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Posts posted by Epsik-kun

  1. 10 hours ago, yual said:

    yep, not a strong stats. ( max: 30 ~ 40%)

    That would have the same problem as simply allowing Rivens to work for Exalted weapons, just to a lesser degree. Not to mention, it'll add a niche stat to the pool which will be garbage most of the time and will make their RNG more frustrating for both attempting to get a decent regular and exalted Riven.

  2. 15 minutes ago, Dark5eiD said:

    can you please make text white, i would like to read this and cannot.

    Should be fixed now, sorry about that.

    27 minutes ago, yual said:

    good idea but for my part I would prefer a stats like : +25% riven effect on exalted weapon.

    Do you mean universally or like another possible stats out of the stat pool for Rivens?

  3. Seeing how ridiculously high can stats on Rivens for strong disposition weapons go, I can't help but agree with the decision to prevent them from affecting Exalted weapons.

    However, I've come to like the whole concept of Rivens very much. I finally found a reason to do Sorties which I used to hate with a passion. I'll be frank - I don't have much to do in Warframe anymore. I'm a "stick to a character and make them strong" kind of a guy, so all of the new frame and weapon releases mean very little to me - I have my few frames of a choice and I stick to them very rarely picking something new up. In Rivens I see a valid reason for me to play - by spinning the luck roulette I get a chance of making my arsenal objectively stronger instead of merely getting more stuff to hoard. I can move forward.

    I personally would love to get a chance for this feeling to apply to Exalted weapons as well. What I suggest is to introduce Riven mods which target specifically the Exalted weapons like Exalted Blade, Hysteria, Peacemaker and so on. Balance the disposition - say, 1/5 for EBlade, 2-3/5 for Hysteria (seeing as it can't have 100% uptime anymore and building for Hysteria is strictly worse than just using a Warcry build with a Blood Rush weapon), 3-4/5 for Primal Fury (or just buff it already) - so that the mod power can be controlled and nothing would break.

    Similarly to the weapon Rivens not affecting Exalted weapons, Exalted Rivens should not affect the weapons they are installed in, meaning the player will have to sacrifice some of their regular weapon power. I've seen people say "but we shouldn't mod differently for regular and Exalted weapons", however, we already do. Augments and Shadow Debt mods don't work on Exalted weapons (which is a huge deal for melee especially, given how dramatically had Blood Rush and Maiming Strike changed the whole melee meta) and not all weapons are equal hosts for the Exalted abilities (as opposed to the "only mods matter"). Some ask for the ability to mod Exalted weapons separately, but personally, I enjoy the idea of having to make some sacrifices in order to make the abilities more powerful.

  4. What I've used myself. It's based on the old build that used to make it to 2:30 solo Mot - prior to Chromatic and Condition Overload being introduced.

    Frame (Energy color is Electricity):



    I have Arcane Strike on my syandana and I equip Arcane Pendragon when I use this build, however running yet another Arcane Strike on the helmet might be a better idea.





    Organ Shatter there is for fun purpose only (because Mire enables it), using Toxic/Electric 90% mod is likely to provide more DPS (albeit by a little, so Organ Shatter might get an upper hand in case of common headshots). You can sacrifice some damage for True Steel in order to make Naramon more reliable.

    I am absolutely positive that 3 hours solo Mot is doable on this build. However, what comes after primarily depends on the current state of the scaling in Survivals. If nothing had changed, 4 hours should be possible too.

  5. 13 minutes ago, Pmueck3 said:

    a fwew houres on Mot

    Guidelines would be:

    1) Naramon;

    2) No defensive mods (and thus no Rage);

    3) Try to max out your Strength and Efficiency and offset Blind Rage with enough Duration, so your EBlade is close to/on minimal sustain cost;

    4) Chromatic for solo Mot is Corrosive + Blast with Condition Overload equipped.


    I can post an actual full build if you don't like to figure stuff on your own.

  6. The lack of easily acquirable self-sustain is one of the things that distinguishes starting players from end-game. Proper self-sustain is available through multiple sources which had always seemed to be very healthy to the game - it gave the player base choices with some actual meaning in them - be it either the squad composition, loadout, or mod choices.

