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Posts posted by BansheeUmbra

  1. Hello..

    Recently I build my own amp with Shwaak Prism, Shraksun Scaffold, and Lohrin Brace..


    First, I didn't see any effect with Lohrin Brace. It doesn't give any Critical Chance. no difference when I swap to other Brace..

    Second, I already max ranked it and gild it.. It doesn't give any additional stat on Critical Chance, Critical Damage, and Status Chance like in my previous amp..





  2. Recently I enabled Dynamic Resolution (any option besides 'disabled') and tried to press F6. It freezes and then the Warframe Crashes.. I still can take the screenshot but from Steam's Screenshot hotkey.

    My condition now is: I turned off the "UI in Screenshot" on Warframe.

    I hope this can be fixed..

    Thank you

  3. Now me as squad member..

    We killed the Terralyst on a hill and the shards didn't appear near the Terralyst.. It must be appear near the Cetus Gate..

    When we go near the gate, It showed 2 resources but it's above there (see mini map)


  4. It's exciting when I heard DE fixed the Shards spawn on U22.0.5 so if they don't spawn near the Terralyst, so it will be spawned near the Cetus Gate..


    Unfortunately.. Squad mate can't see them..

    So they can't pick them and lose them..

  5. Okay..
    I did some tests and I hope this will explain it..

    So the Green area is the Grass FX, that's right! The area that should be give you buffs, etc. But it's buff effect is 2x from it's Power Range on the Orange Area, but it doesn't have the grass FX. It's the ground from the plain/tileset.

  6. @[DE]Saske

    The Quick Revive feature since U21.3.1 causes companions bugging..

    This is my Kavat after Quick Revive. No name above her health bar, but she still following me to anywhere. I put Animal Instinct on her but it broke after a quick revive. and the Companion Indicator too.. still showed as "Bleeding Out" but the timer doesn't countdown.

    This happens to Sentinels too. It will showed as "Dead" but still exist above the Warframe. Animal Instinct doesn't work too.


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