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Posts posted by Orthelius

  1. unknown.png


    This time again!

    This time please take a look at the JV raid, its a bit of a mess. Archwing and faulty hitboxes make it tricky as all hell to navigate into Jordas, and there are numerous crash errors forcing players to disconnect.

    Also, perhaps think of changing Valkyr's Hysteria - since for newer players the '100%' scale-up to 15 energy per second is far too high of a drain for them to choose options within Valkyr's abilities, effectively forcing them to not use her 4 at all, or Only use her 4. 
    The issue is invulnerability, so why not change it to something closer to Mesa's 3, 95% damage reduction with a flat drain per second along with the occasional health drain, every 2 seconds or so. Forcing Valkyrs to shift out of Hysteria when out of combat.

    - I speak with 800 hours of Valkyr behind me, along with some great input from my low tier clan members and region in general.

  2. 1 hour ago, Khunvyel said:

    The fix that I anticipated the most has not yet been here, where Fissure rewards are being completely thrown around and each player rolls 4 times for an item instead of all items being rolled once to be picked. I know someone (I think [DE]Taylor) said they're figuring it out. I hope this will be in a hotfix to be deployed soon, and not with the next chunk of the War within update because it is a serious drag right now.


    Do you mean the Tonkor is requirement to get anywhere? If so, that's utter nonsense. People also have played high level, long time endless missions fine without Trinity. I don't mind if you're so well with video games and have to cater to the meta in order to get somewhere. That's fine. But pushing that idea onto everyone else is a bit disingenuous.

    As to your continued notion (you seem to like camping hotfix topics to push that idea) that everyone need something that sucks in drops; First, I still wait for you to provide a decent idea of what to do with Carrier, and second an additional mod is not going to fix the problem. An extra mod for everyone is only going to make carrier BETTER, and on top of that will waste mod slots. I still stand with what I said here;


    I do not 'camp' hotfixes to push an idea. I have said this only twice and every hotfix I try and highlight another facet that I hear from region as an issue. 
    Carrier is still the tankiest sentinel in terms of defense, it still has quite a large suction range. What would it hurt if other sentinels and pets were given the ability for a shorter version of that? In that way carrier isn't the most convenient sentinel - thus there is more of a selection amongst the other sentinels. More range given to carrier if it used the mod isn't bad anyhow. It will preserve what carrier does, but it will add convenience to everything else. 

    I am also not 'pushing' the idea onto everyone else. I have no power. I make a suggestion based on a lot of talk in region, my own experiences and what I've seen in the forums and on YouTube. A lot of people would like to see carrier knocked down to make way for the other sentinels - however I cannot speak for them, so I speak for myself. You are the one attempting to speak for everyone else, which is disingenuous. 

    Do not twist my words either - I never implied you Need the Tonkor, or Need 99% Bless, of course you don't. But both also provide/provided an incredible amount of convenience. The Tonkor does the most damage per shot of any weapon currently - it has no self-damage and is a high scaling crit weapon. 99% Bless wasn't Needed either, and yet we saw it in every Raid since it made each of them completely facile and easy.


  3. unknown.png

    Lots of disconnects post update - people are disconnected at mission end, preventing rewards - needs urgent fixing.

    Evening! Ta for the newest update, but I would like to suggest a change to archwing - remove the automatic rotation that tries to rotate you to the 'normal' position (perhaps adding the auto orient to a button?) - and allow enemies to orient in any direction just like us. I imagine this will increase just how engaging it is and will alleviate the neck strain from rotating one's head to follow the archwing.

    Also, please have a look at 'Europa Tileset' excavations - as quite often enemies will refuse to spawn near the active excavators, and in very small amounts. It makes it quite tedious when one comes across that sort of mission.

    Finally, I am still of the opinion that a mod for kavats/ kubrows and sentinels to increase pickup range of items by 2-3 metres would allow all of them to see more play. Carrier is still the easiest to obtain and most convenient to use, which is still restrictive to variation in the same way the Tonkor is, or 99% Blessing used to be. 
    - Let us be clear, I am advocating for more selection amongst sentinels/ kubrows/ kavats since Carrier is currently simply the most convenient one to take. I am not 'forcing' this on anyone else since I have no power or say, instead I am attempting to prompt DE to open a dialogue with the community about a Companion rework.