    Streamlining the self-sustain will achieve nothing beneficial to the game while removing an essential part of the player "growing" and making "choices".

    Not to mention, the general self-sustain the modern FPS games have is frowned upon by the more mature community as it usually ends up being just yet another way to dumb a game down.

  7. 5 minutes ago, tnccs215 said:

    That's... Not true. EV Trinity has substantial balance issues by completely negating one important game limitation without any effort - while also making her a one trick pony - and Blessing Trinity only requires careful management if you build her wrong. 

    That's precisely true if you play Trin in content that requires Trin. EV Trin is supposed to be able to sustain RJ Excal which is a pretty hard task to do properly (and current EVs are just plain bad and don't know how to do it). Bless Trin does not require resource management only when she's using a suboptimal build that limits her to Bless spam exclusively instead of making effective usage of her whole kit. Because a proper Bless build also includes a completely functional (possibly augmented) Link and powerful EV (which should be enough for everything but Raids nowadays, because current EVs are bad) because all of these can fit in without affecting the core Bless performance.

  8. 23 minutes ago, motorfirebox said:

    The biggest challenge when playing Trinity is staying awake

    I wonder what kind of content you're using your Trin in because the ones I've seen have to be constantly active. EV build is about removing energy costs for their squad no matter how high their resource consumption is - and it can be pretty high. Optimized Bless Trin has to carefully manage her resources to maintain Bless and Link while killing EV targets for sustain.

  9. 3 minutes ago, Da_Atte said:

    Let people use the weapons they like. But it is rather annoying that some of the weapons I mainly use are so damn underpowered you can't even use them in Sorties. It's amazing how badly some of the weapons have fallen behind this day.

    That's exactly the problem Rivens attempt to solve. However genuinely wishing for all the weapons to be viable in a grind game means you should be playing something of another genre. In a game like Warframe there must be progression, otherwise, the game itself becomes pointless and meaningless. All the "sidegrades" that look so good and balanced in theory, in reality, will make the vast majority of the players just ask themselves "why should I even bother?" There are people who just enjoy changing builds and loadouts, but generally when a person plays a game about looting and grinding they want to see their character grow and become stronger - not just different.

    I spent my first 12 ranks basically playing a single frame because polishing that frame was what made the game interesting to me. And when I finally started switching frames - at first it still was to get some stuff for the main frame.

    So, no matter how much you would like to run sortie missions with your Lato or Skana - it shouldn't be anywhere as effective as running them with Tigris and Galatine. And while Rivens don't magically make "all" the weapons viable, they considerably expanded the "viable" weapon selection which is a huge success already. The recent weapon buffs also were oriented on terribly underpowered weapons, so paired with Rivens they'll have their chance to shine. And if the Rivens completely break some of the top-tier weapons - then and only then should be direct nerfs considered.

  10. There are no benefits for using Operator Mode, so when the game forces you to use it (Kuva guards/farming) it feels bad and forced(duh). There's huge potential in the Operator Mode even as it is now, were DE to give it some actual benefits.

    1) Were the transition between modes to be much faster, the mode could've been used for covering the distance quickly - Frame > Operator > few dashes > Frame.

    2) Were the Stun > Dash combo work on everything - it would've been useful against bosses with invulnerable phases whom everyone loves.

    There are other possible solutions, like Stun > Dash removing target's armour&shields or simply amplifying all the incoming damage. The Beam will never ever be a viable damage dealing option - and it shouldn't. But it could be allowed to repair/recharge/boost the frame when used on it. And of course, there are countless other possibilities for making the mode useful even without changing it fundamentally.

    I don't think Operator Mode should be strong or even remotely comparable to Warframe Mode - there's a reason Operators are using Frames instead of doing everything themselves. But there should be some objective benefits offered by Operator Mode to give people a reason to use it. And farming a single resource isn't a good example of such reason.

  11. 18 hours ago, Music4Therapy said:

    If you read the rest of my response you would have seen that my formulas are not wrong.

    Oh, darling, seeing you failing at basic reading comprehension not once but twice is a bit too much for me to handle. You should really start reading everything instead of cherry-picking specific words you happen not to like.

