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Posts posted by (PSN)ozgurozacik

  1. dude the PA just came out, of course its rigged with a lower chance to drop. if everyone can grab trinity in the first week nobody would bother with PA and DE devs cant get their paychecks now,would they?

    just wait it out, you'll get one eventually. after PA is done its gonna drop wayy more frequent.

    ı don't want to wait 90 Days.
  2. 8 T2 sabotage. every each one of them we find 3 cashes every time hikou p bp and pouch game is definitly rigged this is not RNG this is de trying to rip off the players by either prime access or platinum purchasing

    And it is been 11 T2 sabotage missions and still no Trinity

  3. Yes if it would be like this:

    When you are selling the frame or the weapon it must ask you a question do you want the Reactor back? And this way you will get it if you are selling the thing.

    The other way is like wait a Minute guys ı will take the Reactor in rhino and put to frost before we start ( after the match you will put into rhino again so this way 1 reactor and 1 Catalyst will be enough for everyone

  4. 30+ kills in g3 8-9brakk bp 2 brakk barrel no @(*()$ reciever this cant be True.

    I think DE did something like this these accounts cant get brakk parts this cant get stalker drops etc

    Tell me why DE

  5. I don't think that DE can be bothered with that!! They have thousands of gamers on this platform at the moment so... NO... It's just the ODD of a pimp computer rolling dice...

    Well just tell him to roll better!!! (20 g3 kills ı am gonna cry :( )
  6. Thanks for all the Comments and ı have a Theory.

    I think DE just says this accounts cant have the brakk parts and this Ones cant have the stalker drops and so on and so forth

    Stop saying 15 raid is enough... you never farm g3 when raid hasnt exist

    Actually yes ı have all the time either they are not spawning or dont drops the parts
  7. I have done 15+ raids. İn all of Them ı have killed g3 and got just one barrel in 14 of them it is empty!! And many more g3 kills in grineer missions but nothing...

    So ı am guessing the parts drop rate is %0.1?

    And please stop saying go do raids they dont give parts...

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