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Posts posted by Epsik-kun

  1. 29 minutes ago, Tacritan said:

    Also its nice of you to edit out your previous post just to make my reply look dumb, really mature and nice! Keep it going mate.

    You do realize there are timestamps for posts and edits, don't you? Stop disgracing yourself even further by blatantly lying, darling.

  2. 1 minute ago, Tacritan said:

    Naramon breaks any kind of mission.

    You are literally asking the questions and throw out statements that were answered, corrected, and explained in the very post you're quoting. Seeing as you're harboring some kind of incoherent hatred towards Naramon that prevents you from comprehending simple information and forces you to insult people, I see no reason in taking you seriously nor in having an argument with you any further.

  3. 42 minutes ago, Tacritan said:

    able to solo MOT for hours with zero damn effort. 

    You won't solo Mot for "hours" with "zero damn effort" - it'll take you a single attempt of actually doing it to realize that.

    Naramon breaks solo survival - that's true. But it's the only thing it actually breaks. The vast majority of the missions can be completed prior to the player even getting a chance to use Naramon at all. In endless missions that aren't precisely solo survival, Naramon while is a powerful survivability tool is far from being perfect - especially for missions like Defense and Excavation where drawing aggro can be quite important.

    Meanwhile, unlike Zenurik which is literally energy restores for lazy people or Madurai which is "muh damage" (admittedly, for a selected few frames it's a tad bit more than that), Naramon actually enables new builds and playstyles. Maining melee on squishy frames and/or using Furis/Restores/Mantis as your only means of self-sustain is something that Naramon enabled us to do - it brought a lot of actual diversity into the game. Even "breaking" the solo survival is a playstyle of its own - there are players who find joy in experimenting with builds and figuring ways to push further and further when the LS, energy sustain, and damage output become the only variables to matter.

    Naramon is the only school in the game that actually adds a level of depth to the gameplay and frame/weapon builds. Trying to drag Naramon down and make it yet another piece of (semi)useless garbage which is literally every other option available will be harmful to the game. Boosting the other schools to match its level, however, will be massively beneficial.

    Streamline and Fleeting also "break" the game if you consider them in the context of not having positive efficiency mods at all. Yet I wouldn't be playing this game were I to be limited to a ~single ability cast per minute.

    Although, I have nothing against a universal invisibility rework that'll change it into something resembling the actual invisibility as opposed to a source of cheap invulnerability we have currently.

  4. As an avid melee player, I find it excruciatingly frustrating to have frame's melee ability to be completely disabled for a whole second after executing an aerial attack.
    I understand this is implemented to prevent players from flying all over the place just by swinging their weapons non-stop (which won't break anything that isn't broken already, by the way). What I don't understand is why isn't this clunky cooldown limited to aerial attacks only.

    Warframe is a fast-paced game - a second can make a lot of difference. The terrain in Warframe is very uneven. Using melee on the go sometimes creates a situation when momentum combined with the unevenness of the terrain puts the frame into the airborne state despite being only a few centimeters above the ground. What happens next is the player presses melee button, the frame executes aerial melee, lands into the enemy crowd immediately afterward, and then the frame just stands there completely powerless because the clunky cooldown on the aerial attack is preventing it from continuing fighting in melee for a whole second which is more than enough for the surrounding crowd to straight up murder the frame if attacking in melee was its main way of surviving.

    It isn't only limited to that - for example using aerial melee to land a hit on an enemy that stands on elevated terrain is generally a terrible idea unless this hit is enough to finish the enemy off.

    There is no good reason for this cooldown not to be limited to aerial attacks only. There's no good reason for this cooldown to persist through landing. There's no good reason for a fixed time after-swing cooldown to exist, to begin with, but the current implementation is just frustrating.

  5. True Steel is a pretty bad mod generally. In the context of your Riven, it's a godawful mod - don't waste a slot on it.

    Spoiled Strike is a terrible mod.

    As was said previously, removing Body Count and leaving only Drifting contact will have virtually no downside except for some Defense/Interception missions.