  12. 2 hours ago, Music4Therapy said:

    Instead of saying "your math is wrong! the formula is actually this!" why don't you go ahead

    Why don't you go ahead and actually read what you're replying to? There's nothing that says "your math is wrong, exclamation mark" there. I had only pointed out the misconceptions you have regarding the "formula" itself with you suggesting to "change" it. And, yes, hard capping maximum critical chance would be a disgustingly terrible design decision - there are better ways to address it, which you would've seen were you to actually read the post.

  13. I'd just like to interject for a moment. Stealth Multipliers (as well as Channeling) aren't directly multiplicative to the critical damage.

    Also, "changing the formula for Red Crits from (crit level)(crit multiplier-1)+1 to (crit level)(crit multiplier)" doesn't make sense, because the latter is already the formula of critical damage - all of it, not only Red Crits. The difference is, the prior takes critical multiplier from the arsenal and the latter - from the actual damage calculations. "+1" part is what makes "critical damage increase" into "total damage". For instance, x2 critical multiplier equals to 100% damage increase. x3.8 - 280% damage increase and so on. Simply multiplying the critical chance and the critical damage increase results in the precise total critical damage. Adding 100% to it results in total damage - as in base damage + critical damage increase.

    The questionable moment, however, is "+% Critical Damage" mods increasing not the value from the damage calculations but the value from the arsenal. This results in them providing far greater damage increase than one would expect. For instance, Organ Shatter while being supposed to increase critical damage by 90%, in reality, pushes it much higher. By making an x2 weapon into an x3.8 the critical damage is increased to 280% of what it previously was. And while it works fine on regular crits, as the critical chance goes higher, the damage difference starts to become more and more apparent.

    And personally, I'm strictly against hard capping criticals - that would be a terrible design decision.

  14. 4 hours ago, SortaRandom said:

    at the moment due to Blood Rush unintentionally scaling from the +90% bonus

    "at the moment". "unintentionally".

    I would like some source on that info, as Maiming behaves this way since its implementation which was more than a year ago.

    Addressing the OP - you don't really need Relentless Combination with Atterax, as it usually starts destroying everything on x1.5 combo multiplier. Upgrading Pressure Points and Reach to their Primed versions is a good idea - especially for Primed Reach. Maiming Strike is the strongest mod you can possibly fit in your build but you're unlikely to have it.

    I would suggest going for Corrosive instead of Gas and swapping off Relentless. True Steel is a good candidate for swapping too. You should implement Berserker in your build and consider pairing it with Fury/Primed Fury. Regular Fury is about the same level as True Steel while Primed Fury is strictly stronger (unless you can't attack at your maximum speed).

    If you're aiming at sortie content and higher, consider trying out Condition Overload in your build. It would be pretty pointless at lower levels but on higher ones, it provides incredible damage boost. You might want to try out Blast or Viral as your dual-stat combo with it.

    If you want some Radial Blind synergy for the sake of synergy, you might go with status-oriented Slash build.
    You don't really need Slash damage mods to do this - you can just use Weeping Wounds and Condition Overload instead of your dual-stats. If you decide to do this, I suggest keeping Relentless as you'll have quite a bit of spool-up time before the build starts to hurt (however, it will have a lot of damage bypassing armor and shields, so it'll be usable on higher levels) and swapping True Steel for Berserker. However, if you get Maiming - swap Relentless for it. Getting Drifting Contact instead of Body Count is highly recommended here.

  15. Well, an example of pure reach would be something like Orthos Prime. Boltace spins normally hit only a single target, maybe two-three if they all stuck together. meanwhile Orthos Prime can easily hit pretty much the whole group of enemies you're sliding into. So, while Boltace has about x3.5 of Orthos' spin damage, it will deal less effective damage most of the time due to hitting 5-15 times fewer enemies.

    An example of a crit weapon being overall stronger would be something like Dual Ichor. While Boltace spins usually would take you more than a second to reliably perform, Ichors have access to Swirling Tiger which increases DPS by over 400% while providing knockdowns, thus enabling devastating doubled x4 Slash procs on following ground finishers. Meanwhile, crit-stat with True Steel and Organ Shatter will provide a separate overall x2.88 multiplier to everything on the above. Ichors can also be built into pure Corrosive becoming much more effective against armor than any Puncture weapon will ever be. So while Ichors normal attack has 35 base damage against Boltace's 510, Dual Ichor will outperform Boltace by a huge margin.

