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  1. Ok DE I really hope you're seeing the feedback from actual Hydroid players & will be making adjustments accordingly. First off let me say I am not a casual Hydroid player. I am a DEVOUT Hydroid main & have loyally played him since nearly Warframe's release on Xbox back in 2015. He was the very first frame I went & got. I have played him in every bit of content this game has had in 8 years. DE I have been playing him since stamina & stamina stats were a thing. Back in that day he had the highest stamina stat of the available frames. I remember a dev stream where Scott was talking about the thought/theme of Hydroid was being a melee fighter that used his abilities to quickly lock down, get in & out. A hit & run pirate frame. This is how I have played him for 8 years. While every other player has chosen the new damage heavy, nuke a map OP frames...not me I have loved my Hydroid. He may not be perfect, he may not be the best but he is the Warframe I enjoy the most. He is the frame I continue to choose to play Warframe for. DE I have more time on Hydroid/ Hydroid Prime than pretty much most of the frames combined. I was there when you guys made the changes/rework to him in 2017. Most of the changes were good, some of them changed his mechanics/modding for the worse. However I'm not one to get on the forums & post really EVER. However this rework, I definitely felt I needed to say something. While most of these changes seem interesting, good or straight improvements there are some major concerns. Tempest Barrage: Back before the changes/rework of Hydroid in 2017 the ability range stat had significant impact on the effectiveness of this ability. Range would affect the circular area of effect of where the barrage would land. A preferred mod setup would actually lower the range & up the ability strength so you could cluster all the barrage into a focused area thereby increasing the consistency of the damage. Combining this with Corrosive Barrage (pre corrosive status changes) this enabled a very effective armor strip while giving decently solid damage. Well, your changes in 2017 destroyed this functionality & setup. The range got changed to affect the explosion radius of the water bombs themself with them landing randomly in the pre set radius. You effectively killed both the decent damage output & armor strip capability of Tempest Barrage. The changes to corrosive status procs further made this ability augment worse. On top of that instead of just staggering or knocking down enemies it hit, the changes to impact damage now made them ragdoll out of the ability. The main question here is with these new changes, how is the ability range stat going to function now? Hopefully its more towards the pre 2017 rework. Tidal Surge: I can't think of any issue with your rework here for this ability itself. Better qol, better responsiveness, CC. On paper it seems good. Hopefully it feels good in game. Undertow: Here begins my biggest gripe point. Good God this is a HORRIBLE choice to just completely remove this from the game. So pre 2017 rework the puddle had alot larger aoe. While not effective in terms of damage, I understand the changes to its base function then. It was not fun. However, what the rework gave us was the ability to cast our other abilities from Undertow. Also, a niche function of being able to grab enemies with tentacle to pull them in. That was a significantly positive change. However, the other changes you made to it then were a combination of not understanding the frame & unnecessary nerfs. When the 2017 rework came out, enemies submerged in Undertow were dealt TRUE DAMAGE. While the damage was meh it did ramp up. Furthermore, when you combined this with Corroding Barrage this allowed the damage to be significantly improved & ramped up so much quicker. You could within 2-5 seconds kill very beefy targets in your Undertow. While not even remotely the strongest thing in the game, it was unique. Surge into a group of enemies, drop undertow, grab a few targets you missed with tentacles, hit them with Corroding Barrage & watch them die. It was more engaging. More importantly, it was FUN FOR ACTUAL HYDROID PLAYERS. Then for whatever reason, you guys decided this was too strong & changed the damage type to IMPACT, arguably the worst damage type in the game. You again just like Tempest/Corroding Barrage effectively killed the function of this ability. In a game where we had Saryn, Volt, Equinox nuking entire rooms in seconds, you decided that THIS/ UNDERTOW was on that level where it needed a nerf into nonexistence? Give me a break. Here's your reasoning. Undertow is an ability which we feel makes Hydroid a bit less fun to play as, or play with. There are two main reasons we decided to replace this ability: It forces the player to be stationary, while many objectives rely on regular movement. It absorbs enemies without instantly killing them, which can lead to instances of hiding enemies that a teammate was trying to kill. Your nerfs in 2017 made this happen. You caused what you are saying. Hydroid players never wanted Undertow to be completely stationary or low on the damage. You made those choices. A 1 meter a second move speed was ridiculous, who decided that was a good idea at the time? The absorbing enemies without instantly killing them? Thats a direct effect from your nerfs! Hiding enemies that the team is trying to kill? No actual Hydroid main wants that either, we want to be able to kill the enemies just as fast to help our team. After these changes Hydroid's Undertow was not about damage or offense