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Posts posted by Death_Master_

  1. 9 hours ago, Hypernaut1 said:

    Even if i do run a full efficiency and flow build, that's 3 mods. i use 1 for defense, 2 for augments and the other 2 go to boosting any other attribute.

    And for me there is not enough slots to build good abilities(often not even enough for abilities) and protection so I'm forced to run at no protection at all in most cases(default shields/health).


  2. On 24.07.2016 at 3:38 AM, Hypernaut1 said:

    I can fit 1 or 2 augments on all of my frames. The sacrifice isn't really all that much.  

    You don't NEED vitality AND redirection.

    You don't need 75% efficiency AND flow.



    Really? I need both efficiency and flow on many of my frames!

    Not all of them but many. Vitality+bioenergy+sometimes redirection would fit great on Saryn for example as doing melee fight on her is meant by her abilities.

    Efficiency and flow is the way to go when you don't have trin around, but need to use skills a lot.

  3. 7 hours ago, Dampiere said:

    . Повторюсь - попробуй по соло таргету пострелять.

    Не вижу смысла т.к. это тест зарядки купола(урона по площади), не проков от статуса на одном мобе.

    По тикам можно следить за зарядкой купола, баг очевидно есть(купол не заряжается от гаммакора).

  4. Rhino is nice, the only thing we should tweak is iron skin recast augment - let's make it "explode old skin and immediately create new one".

    Also bit longer stomp stasis would be good(it does good damage but stasis is a bit short even with big duration mods).

    And we need longer stasis as it can't affect bosses/targets anymore(so we have more time to poke that madly running thing while others hang themselves in air).


  5. 5 hours ago, Dampiere said:


    А по теме: важно откуда стреляешь, есть ли препятствия и множество других нюансов. попробуй напрямую стрелять в центр шара висящего на одиночном мобе.

    Тестовые прогоны примерно одинаковы, во втором даже лучше условия, но 0 результат.

    Могу видео выложить.

  6. После "фикса" 2-й способности Мэг потоковое оружие не заряжает пузырь почти никак.

    По описанию пузырь должен поглощать 25% урона.

    Близкая по смыслу способность никс(по описанию поглощает 10%) набирает урон нормально(1 обойма гаммакора=~80к урона).

    Пузырь мэг после 2-х обойм того же билда гаммакора даёт тики по... 32 единицы(по тем мобам, что были не совсем в центре, остальных луч убил напрямую).

    В соответствующей ветке английского форума отметился, но вдруг тут быстрее заметят разработчики :)

  7. 1 hour ago, tnccs215 said:

    I'd say you are wrong, but there are around 25 pages doing that for me. Go read them.

    Did you see videos? There is a problem right now that cuts fun for me.

    Yeah, i can charge it up very slowly with other weapons(like veykor marelok) but it isn't that much fun as it was on my first video!

    Also i upped and fromaed beam weapons for Mag alone and now they made them useless.

  8. Weirdly after some bugfixes AI of infected got bit broken, they jump like crazy around 5-10m high and get to places they should not normally reach.

    Please fix that too jumpy behavior, we need more safe spots!

  9. Nekros rework? Yeah, as usual they don't fix what's broken but in opposite they fix that isn't broken yet!

    I seen on devstream what they do to Nekros - that's not good for us(increased health drain, slower dead bodies processing).

    And they now will allow Nekros move/shoot  during 3rd skill that isn't good too, Nekros IS a lootframe, that is main reasons people take it to missions.

    No actual need to let him move, let him just dig loot, it's his job! ;)

    As result loot builds would lose part of loot power and only builds that benefit will be very rare battle builds.

  10. Ohh, sadly bubble was nerfed to the ground soon after rework and now only suitable as defense that deals nearly no damage.

    Only suitable weapon for it is now Lanka but i don't really like charge-to shoot weapons.

    It was fun when stream weapons could charge it really nice but as nearly all fun in WF it ends fast. :(




    No fun:




  11. 18 minutes ago, JuruMakam said:

    i have a bug after visiting dojo too... just like this. afther stuck in navigation, I then go to "navigasion" by menu and exit. It can walk normaly but my profile info missing too. I can't check my credit and so on. like this. So i need to logout and login again. I did 5 time in a row just now, because i have 5 trades in a time :))


     I reported that bug earlier and it happens not only after dojo and more randomly after returning from anywhere to your ship. Looks like it is UI bug(part of UI does not render). So i independently have two bugs: sitting bug(it is enough to jump on your butt till arsenal to be able to walk) and UI bug that is game-breaker(forces you exit game to have normal menu back).

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