    And then there are weapons and mods of simply higher power tier. For example, Galatine Prime (and all the other heavy weapons) has access to Cleaving Whirlwind stance which has Broken Bull combo. This combo is full of x4 damage double-swing attacks, each of which is performed far faster than a single spin from Boltace can be done. Galatine Prime having 165 base damage will deal 1320 damage per one such attack without any mods at all. Including the base crit-stat, on the average it'll be around 1584, which is already over three times the damage of Boltace per spin. Galatine Prime also deals mainly slash damage and has relatively high status proc chance, meaning Slash proc will also deal a considerable amount of extra damage.

    As for mods, there's Blood Rush and Maiming Strike. Blood Rush multiplicatively increases critical hit chance by 165% multiplied by the combo counter. Maiming Strike additively increases pre-Blood Rush crit by a flat 90% on spin attacks. And here's where the difference between being a crit and a non-crit weapon becomes a huge deal.
    Assuming x1.5 combo multiplier (5 attacks), let's compare average spin damage for Boltace with 4x90% elemental mods and Dual Ichor with 2x90%, Organ Shatter and Blood Rush.
    Omitting the formulas, the result is: 4483 for Ichors, 3606 for Boltace - and spinning isn't really the best way for Ichors to deal damage.
    Completing the full build, getting a higher combo, and including various synergies will make the damage difference even more dramatic - up to the level you can see in the previous screenshot.

  16. 13 hours ago, (Xbox One)im worried sick said:

    my calculations dont show a 3x crit damage weapon out dps-ing 3000 spin damage every 1.5 seconds. lol



    I dunno, man, doesn't sound like a lot to me.

    Seriously speaking though, almost every stick will effectively outdps Boltace - it has a minuscule reach and it doesn't really scale with Blood Rush.

  17. I can get behind the 100% frontal DR nerf. Though, I can't understand why was it nerfed all the way down to 60%. In my opinion, two layers of DR (360% and frontal arc) would be a nice solution to the survivability problem while allowing some sort of an adjustment to RJ that can make it into a rewarding nuke. 

  18. 7 hours ago, Xzorn said:

    The purpose of comparing an Avg Combo multiplier is because things happen and you lose your multiplier. Really, outside Survival you will lose your multiplier often and Standard EB backed by Relentless and Surging Dash is going to ramp your damage back up far faster. Losing your multiplier is mandatory for Defense and Interception while likely for Excavation.

    Okay, this makes sense.

    7 hours ago, Xzorn said:

    If you go Corrosive + Blast then you lose either Berserk or Primed Fury. Losing Atk Speed on waves has a more considerable effect on damage output than paper shows due to fall-off and enemy struck fall-off for waves.

    PPP, PF, Berserker, DC, CO leave space for three mods. Making Chromatic Blade with Corrosive + Blast requires three mod slots. So even considering the combo advantage you were proposing - your build is still at a huge disadvantage against everything and is incomparably worse against any amount of armor.
    You can even make it with two if you really want to.

    The problem with your math is the fact you don't properly account for procs repeating themselves (and yes - you don't), don't account for the spool up time of your build (which is huge), don't account for Blast being a double proc, Gas dealing loads of damage over time, and for Impact being freely available on Chromatic.

    There's also the nuance with Chromatic waves being perfectly able to sustain CO bonus on their own which isn't true for regular EBlade. This will make up for a huge chunk of damage too.

    So, this makes your calculations look non-credible which only reinforces my doubts regarding your build, as I've run a plenty of endless with my Excal and I know how "reliable" his regular procs are. Hence, no, I can't agree on regular EBlade outperforming Chromatic because I see no proofs of that. 
    And it's objectively incorrect for the conditions you've proposed (4CP/Infested - you say nothing about it being limited to endless with levels above 700) for the regular player base. There's a major difference between me thinking regular EBlade can't outperform augment under those conditions (I refuse to do the math - I can be wrong) and the fact all and every single of your argument becomes moot for levels lower than at least 500.

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