    So, considering your build has 3 wasted slots, I would suggest getting Corrosive via Voltaic Strike and think what you want to do with the remaining two slots. Running something like Condition Overload (even pure corrosive Ichors have access to slash proc and knockdown) and Berserker is likely to be optimal. If you're dead-set on not having any +attack speed mods in your build, just use another elemental mod instead. Virulent Scourge for more consistent Corrosive procs, Shocking Touch or Fever Strike for more upfront damage. However, do not underestimate the effect of Berserker on frames like Valkyr or Volt.

    All of that being said, I suggest you reroll your riven more. You can get something much more powerful.

  6. 2 hours ago, Buddhakingpen said:

    Trinity doesnt need a nerf or a buff. She needs a rework.  Not because she's bad, but because she's a frame with 0 skill cap and the lowest possible skill ceiling. Mod for what you want, press the buttons for the effects you want, very little need for timing. Literally the only skill you need is the ability to look at timers. Thats not interactive gameplay. Its effective, but there should be some kind of skill necessary for a team battery. 

    That's already more skill required than for the 95% frames in the game.

  7. An arbitrary number of crit damage increase is always mathematically better than the same number of crit chance increase.

    Notable moments to consider are critical headshots, the importance of consistency, and already stacked multipliers.

    Keeping both in balance is a good idea in general, but if you're going to prefer one over another, critical damage usually is the better choice.

  8. Yes, Glast Gambit is an absolutely terrible piece of garbage combining a variety of tremendously obnoxious decisions and is probably the worst thing DE ever made.

    That being said, the actual concept of the match being sabotaged is just bad which means it isn't among the worst parts of the quest. It also doesn't carry over to the actual Index, as it's a quest-only feature.

  9. I rather enjoy this particular build on my Ichors:



    It capitalizes on the extremely powerful ground finisher Dual Swords have as well as pumping enough attack speed to streamline the insane pause combo of Swirling Tiger while still providing decent upfront damage from reliable corrosive proc.

    Of course, if you don't want to rely on this gimmick, replace Finishing Touch with either a 90% Elec/Toxic or Toxic dual-stat. I would recommend the latter. For high-level runs, CO will be strictly better than Finishing Touch too.

    True Steel isn't a good mod choice for this build.

    3 hours ago, (Xbox One)MuffinWizrad said:

    going for the dual cleavers too, since their syndicate mod is pretty awesome

    It isn't, really. On a finished build, you'll have no space for this mod, unless you'll try running pure Slash proc build, which is really underpowered atm. However, the weapon itself is amazing, especially for Condition Overload builds.

  10. Just now, OvisCaedo said:

    His concern is that, without knowing disposition, it is hard to tell if a given value is good or bad for a particular weapon's rivens

    As far as I can tell, the variance between the min and max values of the same Riven is relatively small. I personally had never seen anything remotely close to the 50% vs 280% example in the OP.
    So, given the inherent randomness of Rivens and rarity of their specific variants, I highly doubt the suggested change will affect anything.
    The basic knowledge that Rivens with a negative stat have positive ones of higher values tends to be enough for judging Rivens.
    So, maybe I'm being wrong in my understanding of Rivens, but the whole presumed problem stated in the OP strikes me as a non-existent one. Hence my confusion.

    That being said, I do see nothing wrong with a QoL change of displaying Riven's disposition on the mod itself.

  11. 46 minutes ago, Naftal said:

    This ability is anti gameplay and should not exist.

    That's your opinion.

    There's plenty of people who enjoy such "anti gameplay" abilities and it isn't limited to Warframe. There's nothing inherently wrong with such abilities, especially in grindy games. Who are you to demand to take them away from these people?

    The only balancing issue here is that a "lazy" ability should not provide as good or better results as a "proactive" one. And in this regard, EQ is perfectly fine.

    If you ask me, building squads for proper synergy and heavily capitalizing on it is the healthiest possible thing in this game. I had much more fun gathering proper squads for resource farming, Draco, or Void Defense and pushing them to their utmost limits than I have now with running "healthy" missions for "healthy" time with "healthy" teammates using "healthy" abilities and achieving "healthy" results over and over and over again.

  12. 5 hours ago, Hixlysss said:

    his charge attacks

    Which he doesn't have.

    I remember suggesting this interaction long time ago. Spin for Blind, Slam for RJ, Aerial attack for Slash Dash. All of them toned down, slightly altered and without the energy cost.

    With energy costs (especially as huge as half of RJ) it'll piss off more people than it would make happy.

