst fire any fully auto weapon and it should be vice versa.


    now, if all of the semi auto weapons took a major fire rate reduction and got a damage buff I would gladly argue against them being fully automatic as at that point a lower fire rate presents a distinction in ACTUAL GAMEPLAY but at this point there is no logical  reason what so ever for a gremlin and a akbolto to function differently.



    Warframe is an arcade game, not a sim like Arma.  It is an artificial gameplay restriction just as misguided as the armor scaling.  It sounds good on paper, but is completely illogical.

  4. I would love to see this, so it earns my +1

    But, i have to agree that because the sentinel is optional it would be a problem.  sigh...such a good idea though.


    I would love to see more creative sentinel mods though.  All i need is Redirection and my DC never dies.  That is alot of mod space for something creative.

  5. repetitive stress injury using a mouse is a real thing, and it has nothing to do with a persons age.  Just like color blind mode, there needs to be an option check box to rapid fire semi auto weapons over a certain fire rate.


    I have been playing Warframe since closed beta, 500 hours rank 10,  and I have to agree, there is a distinct point where a semi-auto weapon has a fire rate so high that repeatedly mashing the fire button quickly for a few hours is phyically stressful for some players.  Not all, some.  I happen to be one of those people.  I honestly refuse to play with the Akbolto and Latrons because it becomes stressful on my fingers after awhile trying to achieve maximum dps.  And honestly, the ONLY reason I use the acrid is due to the new Lethal Torrent mod which allows me to click alot slower without having to worry about my dps.


    If it doesnt bother you to do so much clicking, them feel free not to use the option.  For me personally, it is a real problem and I hope DE address it.  Until then, I will be enjoying my Flux rifle


    *sidenote.  I dont know how to address the melee problem, but I also experience this issue with the Kogake.  I just cant use for more than about 15 minutes.  But, dont experience this problem with dual ether with a fury mod.  

  6. Imagine if everyone who drove a Toyota Corolla felt entitled to a Lexus just because they invested in putting chrome rims on their Corolla. =p


    Lexus is the luxury vehicle division of Japanese automaker Toyota Motor Corporation

    Hotfix 9.4.1        

    • Flux rifle with Multishot crash fixes and over-the-top corpse destruction (phrases I never thought I’d type).




    WOOT! Whos the best game studio...you are...thats who ^_^

    I take a break because of the bug and go get something to eat.  I come back and its fixed.

    *goes back to my weekend mission of adding insane amounts of forma to my flux.

  8. Creating a new 3d model costs money, which is then recouped through reactors and formas.  You have to assume that every modeler/animator is making at least 40k+ ...thats alot of platinum that needs to be bought to keep that talent.  So yeah, making prime gear into skins is bad business.  And honestly, I feel like DE is being super nice by putting version 2 helmets into alerts.  I have like 5 v2 helmets...thats like $25 dollars that DE will never see, thought a bit on the expensive side.  Sometimes we ask too much of them.  I will gladly potato every single item if it has a prime version or not because I want to keep as much money in their pocket as i possibly can.  I have like 400 hours, do you realize what that would cost in movie rentals or for a full price multiplayer game with a seasons worth of DLC? atleast $80+ dollars or more.


    Sorry for the rant, just how I feel.  We cant always get our way guys, DE wants the keep the primes for good reason.


    5. whatever you do, do not implement trading. Try to avoid any sort of player economy. That would ruin this game faster than anything else. (Economy accelerates the process of reaching end-game, getting bored with end-game content, and then quitting).




    I have been saying it, and now even a new player can see it.  Player economy is a terrible idea.  I hate to take a negative tone but I can not get it across any more clearly.  Leveling up Serration and Hornet Strike are the true time barriers that can keep people playing longer.  Handing someone a max level damage mod in exchange for platinum is a massive game breaking mistake.  I think DE wants to take a page from the Valve handbook of player item selling but they dont see that at the heart of Warframe is player progression and a sense of accomplishment.  You cant just throw that out of the window for 1) Lazy people who want it all now or 2) A quick boost to profits on the backs of player profit motivation.  Its just a bad idea...I cant plea with the developers and community enough.  I really like this game, and this talk of trading is like watching someone hammer a nail into a wooden boat when you KNOW the outcome.  Please dont ruin warframe.

  10. Basically it sounds like casual players who avoid difficult content are the ones who think Nova is OP.  Players who venture out into more difficult content know that M.Prime's usefulness drops of drastically.


    Let me take some of you to a game and I will bring Rhino with Max Stomp +Stretch + Focus and own molecular prime over and over again.


    Miasma will nuke mobs before Nova even has a chance to cast her ability.  Give me Ember's world on fire and some stamina mods and I will get 90% damage dealt every single round.  You guys fail to realize that you have to actually kill a mob with molecular prime...and then on top of that the damage has to kill the next mob.  This is basically useless on elite units when compared to a modded armor ignore weapon.  I took it to wave 20+ Xini and had to laugh at how useless it was, atleast Stomp and Crush have a stun.


    I play alot of 2-man high wave defense and I can promise you, the only time I ever brought Nova was just to test her usefulness.  After about 2 games, I realized that she goes from "glass cannon" to just "glass" when the cannon falls off.  Then you go back to Vauban, Nyx, etc when you realize that NO ULTI compares to a Boltor or Kunai.  And people using Anti-Matter drop to set off M.Prime know that its a trivial trick that takes way too long and wont even work if your Daddy Vauban isnt around.


    Nova is not overpowered, she can annoying to teammates on low level missions.  There is a massive difference.

  11. regular hek vs regular sobek...hek wins

    forma hek vs forma sobek ...sobek wins


    Sobek gets much more payoff from mods.  The more you mod it, the better it is than the Hek.  32 fully-auto shots uninterrupted at an insane speed outclasses the Hek's 6 shots, no matter how much damage it does.  And trust me, I <3 my Hek but I know the truth.  

  12. I have every frame leveled to max.  


    I have to laugh when people judge a warframe by how it kills level 30 mobs on Sedna.  Nearly every warframe does that.  Molecular Prime's only utility is a little bit of slowing...mobs over level 60 will laugh at her pitiful damage, forcing you to fall back on old faithful armor ignore weapons.


    Shes fun and flashy, nothing more.

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