  4. unknown.png

    Please consider rebalancing archwing. Currently the sliding is a bit too much to be able to fly very precisely, which is, unfortunately, extremely vital for the Jordas Verdict. The compulsory spin as well is very disorienting.

    Also, in order to bring all sentinels back into the limelight I think all should be given an innate passive of sucking up all resources an extra 2 metres away from the player (including Kubrows and Kavats). This will help their usability in farming and will still mean Carrier is useful for extending that range, for even more effective farming.

  5. unknown.png


    Currently a huge issue with being locked into the end-of-mission screen after reaching extraction

    I said this the last hotfix - but please update Smeeta Kavats with the Charm mod - there needs to be better indication of which buff we are being given.

    Also, please have a look at tuning archwing. Currently the sliding is a bit too much to be able to fly very precisely, which is unfortunately extremely vital for the Jordas Verdict. The compulsory spin as well is very disorienting.

  6. sotr-hf-7.PNG

    - Got logged out before I could compile the whole thing - sorry


    Excellent update DE! Clears up most of the major issues.

    Edit - Plenty of players complaining of Star Chart freezing immediately after this update. This needs looking into.




    Would it be possible however to implement proper buff icons for Smeeta Kavats using the Charm mod? Currently it is very difficult without consulting the wiki to identify which buff you have on at any one time.

    Will Nightmare also be re-implemented at some point in the near future? Currently a lot of very decent mods are hidden away from newer players.

    Also for Archwing there needs to be a change either in the FOV or in how the archwing moves, since there is an issue with sliding quite dreadfully. This makes missions like JV very difficult since precise movemenets are required to navigate into Jordas without hitting the walls.

  7. unknown.png



    As an extra, we really need a fix on the mission selection - since we cannot select Nightmare, and we cannot choose between normal missions/ alerts/ sorties and invasions.

    I also believe for the fissures that, when they spawn in the void, there should be an easier way to distinguish which enemies we must kill. Since the Fissure Corrupted blend with the normal Void enemies, complicating the mission.

  8. Currently there is an issue where players are unable to complete Junctions with Fissure requirements: 

    However, the reason this is an issue is because 'Seal 3 x Fissures' is misrepresentative. 

    You Must finish the Fissures on the Planet where the Junction is located. To complete the Phobos Junction you must do all 3 Lith missions on Mars.


    To complete the Spy mission on Jupiter for the Saturn Junction you must finish all three Spy Vaults without any alarms being set off.
    Unfortunately the mission 'The New Strange' is bugged, so it is not really able to be completed currently.

  9. 1 minute ago, Magnulast said:

    You forgot something, Saryn+Atterax+Toxic lash+Spores

    Kill everything with atterax and saryn.

    Use molt to remove radiation proc.

    Saryn kills all three factions with ease. Armor or shield buffs do not truly matter.

    The only exception is pistol/sniper/shotgun only.-With some cases of enemy elemental enhancement.

    There are always another way to do things, 

    I didn't 'forget'. I just dislike Saryn.

    ' So, for solo play, lets sum up what I would take for each of the missions type. '

    If this was your guide I'm sure you'd structure it differently. Indeed your Saryn may also work so that's another option.

  10. Evening Tenno, for months now we've all endured the sorties, but I've noticed more and more people getting irritated at them in chat due to "difficulty":
    Conditions restricting weapon choice are usually the biggest issues I hear players bemoan, followed by Radiation.


    In this post I hope to quickly run through how I have prematurely prepared for near every single sortie to arrive. Bear in mind, all my builds revolve around completing these solo in as fast a time as possible. I am also MR 21 so have access to every Warframe and weapon I need.

