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Posts posted by [DE]Linkski

  1. On 2019-09-05 at 3:47 PM, Rafa_G said:

    When in a mission my image will randomly freeze even tho I can still hear the game including enemies attacking me, teammates attacking enemies and the sound effects of my own controls (shooting, opening closing pause menu). When this happens, only solution is to close the game.

    Hi Rafa_G,

    This usually means that the GPU driver has crashed. Can you please make sure that you're using the latest drivers? You can find drivers for the 8850M GPU here: AMD Support

  2. On 2019-09-06 at 6:46 PM, Gretzel said:

    If I fire my paris prime, if I swing my tipedo; if I fire my lex prime; the game turns into a slideshow for a brief moment

    Hi Gretzel,

    We have taken a look at these weapons but unfortunately we're having a difficult time reproducing any issues with the framerate. If you haven't already, can you try verifying and optimizing your download cache in the Warframe launcher? This will help us rule out the possibility of the issue being caused by missing or corrupt game files.


    If this does not help, then you please submit a support ticket with a copy of your EE.log? You'll want to get the log file after you've already had the framerate issues occur in the previous session. This could greatly help us track down the culprit. 


    After you've got your EE.log, you can submit the support ticket here.


  3. On 2019-09-04 at 9:53 AM, Madame-Von_Rage said:

    So, if I go into any mission, I'm fine. But if I enter the Earth Jungle Tileset, my frame-rate just absolutely dies. Like, I'm talking "that low it's unplayable". It's sad because I can't do most of my Syndicate Missions and stuff. And yes, I have tried lowering the graphics. Ironically, it makes my game lag more in general, than running the highest graphics settings.

    Hi Madame-Von_Rage,

    Can you please share your system specs so that we have a better idea of the issue you might be running into? CPU, GPU, etc.


  4. Hi Hermy!

    Thanks for the list, and we're glad you have seen some improvements since the last update. Just a quick question:

    7 hours ago, (NSW)Hermy said:

     -There are energy/color bugs when using melee weapons or really bright energy light sources that make big chunks of the screen pixelated.

    Can you please give us a few examples of some weapons that you're seeing this issue with? We should be able to get them fixed up, but we just need to know which ones are causing you problems. 

    We're also in the process of looking over the other issues you mentioned.

    Thanks in advance!

  5. On 2019-07-29 at 11:05 AM, Mad5cout said:

    The last full update added crashing problems,  It has not been addressed in recent hotfixes.  I can't make it past 5 minutes in a mission without my screen freezing.  playing a 3440X1400 at 75Hz.

    Hi Mad5cout,

    Can you please send us a support ticket with a copy of your EE.log after you've had this crash occur? This will hopefully show us why the game is crashing. You can find your EE.log by following the screenshot below, and you can submit a support ticket to us here.



  6. 1 hour ago, Armalyte said:

    I'm trying to complete " Natah " now but I'm stuck with the same missions for weeks now because I can't complete the missions because it keeps crashing.

    Hi Armalyte,

    Unfortunately we are having some difficulty reproducing this. Can you please send us a support ticket with a copy of your EE.log after you've had this crash occur? This will hopefully show us why the game is crashing. You can find your EE.log by following the screenshot below, and you can submit a support ticket to us here.



  7. On 2019-07-28 at 8:28 PM, Petroklos said:

    Killing Terra Embattor Moas in the Orb Vallis, after Petrifying them with Atlas' third Ability, causes significant framedrops. Doesn't matter what you kill them with, only if they have been Petrified.

    Hi Petroklos,

    Are you still experiencing this issue? Unfortunately we are having a difficult time reproducing these freezes. If Petrify is still causing this, then can you please try verifying and optimizing your Download Cacha via. the Warframe launcher? This is just to ensure that the issue isn't being caused by missing or corrupt game files. Thanks!


  8. Can anyone experiencing these freezes please submit a support ticket with a copy of your EE.log? You'll want to get the log file after you've already had the freeze occur in the previous session. This could greatly help us track down the culprit. 

    You can submit the support ticket here.

    Your log file can be found here: 



  9. Can anyone experiencing these FPS drops please try verifying and optimizing your download cache in the Warframe launcher? This will help us rule out the possibility of this performance issue being caused by missing or corrupt game files. Thanks!