  13. The design is neat and the concept looks interesting enough. Save for the default color scheme, it looks like a weapon of the same family as Dual Ichor (maybe it might be good to make the default color scheme similar?).

    Regarding the blocking gimmick, judging by the way you're describing it (at least, how it looks like) I'm afraid that it won't be used. Seeing the whole tentacles>nuke progression, I assume the idea is to have something along the lines of Vaykor Sydon's Blind passive with 15 consecutive blocks or so. Well, no one relies on that thing.

    The whole "block enough to get a nuke" concept falls off short due to several reasons:
    1) Even 85% DR blocking will get you killed on high levels
    2) Incoming attacks are very inconsistent - getting an arbitrary number of consecutive blocks can take an absurd amount of time if AI decides so.
    3) Unless the block nuke will be an AoE wiping out entire map, going for it would be massively inefficient. And Warframe, as a grinding game, is all about efficiency.

    So, unless I'm judging the concept horrendously wrong, I would suggest not going for "charge up the weapon" concept. Especially Vaykor Sydon style.

    What I can see working, however, is getting an immediate response from the weapon on a block.

    For instance, every blocked attack could release an AoE status-applying nuke due to the shield retaliating. Or, alternatively, the nuke could be triggered Sydon-style by stopping blocking, however, the number of blocks required to charge it up should be no higher than a single one. It can deal 20%~50% of the weapon's damage if it doesn't require lowering the guard and 150%~300% if it does.

    For the whole tentacle thing, a completely separate concept can be used. As an example, each block will give the frame a DR buff of, say, 10% that can stack up, thus giving a total of 50%~60% DR. The duration should be in the range of 10~15 seconds and getting a block during that time should refresh the duration of the whole bonus. As the stack count rises, the shield becomes more excited.
    The DR stacking up time can be increased by lowering the DR per block amount to 5%~2%, but the total DR cap should remain the same - 10%~20% DR is worthless in this game.

    This way I can see the concept actually working and being useful - not just a gimmick. After all, sword&shield combat is not about sitting behind the shield - it's about parrying and riposting, blending defense and offense together.

    As for the stats themselves, I haven't done enough Sword&Shield testing to provide you with adequate numbers right off the bat but assuming the wiki doesn't lie about both stances not having any damage multipliers to speak of, here are my ideas:

    From the aesthetical point of view, I would love the weapon to be an actual relative of Dual Ichor. So, I strongly suggest going for Toxic as the main damage type.
    Next, what I would've considered a really powerful AoE proc from a purely Toxic weapon is Viral and nothing else. Viral is the only proc I can think of that would provide an adequate reward for going out of your way to block stuff instead of just simply hitting an enemy.

    Finally, I can see two ways of approaching the stats of the weapon:
    a) Ichors-style crit-oriented with a decent status chance.
    20~25% x3 crit / 15~20% status chance might be good enough.
    b) Mainly status focused
    10% x2 crit / 25%~40% status chance.

    Honestly, I would personally prefer the first version better because the second one goes into Silva&Aegis Prime territory too much.

    If we're talking about x3 crit version, I can see it being viable with 60~80 base damage - depending on the ranges I've suggested. Having it to be on the faster end of Sword&Shield weapons (0.9~1 speed) seems adequate. I'm not sure if it should have the 90% DR block as Silva&Aegis prime has according to the wiki - all Sword&Shield weapons should, in my opinion, however, if it's to be considered a unique trait of Silva&Aegis Prime, it should probably remain that way.

    For stats themselves, there are very important factors to consider, especially if some of the suggestions look too strong and over the top.
    All and everything of these won't make the weapon a top-dog among melee. Not even close.
    Current melee usually relies on either invisibility, huge total damage + decent status, huge status + CO.
    While my suggestion might look like I'm making this weapon a case of pure power creep on Ichors (which I constantly compare it too), Ichors as Dual Swords would have access to one of the most powerful stances in the game, which is something impossible for Shield&Sword. Heavy Blades and Nikanas too have incomparably more powerful stances. Whips and Polearms have more reach so they're viable for spinning (and huge reach is not what I think is intended for this weapon). Polearms, in fact, have Shimmering Blight which while boring is quite powerful.
    Also, this weapon offers nothing of value for invisibility-based melee which is huge at the moment. However, I can see it being a viable alternative to said melee for any frame - that's something we don't really have at the moment.

