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Posts posted by Caramello

  1. Ever since the Drifter area released with new war and the navigation area became a separate "entity" with its own decoration capacity i noticed that decorations take a looong time to load, the rest of the ship loads just fine (as can be seen here: https://streamable.com/m72j0y the decorations in the main area of the orbiter are already loaded but not the navigation, so i doubt its a performance thing, after a little while the navigation decorations pop into existence). If i had to guess, you guys have some sort of script to prioritize what areas load 1st and got something mixed up and made so the navigation loads last?

    This long load just happens in the navigation area as can be seen here: https://streamable.com/zydc6d

  2. 3 minutes ago, Sickle_Slayer said:

    Because it IS fog. Turn off Volumetric Fog, and it dissapears.

    The patch notes said they added fog to Kahl's Drifter Camp to "show off the new lighting", and didn't say anything about the orbiter. But it was definitely added to it.

    Aw damn you right, orbiter looks like a new orbiter with fog disabled, the decorations still look waaaay dark tho.

    • Like 3
  3. My orbiter now looks pretty much the same but seems like there is a layer of white plastered on top of the screen with the opacity set to 10% or something, almost like fog.


    Some before/afters:






    After (this looks a bit better but still problematic, no ideia if the reason is that the skybox changed tho):

    • Like 3
  4. The new orbiter lightning is great... if you dont have any decorations in your orbiter, because if you do its a big yikes, everything is so dark and the decorations themselves besides displays pick up no light or anything, and just become lumps of coal, a few exemples:

    My navigation area is all dark and i can only see displays, basically ruined.


    Floofs? Lumps of coal.


    My prime noggles? Not worth the aya i paid for them.


    Ayatans are now just a cluster of lights.


    Sad day for Ikeaframe, sad day.

    • Like 6
  5. 4 Normal shard for a single tauforged aint it chief, i will never be using this feature at this absurd "price", imagine giving up 4 red shards that can give you 40% power str for a single one that gives 15%? Either make it 2 or make shards freely farmable.

    • Like 2
  6. 3 hours ago, Hobie-wan said:

    The update was on Thursday and the OP made their post on Friday. What are you on about saying "it was the weekend"?

    I have Fridays off, so Thursday is the start of my weekend when im done working. 

    Update droped here around 7pm Thursday, farmed pretty much nonstop and i got 2 weapons and started my 3rd lich pretty much 20 minutes before making this post (10AM), thats a 15 hour window (i didnt complete my 3rd lich, i just had started it, and saw the duplicate). Someone asked if i didn't sleep, i didn't, i was even gonna keep going for another round, but having a dupe waiting for me made me lose all the will.

  7. 4 minutes ago, (PS4)Ozymandias-13- said:

    They've already mentioned there's the possibility of rare ephemera and converting them to your side if you aren't interested in their weapon. 

    Also... it literally just came out last night. You really want to farm the entire update content in a single day? In a hurry to go back to other games already? 

    The lich i got didint spawn with an ephemera, and i couldnt care less about getting him to my side, this Lich i have is useless to me and to get rid of it i have to do a 8 hour grind.

    The pace i play the game is irrelevant, having to grind 8 hours to get rid of something should not be a thing. What happens down the line when you are missing a single weapon, and you get duplicate weapons over and over again? Are you willing to waste days of your life and dive deep in this RNG blackhole?

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