but PURE UTILITY. There are several VITAL things actual Hydroid mains use Undertow for. 1) MELEE Let's go back to Scotts comments from 2014/2015. The theme of Hydroid was being a melee fighter that used his abilities to quickly lock down, get in & out. A hit & run pirate frame. What Undertow gave Hydroid mains was openings & positioning for melee enhancement. Once you were in the midst of enemies, Undertow puts enemies in a vulnerable state. Once you arose out of Undertow, enemies were in a finish able state. The next melee attack on them did finisher damage & lots of it. You didn't have to sit STATIONARY. You could drop it then immediately come back up to get the crazy melee damage. The other thing was with the 2017 rework, Hydroid could now use jump to exit Undertow. What this allowed was for you to come out of Undertow & be in the air. Why do this? To get slam or heavy slam attacks with weapons which did what DE? Oh yeah proc his old passive of giving a tentacle(as crappy as that was). However on weapons that gave bonuses to this, it was really fun to do (again for Hydroid mains) you remember things like the Arca Titron, Ohma, Exodia Hunt, Tenet Exec, Lifted status effect? 2) Survivability What Undertow gave Hydroid was survivability in another form. Where other frames have things like Iron Skin, Warding Halo, Mesmer Skins, invulnerability windows etc etc. Hydroid had his puddle. Orbital Strikes from Kela de Thaym? Puddle. Big Moa shockwaves? Puddle. Jackal energy waves? Puddle. Steel Path & got blasted by a Bombard? Puddle. Got scorpion yanked by an enemy? Puddle. Need 1 second of breathing room? Puddle. Need to reposition? Puddle then Tidal Surge. Need to heal just a bit? Puddle with Curative Undertow. Need to create an opening for something? Puddle then choose an ability. I have taken Hydroid into many, many hours of Steel Path Kurva Survival. You know what has saved me countless times? UNDERTOW for its sheer utility. 3) Synergy Undertow enabled flexibility with his other abilties. Tempest Barrage allows enemies ins puddle to be status affected. Tidal Surge could be used for shorter distances & to puddle gather enemies. Tentacle Swarm got 200% percent damage when cast from Undertow. Are these synergies going to be given to the base ability somehow? KEEP PUDDLE IN THE GAME SOMEHOW What Undertow gave was OPTIONS DE....PLAYER CHOICE...VERSATILITY. The complete removal of this ability shows complete lack of understanding of how actual Hydroid mains are using Undertow & shows you don't understand how vital & frame defining it is for Hydroid. This is the ability that is the core identity for Hydroid's uniqueness. I really hope you listen to the feed back here on it because there are 2 really good ideas to still incorporate Undertow in some form. 1) Incorporate it somehow like you did Limbo's riftwalk. Via a dodge, crouch or something, Puddle utility/survivability needs to remain in the game somehow. 2) Apply it to his Tidal Surge ability. Make it a hold function. Tap to Surge, Hold to puddle. Again this is a vital core identity/ mechanic for Hydroid mains. The Puddle utility/survivability needs to remain in the game. Tentacle Swarm: Well to be honest I'm a bit conflicted here. This ability can go a couple different ways. It could be a more power/damage focused ability that just obliterates things or crowd control. If it remains as a CC ability, then the utility needs to be much better. The random spawn locations of the tentacles does need to be fixed though. With that said, while the Kraken has always been decent at Crowd Control, it's always made it harder for the team to kill enemies grabbed. These changes alleviate that issue by holding them straight. Pablo also said that if enemies walk into the area they will be grabbed by the Kraken. While the changes seem much better, it also makes the ability less fun? less lively? Less power fantasy? It's basically a reskin of Khora's Strangledome now....here's my thought process. Hydroid is an ocean frame. The ocean is the most powerful force on Earth. Hydroid calls the Kraken...in Greek/Nordic mythology this was one of the most powerful creatures in existence. The Kraken was a force of nature that even some of the gods feared. In folklore the Kraken was just as powerful, feared & respected by sailors & maritime/ ocean cultures. Should the ability not reflect that lore/ reputation? Also, maybe the augment could be enhanced/buffed or even changed? Just a thought. Final Thoughts All in all, the rework seems interesting & I'm eager to test it out in game. I want to see where this puts my favorite frame in terms of functionality, modding & fun factor. However what I am adamant about is that some sort of Puddle functionality remains available to Hydroid. Without it, this kills a playstyle I have enjoyed for many years & what keeps me coming back to Warframe. Without it, I'm not sure if the same enjoyment will be there for me, I will have to see when the update come out. I'm all for having the Plunder ability to try out, but Undertow needs to be a riftwalk or applied to Tidal Surge. All this feedback from Hydroid mains over the years & it seems DE has chosen to ignore us Hydroids mains as usual. As I said I usually never speak up on forums but this is my "that 1 guy who complained about Conclave to Steve changes" This is my hill & I'll stay fighting on it. If not it might be time to move on. If anybody read all of this, kudos to you. To any remaining true Hydroid mains, I salute you brothers keep up the good fight. Much love to every Tenno out there & happy hunting!
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