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Posts posted by Death_Master_

  1. 1) When mag 2-nd will get fixed(to work fully with multishot and hitscan and stream weapons like gammacor)?

    2) Nekros shadows - will they get slower decay?

    3) Any frame that will affect skill duration and efficiency for other frames? I mean a strong buffer frame ^_^

  2. 9 hours ago, Thaylien said:

    After several hours of testing on both Mot and Akkad the difference is clear; missions with fixed enemy caps result in a lower drop rate of loot, but ones with endless, constant spawns result in more, since you are generating more dead bodies by killing them along with your team, and rolling more loot over time.

    True for solo runs but... Does having active Nekros in a good team make nearly double(to compensate 90->54 reduction) whole team kill rate?

  3. 20 hours ago, JSharpie said:

    The recent Nekros rework made him a better loot frame.

    Nope, right inverse happened. Much less loot in same amount of waves.

    He is now more FUN but much less LOOT.

    20 hours ago, (XB1)BOBIWAN86 said:

    Prowl: keep the current 'pickpocket' animation/mechanic, but inverse it. Successfully picking a mob's pocket plants an Arc Trap in their pocket, dealing electric proc/damage to that foe and all nearby foes.

    Which will cut exp bonus from stealth kill and alarm whole levels! Nope, it isn't good for stealth frame.

    20 hours ago, (XB1)BOBIWAN86 said:

    Desecrate: Desecrate the bodies of nearby fallen foes, causing them to explode violently.
    Despoil Augment: Desecrated bodies now 'spoil' instead of exploding immediately, becoming landmines until triggered by living enemy proximity, or duration expires. Adds a duration, affected by duration mods.

    Slow down loot even more? Bad idea for me, I wish more loot, not less loot ;)


  4. Please remove "Recasting Shadows of the Dead will also teleport your Shadows to you within limits. (if they are >10m and <40m away) " rule!

    If before it i could run where i need and recast would bring shadows to me now i have to wait they all die because they are too far!

  5. Tested nekros change - we have some good things and a big bad thing.

    Good tings - we can run freely, cast infinitely-living shadows and have fun with them.

    Bad thing is that .... Loot chance is now worst of all lootframes making nekros fun but not much useful(54% chance and part of it eaten by spheres).

  6. 2 hours ago, BulletsforTeeth said:

    I really hope this is a joke... I really do.

    No, it isn't a joke. I seen Excalibur Prime more often than "shadows" build of Nekros, all other times it was loot Nekros.

    So main role for Nekros is loot miner and he is the best in that right now.

    We currently have just 3 lootframes and two of them get only one additional loot table run.

    Nekros has three loot table runs making him useful even if he only boosts loot and does nothing else for all the mission(defense/survival/m-defense/low-lvl excavation).

    All abilities of Nekros to me are for looting(first to revive fallen tenno(yeah, someone should kill mobs!), second to scare off mobs so they don't annoy the looting Nekros, third is "loot them all", and last is to rise bodies to distract enemies from looting Nekros).

  7. 1 hour ago, XPEHOMACTEP said:

    Чувак, у тебя эта способность ХОТЯБЫ как то работает, у меня она (вторая способность) практически не работает:

    Чувак, сделай видео и выложи ;)

    1 hour ago, XPEHOMACTEP said:

    Цели не попавшие в начало способности, но вошедшие в сферу в 90% случаев, проходят её как будто её нет.

    Быстрые цели запросто и у меня пробегают, потому и жалуюсь на урон!

    1 hour ago, XPEHOMACTEP said:

    а в по меньшей мере половине случаев второй скил не срабатывает ВООБЩЕ

    У меня не срабатывает если моб умирает до установки сфеы.

    1 hour ago, XPEHOMACTEP said:

    или сфера появляется на 0,5 секунды и исчезает.

    У меня на 2-3 сек(длительность больше и даже с порезаной мобами длительностью можно что-то успеть), длительность режут некоторые мобы(ктулхи например).

  8. 36 minutes ago, reksik743 said:

    О великий баго-фрейм когда ты будешь уже весь пофиксен


    Никогда, всегда новые баги добавляют :)

    Ждём новую порцию(на фикс старых уже и не надеюсь).

  9. 20 minutes ago, [DE]Megan said:

    Fixed shared Simaris XP: you should get Simaris Rep provided you have a Synth Scanner AND (it's your target || you're within shared XP range of the target). 

    Please don't fix what's not broken, better fix Mag 2-nd and hitscan weapons(which breaks gamepaly with Mag).

  10. 1 hour ago, WrathAscending said:

    The Helicor does minimal damage when attacking Feral Kubrow dens. I was running some Earth missions to farm up some Stealth scans earlier and noticed my Heliocor, which on a normal non-crit hit deals several hundred damage, was doing 50-60 per swing against Kubrow Dens. There was also a blue coloured 0 coming up with each heat. I have several screenshots but the forums don't appear to allow images to be embedded.

    Forums allow to add screenshots, upload them to image hosting and paste the image links into your message.

  11. Sadly this time i can't buy things i wish from Barro, it is first time i can't do that.

    If before i could farm 1500-1700 ducats in a few hours now i will need minimum 100 runs to do it, that doesn't look worth it.

    Because in fact we have around 90% chance to get things that are 0(forma)-15(common thing) ducats worth no matter the key tier(t1-t4 keys give same amount of ducats).


  12. On 28.07.2016 at 10:50 PM, Dampiere said:

    А смысл в том, что купол заряжается от урона по цели, на которую ты повесил этот самый купол. По ней же и идёт доп урон. 

    А должно поглощаться по куполу(25%) и по всем целям в нём урон. Это если описание читать вниматеольно.

    И оно работает примерно как нужно например с вэйкор мэрлоком. А вот с гаммакором при тех же условиях не работает.

  13. Just my opinion how to handle the problem:

    Nulls should have uncapped damage on bubbles(brings back bows/snipers/heavy pistols/ etc) and they should take damage from powers(around 50% of damage) that brings it to manageable.... And they should not destroy already active powers/buffs as nulls can appear suddenly anywhere(often their bubble just appears from below(and then null teleports somewhere, seen that on corpus missions) you or they fall on you from above(or they leak suddenly from that fissure(google just fissure, not adding void or warframe and you will see what we fight in real)) when you fight).

  14. 3 minutes ago, WhyNotBro said:

    Btw, is it possible somehow to become your Tester? I trully want to help you to stop killing your beautifull creature named Warframe!

    Sadly we all are testers - it is open beta.

    And sadly DE very rarely listens to what we say, they do fixes and new bugs, they notice us only when we start leaving(i mean statistics drops much) or complain that much that forum goes down from such load.

    I have a dream about this game that someday they will listen everyone(at least do posts "we heard opinion of N players, that was declined(or accepted) for reasons ??? and ???" and fix all reported bugs.

  15.                                                                                      ц

    On 26.07.2016 at 3:26 AM, tnccs215 said:

    es, ignoring crits and multishot killed many weapons, and the fact that beam weapons went from being too strong to too weak is quite the bummer, but it is a bug, and it belongs to the bug section of the forums.

    Not to "Too weak" but to "fully useless". They charge up exactly 0 dot. So it is a bug, i did report and video for it but i don't think it was a real bug when they charged up bubble fast. Look at description, they should charge really well but they do nothing for now which is much more broken than a good damage they did.

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