  14. 9 hours ago, XenoKatsuo said:

    Math? what math?

    Saying Bladed Rounds is a "run-away winner" compared to Argon Scope is a bit of over-exaggeration.

    However, the reason why critical damage percentage is better than the same amount of critical chance percentage lies in the nuances regarding modding and critical damage calculation.

    Mainly, what the game considers to be a "critical damage multiplier" for the purpose of calculating damage and for the purpose of modding aren't the same values.

    The formula for average damage with crits looks like: [Total Damage] * ([Base Multiplier] + [Critical Multiplier] * [Critical Chance]);

    [Base Multiplier] here is the regular damage of the attack - 100% or simply 1.
    While [Critical Multiplier] is the additional damage the critical attack deals.
    As you can see, [Critical Multiplier] and [Critical Chance] here has exactly the same weight as another as we are using the product of both.

    However, [Critical Multiplier] in the formula is not the same thing players can see in their Arsenal. Because what Arsenal shows already accounts for the [Base Multiplier].

    So, if Arsenal shows critical multiplier of 2 it means that regular (yellow) critical hit will deal its regular damage and then exactly the same amount on top of that. So the actual in-game multiplier for calculating crit damage is x1 - this multiplier will scale off the critical chance (over 100%, 200%, 600% - you name it) and not the x2 shown in the Arsenal.

    However, all the sources of +% Critical Damage increase the corresponding value by taking the numbers from Arsenal. So, using Vital Sense on x2 crit weapon will result in an x4.4 multiplier. The part that will scale with crit chance is x3.4 because x1 accounts for the basic damage of a regular shot. It means, that additional crit damage went up by whopping 240% instead of the expected 120% because previously we had to deal with the additional crit damage of x1.

    Meanwhile, using Point Strike instead of Vital Sense would've increased the critical chance by 150% which translates to the expected 150% additional critical damage increase - on the average, of course.

    The higher Critical Damage multiplier rises, the closer it comes to Critical chance, but it still remains strictly mathematically better. 

    Still, even disregarding the "consistency" factor of Argon Scope, it does have an advantage over Bladed Rounds on the weapons that can't reach 100% crit chance otherwise that I have stated before - critical headshots. 
    Warframe Builder does not account for critical headshots which have the extra x2 damage multiplier on top of what regular headshots provide.

    For instance, Soma Prime with regular critical build will perform better with only Argon Scope than it will with only Bladed Rounds if the player lands at least 20% of their bullets as headshots.

    Regarding the buff sustain problem, in a horde-based shooter, it is much, much easier to sustain Bladed Rounds than Argon Scope without hurting own performance. Killing only Gunners/Bombards in Simulacrum often creates an incorrect impression of a weapon.
    However, there are some cases (notably boss-fights) with conditions favoring Argon Scope. For example, Tyl Regor fight.

  15. Just now, VonDodo said:

    And why would it be bad on weapons reaching over 100% crit chance? you get better crit every 100%

    The way crit damage formula works, a percentage of crit damage increase is considerably better than a similar amount of crit chance increase. Next thing, crit primaries already implement Vital Sense and Point Strike as their mandatory mods, thus we are comparing effective increases of 50% crit damage versus 47% critical chance.

    Prior to reaching 100% crit damage, there's a problem of consistency with critical headshots being the thing as well as having a chance to outright not apply any of your crit damage multiplier. However, after 100% it's just a plain linear scaling with Crit Damage being the more impactful value between the two.

  16. Yes, the network connectivity and hosting system are bad and prone to failure. However, honestly speaking, it had massively improved compared to what it used to be one-two years ago.

    Nowadays you at least have a relatively high chance of reconnecting back into the game.

  17. 1 hour ago, XenoKatsuo said:

    dread build

    Bladed Rounds is generally better than Argon Scope for weapons that can already reach over 100% crit chance. The main damage advantage Argon provides over Bladed is increasing the number of critical headshots which have an extra x2 damage multiplier. This part becomes irrelevant if the weapon already has over 100% crit after just Point Strike and 120% crit damage is better than 135% crit chance.

    Maiming Strike is leagues above Argon Scope. If you enjoy spin weapons I consider Maiming to be a must-have.

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