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Posts posted by Epsik-kun

  1. 52 minutes ago, CactiIsraphe said:

    you've obviously never run pflow and qt

    Your overall credibility seems quite questionable after reading this, to be honest.

    Anyway, comparing other frames to Nova is generally a bad idea, as Nova is pretty much the best universal frame in the game, while still being one of the best CC frames, one of the best buff frames, the best utility frame, one of the best farm frames, one of the best Sortie-level nuke frames, and the best speed-runner in the game.

    It's just all these are quite finicky, don't come in a single package requiring altering the build, and require a considerable level of practice to use efficiently (aside from "cast and forget" MP builds)
    All of the above makes her actually very balanced, but the bottom line is there is no other frame as overall useful as Nova in the game.

    However, while other frames may not have such a wide specialization as Nova, they compensate it by being better suited for streamlining some specific tasks.
    In case of Saryn, for example, she excels at applying incredible total damage spread over a huge group of enemies. In the mid-levels (30~50), Saryn will clear whatever comes into range of her spores save for Nox units because of great game design decisions. Other frames will not out-damage nor out-kill a properly built and played Saryn.
    Aside from pure damage, Saryn provides team-wide utility as a permanent omnipresent Viral proc provides far more utility people usually give it credit for. For more organized squads Toxin proc is also very powerful.
    Saryn is also a great affinity farmer for dedicated squads. People commonly use Banshee for the purpose and Saryn is about 3-4 times more effective.
    Saryn also breezes through Sorties. Melee Saryn, in fact, has one of the best melee damage scalings in the game. Because CO is a thing and getting access to IPS + Corrosive + Blast + Viral + Toxic results in the damage multiplier going up to x85(while preserving the armor stripping/bypassing ability) and is considerably higher than what other frames can squeeze out of CO (mainly because they can't run Viral for effective double-damage and Blast for two procs in one) and melee as a whole.

    Honestly, the main point here is "you don't know how to play Saryn".

  2. Delete Relentless Combination from your account. Use Condition Overload. Swap 90% cold for the dual-stat. Body Count for Drifting Contact.

    Reasoning being: Relentless is pure garbage and a waste of a mod slot as it's a weak damage increase with heavy diminishing returns working against a system based on a geometrical progression. CO is a 60% damage bonus to everything in the worst-case scenario as Destreza forces Slash proc - this already makes it a best in slot. Viral + Slash relies on actually proccing viral. Proc Viral - 30% extra cold damage do nothing for you.

    Going further from your build, you might want to try out Berserker, PFury, or both. Berserker might be more effective than Organ Shatter(or even CO) in the context of you already having a lot of crit damage from your Riven. Or might be not - test it yourself.

    Also, I would honestly suggest rerolling the riven a bunch of times, if you really like Destreza. +Crit Damage is godlike and it's a great combo with +Crit on slide, but Destreza isn't really a slide weapon - at least in terms of its range.

  3. 6 minutes ago, motorfirebox said:

    Make sure  you're using the right elements for right enemies.

    Which are literally always Corrosive (+ Blast) or Viral + Slash. There are no other elements in this game. There was Gas once, but it was a bug and it got removed (Except for Lanka, maybe, but even there it's sketchy).

    41 minutes ago, Officer_Triceracop said:

    Am I a bad and should feel bad?

    You are bad for not using melee. Use melee. Condition Overload/Blood Rush/Maiming Strike and their combinations are alright. Or be Ivara and use Navigator on your Zenistar charge attack.

    For guns, the working combination tends to be an arbitrary amount of corrosive proc chance paired with crit viability (crit chance to hit 100% or higher crit chance and a lot of crit damage on top of that). Though, there are some exceptions, like Tigris Prime that can work with Viral + Slash (+ Radiation because you need 100% status chance, after all).

    Also, there's always the option of playing Banshee and turning literally any gun in the game into a doomsday device.

    51 minutes ago, Officer_Triceracop said:

    I do play as Trinity

    Make you Link strip armor. Cast Link. Strip armor. Shoot the guy. Guy dies. Repeat.

  4. 7 hours ago, TheMostFrench said:

    Suddenly, the channeling mods look pretty enticing!

    Eh, no - they do not. Sure, free Life Strike sounds powerful, but that's about it. Look at the stats of every other channeling mod and name me a reason to use them, even for free.

    Also, passive channeling would be a step backward. The problem with Channeling isn't the energy cost or the necessity of wielding melee. The problem with Channeling lies in the fact Channeling is so goddamn weak. The concept itself can work and isn't that bad actually.

    Buff all the channeling mods tenfold - you'll get viable working Channeling that isn't mandatory nor is a panacea. Bonus points for removing the counter-synergy Channeling has with Combo Multiplier.

