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Posts posted by -Amaterasu-

  1. Just a slight tweak I'd like to see, When an operator kills an enemy cooldown time for focus is reduced by a few seconds. Right now focus has some pretty abysmal cooldowns that are only worsened by actually upgrading the tree so why not give us a way to shorten it? Personally I'd like to try to use focus in a non-endless mission so this feels like a good alternative to just shortening the cooldown and could encourage more open use of operators since they aren't really good for that much right now.

  2. 9 minutes ago, [DE]Megan said:



    • You can now apply Default Warframe skins on Prime Warframes!

    Shouldn't this be a toggle? I guess it's fine if you want to run around looking like the standard frame but I thought the majority of the argument about this was unwanted prime bits sticking out of skins which they still do.

  3. 12 hours ago, SonicSonedit said:

    "If you don't like Synoid Simular + Mirage combo - play solo or with friends!"

    Nice logic you have there. DE probably used same logic about Hema. If you can't be bothered with 5k mutagen samples farm - you probably don't need Hema, pfft.

    That's your logic not mine, if you can't read that's your burden but putting up completely unrelated arguments isn't going to help you, it would be most similar to something like

    "Please make Vor drop Saryn parts because I don't like fighting Kela", except it's more than that because the modes are unrelated so it's more like

    "Please make Vor drop Rivens because I can't be bothered with Sorties"

    it is completely within your power to get that reward from a reletively entertaining game mode that the PvP team worked hard to make but instead you choose to disregard all their work and tell the PvE team to put an item that has no place in PvE into some random event as if that makes any sense (and this is asked as one of the events was going on) so maybe instead of insulting the PvP team's effort you could actually care enough to give them a try and earn the reward since such a marginal level of effort is required to get it.

  4. 1 hour ago, (PS4)WolfPride971 said:

    So unless everyone wants Warframe to end up dead and silent, a thing of the dark ages, let things be easier for players for once. Credits don't affect anyone but the one getting them, and nerfing frames for their abilities and weapons' attributes is shameful. The easier the game is, the more people can sit back and relax and enjoy the game without having to stress themselves persistently trying to focus because of how Mesa's Peacekeeper shrinks to a pixel trying to hit targets. Give players some slack, if something doesn't suite your fancy, then the nerf for the CONCLAVE ONLY should be applied, and shouldn't affect every dang frame and player entirely that tries to use them. 

    I mean....come on....where's the fun in having to pay attention to the attributes that hinder your abilities as you are using them and slaughtering Sentients or endless waves or masses of enemies? Get yourselves together, Players and DE, and don't get this game put on the shelves for the Dark Ages next to the rest of the overbalanced and destroyed games no one remembers or cares to go back to.

    Credits at the very least limit the ability of free players to make plat among other things like mod upgrades and are a necessary hinderance. as for making the game easier, what's the point of a game without any challange? there will be nothing to do and it won't be fun for long.

  5. Personally I don't like the idea of pets getting their own vacuum mod, Chesa can already retrieve if loot is your focus but if you're giving vacuum that runs around on its own away from you then that's just another thing that pets would be doing better and one less reason to use sents. IMO they both have their merits and niches and they shouldn't encroach on each other like that, maybe make the Chesa slightly better at what it does (AI is terrible so if it's just Chesa then maybe vacuum might work) but I certainly don't want to see it on every pet.

  6. Volt is tied with Mag for the highest shield, that said Volt is really meant to be more of an "all around" frame than a pure "tank" so trying to bulk him up like that isn't needed, to have a shield variant of Inaros the frame would probably need to be built with that concept in mind since for balance it would need to have next to no health, some way to (relatively) easily trigger shield restore/recharge, and some way of not dying immediately from magnetic procs.

  7. To me Sharkwing feels painfully slow, I don't know if it's actually slower than arching or it's just because I have to transition to that from normal movement but I really don't like having to be in it for too long, some new tiles would be nice but I don't think I want to sit in it for a whole mission.

  8. Merging recruiting and region would be awful, they're not in recruiting for a reason so merging isn't going to get you more players it's just going to annoy a lot of people.

    That said (while this isn't the best alternative) if you can understand another language well enough to find a game in recruiting you could try switching regions to a more active one, I didn't even know recruiting chat could get that dead.

  9. The Paris (and most bows in general) are pretty bad starter weapons actually because they require a higher degree of accuracy, aren't hitscan, and require fairly specialized builds that most new players don't have access to, for beginner weapons I see them all as fine they'll get you far enough to get a half decent weapon and from there they can do whatever.

  10. 10 minutes ago, PlsNerfTrinity said:











    You must not own any razer products.

    I don't have to do anything, really.

    If you do it through their interface all that means is they write the script for you, making a button function as another button requires a script otherwise this question wouldn't even need to be asked because they'd have no way of telling if you were ever using macros in the first place.

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