    First off, conditions:

    • Augmented Enemy Shields/ Armour - Enemy shields/ armour increase. This is almost no issue in any situation. Most powerful Warframes will ignore these conditions and continues as though it were a regular mission. If necessary, take Magnetic damage to nullify shields and Corrosive to nullify armour, however a single Valkyr, Excalibur, Ash, Mirage, Inaros and Mesa can still cut down these enemies with appropriate builds.
    • Cryogenic Leakage - Halves shields. No issue whatsoever
    • Dense Fog - Makes it a little harder to see. No issue whatsoever, although the Enemy Radar Aura may come in handy.
    • Enemy Elemental/ Physical Resistance - This simply makes enemies tougher. Bring a strong weapon or a strong Warframe and this can be ignored. Weapons such as the Tonkor, Lex Prime, Sancti Tigris, Vaykor Hek and Warframes such as Ash and Valkyr can still make paper out of these enemies even at lvl 100.
    • Enemy Elemental/ Physical Enhancement - This makes enemies tougher And deal more damage. Take a powerful weapon and a tough Warframe if you feel nervous. Valkyr, Frost, Atlas and Nova work supremely well.
    • Energy Reduction - Limits energy pool and regeneration by 75%. This is perhaps the worst condition to deal with. Self sufficient Warframes are very useful, ones with Rage equipped who are tanky enough to use it as well. Inaros, Valkyr and Frost are good examples. Energy Pads are also desirable since the Energy Siphon Aura and Zenurik passive are cut by 75% in effectiveness. The Narumon focus school is independent of energy so can be very useful here, as can Arcanes.
    • Eximus Stronghold - Most enemy units are Eximus ones. This can be a problem with Infested enemies since they spawn mostly energy leech Eximus units. Once again, Narumon is highly effective against these missions, although most Warframes and Weapons will still do the trick.
    • Extreme Cold - Slows movement. This is an annoying condition. Warframes with mobility such as Loki and Ivara with her zipline do fairly well if this condition is too big of a deal.
    • Fire - This halves health and healing so can badly affect Rage reliant Warframes such as Inaros and Valkyr. However Wukong and Valkyr can ignore the health penalty anyway.
    • Low Gravity - Higher jumps and slower falls. No issues whatsoever.
    • Radiation Hazard - Radiation procs will occur if you take damage. Deadly in groups since it will cause Warframe abilities to harm one another, and can be annoying in Defense missions. However in solo if can be ignored if careful.
    • Single Weapon Type Only - Only a single weapon can be brought. The most annoying condition. It restricts Warframes if they rely on a weapon to be truly effective and can also limit damage potential in any given mission.

    So, for solo play, lets sum up what I would take for each of the missions type.

    Lots of crowd control is perfect in this mission. Interception also means that the weapons you bring almost do not matter since you are not required to do damage till the last 10 or so enemies need to be killed.
    For this, I usually take this loadout:

    With these mods on Rhino:

    This allows one to knock out every enemy on the map for at least 14 seconds using only Rhino's 4. Which, when combined with Zenurik gives enough time to regenerate all energy lost. This is the new Blind Mirage however, it is also highly energy dependent. 

    The Sortie defence require a moving ally to be assisted. Since he is prone to move, and energy may be an issue I tend not to take Frost. Instead I opt to kill every enemy that appear in as short a fashion as possible.
    For this, I usually take this loadout:

    The Lex is to give to the Defence operator, as it allows him to defend himself and cover me should he need to be revived.

    With these mods on Ash:

    I also take Arcane Trickery to ensure that I have a measure of Defence, as Ash's 4 can proc the Trickery Arcane. Ash also ignores armour, so is perfect at all Defence mission levels. Ash is also almost energy independent, since his 4 is a low cost ultimate with the build, and enemies tend to drop at least 1 energy drop, refunding the cost of one 4 cast.

    Depending on the difficulty and faction I will take one of two builds: Normal Valkyr (Tanky, modded for either Eternal War, Hysteria, or both) against Infested and Grineer, with a pure Eternal War/ Narumon Valkyr against Corpus or Infested Eximus missions.

    Normal Valkyr: 

    Eternal War Valkyr:

    (Sub in a Flow/ Primed Flow instead of Continuity into build 2 if Energy Reduction is the condition).

    Narumon is essential for build 2, as it means after the initial cast of Eternal War, Valkyr becomes energy independant. Both the insane damage that can be wracked up by Hysteria as well as crit Narumon builds means Valkyr can clear any survival no matter the enemy.

    No doubt about it, Frost or Nova are incredible on these missions since both provide fantastic crowd control and defensive capabilities, however, Frost tends to be the more potent master of Excavating. 

    Frost Loadout:

    Crowd Control weapons are a must, especially aoe ones. As such the Jat Kittag and Sonicor provide extra fire support to knock dangerous enemies away.