  5. 1 hour ago, ChaosSabre said:

    Life Strike is actually terrible on fast low damage weapons.

    There are no "fast low damage weapons" which are viable on their own while Life Strike is somehow terrible on them. Due to the same reason damage reflection achieves nothing in the game, all sources of life steal are incredibly powerful. You can take something like PDC with their 35 base damage and it'll still provide you decent heal/energy ratio on regular attacks because said 35 damage is skyrocketed by damage mods, buffs, Blood Rush, Condition Overload and whatnot. And any weapon has access to sliding attacks, ground finishers, and prompted finishers - all of which deal considerable damage in a single swing. 

    1 hour ago, ChaosSabre said:

    While channeling and damage reflections are both terrible passives imagine if damage reflection took away your energy as well every time a enemy hit you.

    "But it's free" is not an argument. There's an opportunity cost which is wasted on the passive because passive does literally nothing - which is something you refuse to accept for some reason.

    Your main issue with channeling seems to be its energy cost - rejoice then, the energy cost of channeling is precisely the thing Zenurik affects to a considerable degree. If you think that Channeling is never used by anyone - you are wrong. Modding for Channeling specifically is stupid because channeling mods are terrible in comparison to regular mods - but that doesn't mean using Channeling is stupid. Life Strike is one of the ways of using Channeling, it works on every single viable melee weapon in the game - slow or fast hitting, and that's a fact. If you think it doesn't - you are wrong yet again because it factually and evidently does.

    So, if we are comparing lowering the energy cost of a mechanics that while being niche is actually used by players versus literally nothing. And you are saying that something is "way worse" than nothing. That's precisely what you're trying to prove here.

    I'll go even further and say that Zenurik's passive on its own is quite strong actually, it's just linked to a massively weak mechanics that's limited to either QoL during stealth affinity farm or self-healing. The fault here lies not in the passive itself, but in the mechanics it's supposed to support. Meanwhile, Unairu's passive does literally nothing because it's designed in the way it can't do a thing. The passive itself is conceptually and inherently garbage.

    So, if you personally can't find a way to use Channeling in the actual gameplay - no need to project it onto other players. Zenurik doesn't force you to use Channeling in any way, so it has no downsides. However, Channeling itself has its uses. For frames like Excalibur, Channeling not only "has uses" but can be build-defining. A passive that can support builds has its uses, meaning it isn't useless by definition. Meanwhile, Void Spines is useless.

  6. 4 hours ago, DeltaPangaea said:

    I think some people are just much more fond of combo multipliers. Combo Multipliers favor multihit weapons to crank up the multiplier faster, while channeling HATES multihits. Channeling loves slow motherfuggers, or else yeah, I guess you will chew through energy instantly.

    Well, you still can effectively apply Channeling on prompted/ground finishers and such. And Life Strike is good on any melee.

    2 hours ago, ChaosSabre said:

    It's useful in niche situations. Same applies for Unairu. If you got a Inaros with Hirudo you can have some kind of bad aoe dot.

    Here's the point you're getting wrong. The enemy is able to deal less than 5% of your frame's DPS output. And the enemy has EHP from tens to thousands of your frame's EHP. In the whole game, you will never encounter a situation when the damage from Unairu matters.


    What's also important - assuming DE decides to address crap passives - Channeling can be made useful without changing its core mechanics by just tweaking the numbers. Meanwhile, damage reflection in Diablo-esque games is a flawed concept that never works because of the whole "inflated player damage + inflated enemy HP" thing. In Warframe it's not only the case - it's rocked up to eleven. It is conceptually impossible for plain damage reflection to work adequately in the game. Tweaking the numbers can make it
    a) worthless (like now);
    b) overpowered (if we multiply the damage by a million);
    c) scaling from OP to worthless depending on the enemy level (if we multiply the damage by a thousand);
    but literally never will it be balanced.

    If the core mechanics are changed - the reflection percentage grants the same amount of the damage reduction or the damage reflected is linked to warframe's mods and weapons rather than damage incoming or it procs like crazy - it can work. But as it is now - it's conceptually garbage.

  7. 3 hours ago, ChaosSabre said:

    Except channeling is even worse than unairu damage reflection. At least unairu won't drain all your energy in a few hits and do exact same damage a channel would.

    Look, we all know that Channeling sucks, but what you're saying is mathematically and factually incorrect. When Unairu does "exact same damage a channel would" your frame is dead - end of the story.

    Meanwhile, Channeling is actually used by actual people during the actual gameplay in the actual game. Channeling is a fair 50% damage increase as long as Combo Multiplier isn't involved, which makes it useful for stealth affinity farm - for both regular attacks and prompted finishers. Life Strike is a powerful mod for sword-only gameplay and it uses Channeling.

