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Posts posted by Lahared

  1. 39 minutes ago, Straxxes said:


    Can we have an option of "AFK" fppr Reporting Options so we can filter these leechers from PoE who just stays at the exit for all the time/ fishing and mining while we do what we should?

    Why cant you just make a custom squad with people who you know won't afk?

  2. 13 hours ago, (PS4)user4667777777 said:

    there's a weak ass armor debuff with shred



    With growing power the armor reduction can reach 100%. I do not see how it is weak. It may be inefficient due to the explosion radius, but if you're aiming at door ways then does it really matter since factions (such as the grineer and corpus) generally follow a linear path if hostiles aren't nearby.

    You could use a vortex and then when that has enough enemies, use the armor reduction mine.


    When you can completely strip armor from an enemy in one shot (provided growing power procs) I again fail to see how it is weak.

  3. 39 minutes ago, (PS4)dreamsintime said:

    Me too Warframe just needs a plant or nature based frame

    Does Oberon not count then?


    In my opinion, I like the concept proposed here, though this third ability you speak of appears to be glaringly similar to Khora's two with a simple re-skin to the ability. See here: http://warframe.wikia.com/wiki/Ensnare


    Just my two cents, as usual.

  4. I don't see why pressing "delete" is out of the question for two inbox messages. How is anyone gonna know about this event if they don't notify people?

    But as you seem to say:

    23 minutes ago, (PS4)lagrue said:

    nobody wants or even needs this. 

    I never knew someone out there intended to speak for others and what they want. Maybe they should make it harder to complete codex entry's next time, so there can be another reason to complain about something as minuscule as this.

  5. 4 minutes ago, AlphaPHENIX said:

    I check my Profile preaty often and it's currently still showing how a post I made last Sunday is the last post I've made, yet in reality there is actually another from 11 hour ago.

    You aren't alone. What's strange is the time it takes for "Submit Reply" to actually post the typed response.

  6. 4 minutes ago, KanesLegion said:

    Did you read the post ?

    I'm sure they did, and if I recall Digital Extremes planned to make a deluxe skin for every frame, in addition to multiple deluxe skins for them.


    Did you read what they typed or only what you wanted to see?

    6 minutes ago, KanesLegion said:





    But you can't get it anymore


    That's incorrect, you can get the Dex Excalibur skin by logging in on Warframes anniversary day.

  7. 39 minutes ago, (XB1)AnnabelleNewell said:

    So last week, admittedly, I posted in one of the chats (on XB1) "Nezha = tRaP" and while I am aware NOW that it is a deragatory word, I was not told or warned. I did not realize that the word was offensive. I put it in the context of well, I can't tell what gender Nezha is, it's gotta be a trick (or a trap, in this case). Yet I get suspended without warning for over the week mark for saying it once without realizing the context was negative.

    With the power of the internet at your finger tips you didn't know? I'm certain you've seen people type what you did and get chat suspended. Ignorant be the fool who refuses to educate himself at the fails of others. Whether you found out it was derogatory now or later does not give the excuse for saying it in such a manner. Pretty sure you wanted to copy others who do it for the sake of "memes."


    12 minutes ago, (XB1)AnnabelleNewell said:

    I just find it funny how one stupid word taken out of context gets me suspended when others literally are saying the same or far worse

    You realize, none of it is acceptable. I find it funny that when people get chat suspended they flock to the forums to complain about how they've been unjustly treated. This isn't the first thread someones created about this.

    It's either:

    • You feel it's unfair that your own ignorance hindered your senses and you got punished for that, am I missing anything here?
    • Or better yet, that the moderators/bot are too strict because you can't say whatever you want?
  8. 1 minute ago, Omega-Shadowblade said:

    I'd love to have him play the instrument shown in the quest personally.

    Remember though, neither the operator or Umbra picked up that instrument in the quest. So unless you just magically get it from the inbox and place it as a decoration, that idea is out the window.


    Try something else.

  9. Just now, Omega-Shadowblade said:

    Its a requested feature by the community, no idea if they plan to dedicate the resources though.

    I mean it'd be neat, but what exactly would Umbra do around the ship?

  10. 11 minutes ago, NukeSpear said:

    assuming you referred to my post, that's not what i criticized.

    no, i dont.

    spare me the bootlicking, its ugly.

    It isn't boot-licking when a majority of the time it is what happens. You think people just use the words innocently? --Some do, sure but there are some that don't and we tend to focus on the latter because it is a problem. If it doesn't apply to you, then I don't see the need for this post. It wasn't a refer to your post that you're talking about, but to the general discussion regarding the "this is unfair because I can't openly insult people."


    The reaction I got from my post was proof enough, thanks for that. Spare yourself by not responding next time, bud.

  11. giphy.gif

    I don't see the need for criticizing Digital Extreme's choice to manage and monitor the chat in ways that they feel is promoting a welcoming environment. We all know how Region can be, so spare me with all these excuses. I also don't know why the thread for optimizing or performing maintenance on the chat is the "ideal" place to be discussing this.

    They limit the choice of words you can use because they know you use it to offend someone.

  12. 2 minutes ago, OptimusJ said:

    So, let me see. You're saying that the rule, not enforce by any bill passed in any country of the world, in which you're only allowed to speak things is based on race, is anti-racist?
    Yeah... That thought dictatorship is bound to end, you know? #WalkAway


    If you entertain the notions of people you disagree with, it doesn't end well.

  13. 1 minute ago, Godin_The_Killer said:

    He's yet to do just that. This entire time, literally all he's done is go " your argument isn't coming from the right perspective" and then goes on a semantical tirade.

    But okay, I'll do what I did like 6 pages ago, and ask again: Is there an actual argument against having a solid form of univac? Because I haven't seen one.

    I'm not sure if there's an argument against it. I think it should just be innate (as it was) on sentinels, they're there to help you, right? But maybe just like the arcane helmet issue, people don't want it touched for some arbitrary reason.

  14. Just now, Godin_The_Killer said:

    I'm sorry, this ain't me, I'mma a fish first off, and I'm not afraid to tell you that I have no idea wtf you're talking about lmao


    Anyways, I still see no point against any form of univac (that meaning not some trash like current that's more or less useless).

    Your statement here:

    5 minutes ago, Godin_The_Killer said:

    Well your statements are indistinguishable form trolling

    Made little sense to post since you were only pointing out a flaw rather than adding further constructive conversation. But that's just me.

  15. 4 minutes ago, (XB1)FlameBoss57192 said:

    Ok so I have like 9 normal warframes like not primes or anything and then I have one prime warframe. So I’m thinking is it like ok that I only have one prime warframe?

    It depends on what you want, to have any of us try to answer this question would be projecting our subjective perspectives onto you and what we think is "ok."

  16. 6 minutes ago, FailixS said:

    I bought the Speed Drift DLC recently and it comes with some timed boosters I dont want to activate yet, so I prompted to delay the DLC activation, but I still want to play. What happens if I click "No" on the "You have pending steam packs. Would you like to apply them to this account?" message? asking for a friend.

    I would just assume that it'll keep prompting you after that point should you log out and log back in, but I'm not sure.

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