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Posts posted by Llyssa

  1. You also get a good amount of credits, around 200k without a booster, and the levels have a higher than usual chance of spawning rare containers, which contain a variety of useful stuff, like 30-60 minute boosters, some weapon BPs, extra creds, a bonus R5 core, etc.


    The g3 also almost always spawn so you can use the LoR missions to farm the Brakk fairly effectively. IIRC the drop chance is reduced from a normal encounter but it's still decent.

    It's actually about 300k w/o a booster, if you add up all of the mission results together.

  2. You actually have the ability to roll dodge already, although it doesn't provide invincibility frames, which it should.

    There's rolling, and then there's roll dodges.


    Tap sprint.

    Backflip roll flip:

    Aim + Backward + Sprint

    Sideways roll flip:

    Aim + Left/Right + Sprint+Jump.

    There more info about them here, along with images:


    I feel adding frames of invincibility to these maneuvers would be great for PvP, and they could even design some PvE elements around them.

    As for the melee itself, it doesn't feel too much different from 1.0 melee, I feel like there needs to be more complex combos, and maybe even a lock on system for when you've equipped your melee as your main weapon.

    Adding invincibility is NEVER a good idea for pvp. That would make the battles "roll at all times until you have enough energy to ult".

  3. It would be interesting if we had global rewards for events. The only two cases we've really had so far were the relays not-dying(which is kind of awkward as rewards go) and phobos unlocking.


    I think things like unlocking maybe short-term boosters or the like would be nifty.


    I'm not so sure about permanent things, but it would be interesting if we could "advance the tenno cause" in that sense... particularly if how much of a permanent thing was tied to our performance as a whole.

    "You have 3 weeks to destroy 5,000 secret bases, each one unlocks when the previous has been completely cleaned of ickyum(either looted from containers or dropped by enemies.) Each base is +1 enemy level of the last, and has 99% of the last's drop rate for ickyum. The first base is lvl 0 with 100% chance. We can convert 10,000 ickyum into permanent +1 health per hour regen for all tenno. Coincidentally, each base contains exactly 10,000 ickyum."

  4. Let's just say that i've been doing some translating a while ago. 

    Text scripts of Cephalon lines were a part of my job, so, yeah.

    Here, have a look.


    Odd. The way "Apnar" lines are said, it very distinctly sounds like "Azz-car", however that would be spelled(I imagine that would be "Askar", usually).

  5. So, I've seen several posts put in general discussion today(that are oddly still in there after some time) that all say with much less eloquence things I've posted... numerous times.


    Okay, that's not surprising.


    The thing that IS surprising is that my renditions that made sense and were in the right topic sections got <10 replies, and these ones being posted to GD with poorly written/thought-out versions are all hot topics.


    I'm going to skirt the "maybe you should just lower your post quality" idea for now, and aim at the main one: Why does appearing in GD give it that much more exposure?


    I mostly find topics by looking at the "new topics" thing on the front page, so the random chance of ever knowing what section it's in is relatively low for me.


    What do you guys do to pick topics that GD things light up like that?

  6. Okay, so, you don't quite get it at all.


    Navigation 3.0 is effectively nuking the planets entirely, and replacing them with thematic tileset swapping mission-based groupings. We're not really going to have "planets" in as much anymore as a "thing".


    That being said, sedna has been one of the most-popular farming spots in game history because of the levels versus rewards. The highest point was when kappa was corpus controlled, but it's been rather well-travelled as a whole.

  7. Neural sensors are a grineer resource. They even have the grineer logo printed on them.


    Also, your void trader thing allows us to go alloy plates->ducats. That's pretty much economy killing.


    For the actual base concept, I would much prefer an alchemy system that allows going back and forth with things. I detailed out an explanation quite some time ago--I imagine it's archived by now, as pretty much nobody found the idea interesting. It should be a thing in the liset, rather than the relay.


    Also, this is in the wrong section.

  8. Umm... What was your point? Post screenshots or nobody knows what you're talking about.

    Not exactly true. The way they do the arrows is as part of a mesh that's in-hand, which goes completely invisible when you shoot. However, when you're *actually* invisible, everything on you is given a special translucent texture, including this invisible arrow, so it looks like you're carrying a magic wand or something.


    Quite frankly, it's a technical issue that would require a lot of rework or removal of bows. Neither is a particularly interesting solution--the first is a bunch of team effort invested to fix what's basically a non-issue in all other cases, the second would be unpopular with the community in general.


    This is a super-low priority thing, with super-high investment requirements, so it's going to be a long time coming, if ever--nobody really cares, these kinds of threads show up maybe once every 6 months, and get 3 replies.

  9. I don't think most people see fan fiction as "creepy" so much as "written without any skill whatsoever".


    99.9% of all fan fiction has a sincere, painful lack of talent that is brutally awful. Rebranding fan fiction as something else doesn't change the fact that it's brutally awful. By definition, it always will be--truly talented writers create new things of their own. As fan fiction, by definition, is entirely borrowed, at best it can be a rehash of someone else's work, and it will always be an inferior rehash there of.


    "Fan fiction" is already a rebranding of "inferior rehash". That's the best you can really hope for.

  10. One super important point: They're not super keen on the idea of us just flying over all the content. Zephyr gets some serious air time, esp. on low-grav tiles, but having AW-style flight on tiles not designed for it really messes up.... everything. Even just being zephyr is a messy affair if you're one to be airborne--the waypoint system(which kinda sux to begin with) is 1,000 times worse while up there.


    EDIT: Also, despite the repeated submissions of WANTING to fly, AW gives you all the flight you want, and a lot of people very vocally hate it.

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