  8. 1 minute ago, -AoN-CanoLathra- said:

    So, could you spell it out, plain and simple, in 1-3 sentences


    Sure, darling!

    11 hours ago, Epsik-kun said:

    I don't even care about the topic itself, but this particular statement is straight-up false. Transferring an arbitrary amount of self-damage into a single magnetic nuke with no corrosive/slash/viral proc potential, headshot/crit/stealth/CO synergy, melee availability, and questionable range of available weapons paired with a heavy energy cost, excessively long animation and mediocre area of effect is virtually nothing compared to x7+ damage for over a minute in a single cast without any of the aforementioned downsides.

    Absorb tanks a lot of damage, but it is worthless at damage-dealing.

    Oh, wait.

  9. 8 hours ago, -AoN-CanoLathra- said:

    Don't go building a straw man just to make your case.

    Do you even know what "straw man" means or are you just using a term you've seen other people use?

    8 hours ago, -AoN-CanoLathra- said:

    It also cannot be cast at the same time as Elemental Ward due to energy constraints

    1) But it can;

    2) What are energy restores/drops/Zenurik/EV/etc.

    I admit that I've placed the buff numbers a tad bit too high. Which doesn't mean you can't get x7 damage multiplier for over a minute that'll be castable from the Chroma's regular energy pool (alongside with Elemental Ward) - you can, but that'll be detrimental to the overall build and a pain to enable. However, switching the new power strength mod for Primed Vigor will put you on the on the comfortable x6.75 over 63 seconds while providing enough stats to fully enable Vex.

    8 hours ago, -AoN-CanoLathra- said:

    And while they may not have the downsides you listed, they have their own failings.

    Yeah? Such as?


    Look, I'm glad that you found a way to disregard the whole post by literally ignoring the point it makes, but if you can't take a hint, I'll enlighten you:

    Just shooting/hitting an enemy with whatever Nyx got in her hands will be a much faster, much cheaper, and much more efficient way of killing the said enemy than trying to do it via Absorbed self-damage (assuming you're using delayed explosion weapons, as Assimilate won't allow you to do that anyway) because converting your attacks into the worst damage type in the game, stripping them off all the damage multipliers/procs aka "things that make weapons kill stuff" (no Absorb doesn't multiple the damage, it isn't AMD), and then returning it to the enemy through a terribly long animation isn't a good way of dealing damage to begin with.

    Even if Chroma had no damage increase on Vex Armor, He would've still been better at dealing damage than Nyx trying to waste her time by killing stuff with Absorb - self-damage or not. But Vex Armor has a damage multiplier and it's huge. Saying "self-damaging Absorb is more broken than activating Vex with self-damage" is like saying "playing the game with a self-inflicted handicap is broken". Meaning it's wrong.

    So, again, I don't care whether or not Chroma enabling Vex through self-damage a broken thing or not - I don't even play Chroma. But what you're saying is straight-up wrong and you're spending your time intentionally disinforming people. By the way, that also includes your post about Chroma "losing overall survivability" via activating Vex, because self-heal is so hard to get in this game. Like, it's nearly impossible to heal back 100HP when you only have meager 99% damage reduction. And of course, everyone switches weapons in Warframe all the time during the combat - given the game mechanics openly promote it - so surely dedicating a weapon slot for self-heal will have a huge negative impact on the player's overall performance. Not to mention, Chroma is literally the only frame in the game that benefits from a source of self-heal. Am I right?

  10. 2 hours ago, -AoN-CanoLathra- said:

    Also, Nyx can absorb and multiply self-damage before hitting all enemies in range with it, so I think Chroma is a little bit lower on the scale of 'broken self-damage' than she is.

    I don't even care about the topic itself, but this particular statement is straight-up false. Transferring an arbitrary amount of self-damage into a single magnetic nuke with no corrosive/slash/viral proc potential, headshot/crit/stealth/CO synergy, melee availability, and questionable range of available weapons paired with a heavy energy cost, excessively long animation and mediocre area of effect is virtually nothing compared to x7+ damage for over a minute in a single cast without any of the aforementioned downsides.

    Absorb tanks a lot of damage, but it is worthless at damage-dealing.

  11. On 10/22/2017 at 2:16 AM, JohnMorte said:

    I'm locked in a pitiful animation that does shameful damage

    Dual swords are absurdly efficient single-target damage dealers. They effectively outperform the likes of Lesion, Galatine Prime, or Nikana Prime in short-term burst damage up to armored heavy enemy level 200 or so.

    Stop using garbage builds and start going for that pause combo.

    But of course, you won't be able to compete with proper spin melee on the regular levels - nothing will.

