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Posts posted by (PSN)ozgurozacik

  1. Well the topic of umbra is always something good to see.My thought on it is this:Umbras should have huge buff in one stat and a huge nerf in the other.For example;Excalibur has 225 armor. let's say that his umbra lowers his armor to 150 but increases his health at rank 30 to 400 instead of 300.

    I would be okay with this
  2. We don't know yet if umbras gonna be better than primes but if they will all this time and effort for grinding prime warframes will be a waste?

    So I don't think umbras should be better than primes they should be just a Side choice for MR and apperance

    What are your thoughts on this?

    Edit: ı was not talking about Excalibur prime ı was talking about all the primes so dont get me wrong ı am cool with founders

  3. excal umbra is a new frame. They said in one of the posts and they said this is the begining fur umbra gear now I am worried about are umbras will be more powerful then primes? if so we grind all that prime frames for nothing (in my case all the primes warframes that seen in this game except excal prime)

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