    Frost Strength build (against Grineer or Corpus):

    Frost Crowd Control build (against Infested):

    Both builds provide resistance against the factions Frost faces. Strength is needed for a strong bubble to resist high level enemy fire, while duration is needed to slow the melee oriented infested enemies.

    Any Warframe is suitable here, however a tanky one is preferable. Valkyr, Wukong, Inaros, Rhino and even Atlas are decent, however invisibility all provides a huge bonus, with Ivara and Loki.

    See above. However Invisibility allows for more time to plan routes through the spy mission, as such a Loki/ Ivara is very appropriate.

    Take your deadliest and strongest Warframe and have some fun, I tend to take my Normal Valkyr build unless it is Secondary or Primary weapon only, in which case I happily switch to Ivara, Loki or Wukong.

    Once again, Invisibility has its advantages in allowing the cell doors to be hacked whilst uninterrupted.

    For these missions a few choices can be made:
    - Nyx - she can CC all enemies to a lesser degree and has quite large shields.
    - Frost - he can plant Bubbles and use his ice to slow enemies down while protecting the core.
    - Ember - she can walk alongside the core while using her 4 to cc all enemies nearby, sometimes using her 2 as well for extra control - this is the build I normally would take.


    This build control the entire battlefield fairly easily, however her shields can be a problem. As such, switch Vitality for Redirection and stock up on Shield Restores. A sentinel with Guardian will keep your shield stocked up to walk the tram.

    In most cases take something that cannot or will not die. Loki, Ivara, Valkyr and Nova are the only frames I routinely use in these missions with Nova used only on Lephantis. Valkyr against every boss unless she cannot have a melee weapon or is against a flying enemy or "weak spot" enemy (Vay Hek, Raptor, Lephantis, Sargus Ruck - not Lech Kril since Valkyr can jump melee and still hit his back).
    Loki can take any weapon and go to town.

    Ivara can use her artemis bow to target weak points.

    Nova slows Lephantis while buffing her own damage making for an easy boss fight.

    In every case, take corrosive damage and Corrosive projection if possible, since lvl 100 bosses stack insane armour amounts. 

    Any further questions, feel free to message me here or in-game, ta Tenno.



  11. I think these are fantastic changes, especially the Trinity and Valkyr ones.

    The Trinity Bless buff will keep her useful for Raids but will not keep Raid easy and in a broken-ish state so this is fantastic.
    The Valkyr ones were hardly necessary but will reward aggressive melee play which is how Hysteria Valkyr should play, so thank you for these changes!

    As a thought in case any are required, enemy scaling only becomes ridiculous because of damage and armour, so if the armour were to be capped for each enemy at around level 150 as well as the damage then with scaling health still applying, there would be far more counter play and ability to stay in missions past this level.

  12. Heya, just to say, please rework Oberon's (and Ember's) passives, or at least consider tweaking them.

    I have done some extensive testing the past couple of days, slapping 4 forma onto Oberon using Spy missions on Ceres, bringing me into contact with Hyekkas and Grineer Kubrows. I have found Oberon's new passive to be more annoying than not, as it seems highly inconsistent, adds virtually nothing to combat and either works as soon as I see the 'Wildlife' which sometimes spoils my ninja runs, or instead only works when I'm sitting on top of them.

    I believe the proposed 'Photosynthesis' passive was much more appropriate, although, since he is an excellent healer, I believe it should instead restore energy while in light, which would make more sense since Photosynthesis does produce energy sources.

    I must also make a plea for Ember, since her passive is also rather pointless and more dangerous than useful. The enemies that may fireproc you are also the type who will kill you after you notice them. Ember is rather a squishy frame so it makes no sense to reward her taking damage. Instead giving enemies she incinerates an increased chance of dropping energy would be much more valuable, both for a team and for herself.

  13. Evening, I have found that after this update Valkyr's 2 no longer has an effect, at least in the T1 survival I tested it in.

    Initially there was no particle effect: 


    Then with Hysteria also:


    There was also no increase in attack speed on a 170% Strength build, although eternal War still worked. 
    No increase in armour that was apparent either.


    Edit: Upon further testing Valkyr's 2 will also not work on allies:

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