  12. Just now, (PS4)ArtPrince17 said:

    That's literally the same as saying Five Nights at Freddy's 4 needs to be changed from sound based to visual because you can mute it.

    You don't really know what "literally" means, do you?

    Just now, (PS4)ArtPrince17 said:

    Why can't DE do it?

    Because in the whole game except for Lua Rescue there are no mandatory audio-ques. The next closest thing is searching for caches - and even then it only helps, as opposed to being required, as caches are:

    a) mostly optional or don't have tight time restrictions (even on PoE the time you get to find caches is very lax); 
    b) can be mapped with any kind of loot radar;
    c) don't appear in Sorties.

    So, excluding Lua Rescue, Warframe is perfectly playable without sound for years already with the only drawback being a slight disadvantage while searching for caches.
    Meanwhile, regarding your "literal" example, FNaF4 is virtually unplayable without the sound as audio-ques are the cornerstone of its gameplay. How can you genuinely think you can compare the two is beyond me.

    • Like 1
  13. It's been brought up several times since Focus was implemented - damage reflection will never work in the type of a game Warframe is. It cannot be balanced with tweaking the numbers. It will always be broken - the concept itself is flawed. You can make frame return 5000% of damage it receives and the ability will simply be

    a) Broken on low levels;

    b) Utterly useless on high levels.

    And I honestly can't see another explanation for DE bringing it back for the Focus 2.0 other than them stubbornly refusing to admit they had screwed up with the whole concept of the passive, to begin with.

  14. 8 hours ago, General_Durandal said:

    Vaykor Sydon,
    Rank 3 Shimmering Blight, Stance,
    Rank 9 Primed Pressure Point,
    Rank 9 Primed Fury,
    Rabk 9 Primed Reach,
    Rank 3 Spoiled Strike,
    Rank 5 Auger Strike,
    Rank 3 Viciouse Frost,
    Rank 5 Molten Impact,
    Rank 3 Volcanic Strike

    Throw out Spoiled, Auger, PReach and Molten. Slot Condition Overload, Virulent, Berserker, and Voltaic. Corrosive + Blast.

    8 hours ago, General_Durandal said:

    Nyx Prime,
    Rank 5 Energy Siphon,
    Rank 5 Thief's Wit,
    Rank 9 Primed Flow,
    Rank 3 Fleeting Expertise,
    Rank 9 Narrow Minded,
    Rank 5 Overextended,
    Rank 9 Continuity,
    Rank 5 Streamline,
    Rank 3 Chaos Sphere,
    Rank 5, Stretch.

    Get a useful aura, craft some pizzas,  and get 175% efficiency (170% is 20% higher energy costs compared to 175%). Transmute Chaos Sphere. Get Assimilate - use Operator to position yourself in battle

    8 hours ago, General_Durandal said:

    Rank 9 Primed Point Blank,
    Rank 5 Hell's Chamber,
    Rank 3 Scattered Justice,
    Rank 3 Blaze,
    Rank 5 Vicious Spread,
    Rank 3 Scattering Inferno,
    Rank 3 Frigid Blast,
    Rank 8 Hek Visi-fevanok, MR 14
    +20.4% reload speed,
    +1 punch-though,
    +68.2% damage

    It's pretty garbage if you can't get 100% status proc on it. You'll need all 4 dual-stats and extra 60% status from somewhere else (can a Riven roll this much? I don't know). Against level 60 Grineer, however, you can just mod it for Corrosive and shoot them from up-close. It'll do.


    I honestly don't understand what were you expecting with Nyx without Assimilate, Vitality, or Quick Thinking. But yeah, all bounties are easy - I can't get a squad for them because matchmaking is garbage, so I solo them, as many do.

  15. 21 minutes ago, (PS4)Chris_Robet said:

    So invincibility in boss fights is needed


    There are multiple ways of balancing an enemy around excessive damage and invulnerability phases is pretty much the worst of them.

    Enemy damage and scaling should be overhauled all-around - not only for bosses. Vay Hek should be deleted from the game.

    • Like 1
  16. 1 hour ago, HerbieTheCar said:

    Plus, why would be calling one of your squad mates and/or friends the word you used? What kind of a friend are you?

    There are quite a few communities that are perfectly fine with people using this way of addressing each other.

  17. I would also say that while Warframe -> Operator transfer is indeed quite smooth, the opposite one is not. Transfering from Operator to a Frame takes a considerable amount of time during which the frame is locked in place - as opposed to getting momentum boost to create an illusion of a fluid movement.

    Of course, I'm talking here about half of a second at most, but it's long enough to notice it - especially during aerial movement. Overall, it makes Transference feel clunkier than it should be.

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