  10. 11 hours ago, Erarg said:

    Wondering if this problem is with my system or if it's just better to leave the SLI disabled.

    Hi Erarg,

    Just to confirm, are you using the latest Nvidia drivers as well? You'll want the 431.60 - WHQL that was released a couple of days ago. Also, have you tried changing the screen resolution to see if that helps? For example, if you often play in Borderless Windowed mode, do you notice an improvement with fullscreen mode? 


  11. On 2019-07-15 at 11:49 AM, P0t4toCh1P said:

    two things:

    1st. It would be nice to have a frame cap while in your ship, my GPU is running at full turbo in the ship which is very unnecessary (RTX 2060 running at 80-90% usage giving 450FPS)

    Hi P0t4toCh1P,

    Have you tried using the "Max Framerate" option that is already provided in Warframe's video settings?


  12. On 2019-07-04 at 9:05 PM, (PS4)Malik_The_Gent said:

    So today I do believe I have found the answer to why the framerate drops so hard in the Plains.  It seems that there is a problem with the Tusk Bulkor as when it spawns it gets stuck in the air.

    I'm happy to report that we have just fixed this issue and you should hopefully receive a fix for it very soon. Please let us know if you still have problems with the Tusk Bulkor after the next hotfix has gone live. Thanks!

  13. Hi DJawesome,

    Sorry for the delay. Unfortunately we're having a difficult time reproducing this issue. Are you still experiencing this blue haze effect? If so, can you please try verifying and optimizing your download cache via. the Warframe launcher? This can be done by clicking the little cogwheel located at the corner of your launcher. 


  14. Hi everyone, 

    We believe we have identified the issue with Cloud Walker and we've already submitted a fix that should arrive with the next update. Please let us know if you continue to experience performance problems with Cloud Walker after the fix goes live. Thanks!

  15. 6 hours ago, KathleenRosetail said:

    My primary issue is my ingame performance absolutely tanks entirely (on the Liset, in a mission, on a relay, stress test, etc), dropping to less than 30fps when graphical settings are at high at 1920x1080 when there wasn't any issues before u25.1.2. My GPU remains at a constant 100% load, and never going past 50c. If anything, it REMAINS at 50 regardless what I do ingame. Before u25.1.2, my average graphic status would range from 80-90% load and temps of 60-70c.

    Hi KathleenRosetail,

    Can you please submit a support ticket with a copy of your EE.log after you've had this issue occur? It would also be helpful if you type something in chat around the time you experience the performance drop, for example just typing "slowperf" will help.

    You can find your log files by clicking the little cogwheel at the corner of your Warframe launcher, and a support ticket can be submitted here.



  16. 10 hours ago, sam686 said:

    Arsenal, Equip, while at equip menu, constantly move mouse and slowly spin controller's left analog stick at the same time, constantly. FPS drops to 20. After about 50 seconds, game crashes, but no crash report. EE.log shows nothing about why the game crashes or unexpectedly exit.

    Hi sam686,

    Thanks for bringing this to our attention! We've been able to reproduce this crash internally and we are currently in the process of working on a fix. 

  17. 4 hours ago, Eukrante said:

    So I decide to pull out the Sonicor while trying to level my Mirage after not using it for a while and I get temporary blindness after one round of Hydron. What in tarnation is this?

    Yikes. This is definitely not intended and I can confirm that we have been able to reproduce the issue internally. We will try to get this fixed up for you in a timely manner. Thanks for letting us know!

  18. On 2019-06-10 at 2:12 PM, Elemelepipi said:

    bump. It is happening while i want to pull out fishing spear or anything from gear wheel. Still not fixed. Please look on it. You fixed wisp alt helmet problem so why do'nt fix this?

    Hi Elemelepipi,

    Sorry for the delay! I can confirm that we have been able to reproduce this issue internally, and we are currently in the process of working on a solution. Unfortunately this is a different type of issue from the Wisp Alt Helmet freezes, but we will try to get these gear items cleaned up as soon as possible. 

    Thanks for bringing this to our attention!

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  19. Hi everyone,

    We believe we have a fix for this issue, however we're going to give it some more testing to make sure it doesn't break anything. In the meantime, if you have a large number of blueprints you'll want to avoid opening / closing the foundry too quickly (or even building too quickly). We apologize for any inconvenience this might cause, but we'll try to get the fix out to you in a timely manner.

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