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Posts posted by Zsword

  1. .o0O(Don't say Supra don't say Supra don't say Supra)

    Supra Vandal.



    Okay but in all seriousness, Sniper just aren't my playstyle, I like my effective at all ranges LMGs that just hose bullets until nothing can be alive in that entire hallway (and I'm sad we don't have a Prime one or non-'gimmicky' Tenno one to Prime.). I generally hop between a few Snipes when the need comes around, but Vectis P is kinda my overall go to.

    ... does Tenora Alt Fire count? It's not the most intuitive thing but I use it more often than an actual sniper. (Seeing as I'm not allowed to say Lex/Vaykor Marelok/Rattlegut. I use secondaries for my precision damage. :x)

    I may considering saying 4th prism when I get it. 434 sounds like a fun amp to use for general play. (Probably do 213/313 for Eidolons)

  2. I would say Overall Teshin, Darvo, and in a most bass ackwards way Salad are people we can trust. (Salad in that way that like, Megatron trusts Starscream: I can trust you to betray me, but you're predictable and weak willed so relatively easily put back in line for when your of use.)

    Ostron's and Solaris as well, and anyone affiliated with the Quills.

    TapTap is an edge case, he seems pro Tenno, but he's so... out there it's hard to tell if it's just because we're a potential means to an end that suits him.

    Of the big 6 for Syndies, Arbiters and Veil are extremely pro Tenno, so they're animosity to us, even when built through acting against there wishes, is leveraged by the fact that we are still Tenno. Steel Meridian and Perrin just want peace. Suda is a wildcard while Loka actively hates us.

    Baro is too enigmatic, while the rest of the minor factions (like the infested corpus from Nidus questline) are too, minor to really put any 'weight' in.

    Ordis is, ever in a flux it seems. Overall it seems his most defining characteristic is his loyalty to us.

    Umbra has found a sense of peace with us... if we can break past the deafening anger to having a conversation, that'd be a great line to keep in the pocket.

    Helmynth is... odd. Being a 'tamed infestation' of sorts, it's more feral nature making it's wishes to bless us a little skewed: Are we weakening ourselves without it? Or is it just wishing to fulfill it's desire of propagation?


    My thoughts on all the major powers at play so far, give or take a couple I may of skipped out on because it's late and I was running this out of the top of my head.

  3. She's, weird.

    She has a handful of good things going on here or there, but lacks an identity and a real 'showstopper/standout' compared to other frames that also do the good things here and there. Point CC and healing? Trinity can give Everyone energy to boot. Long Distance Nuke? Yes Hello Mesa buffs everyone damage and is nearly invincible with her shield on. Nuke that scales with enemy stats well? Equinox doesn't even need to aim it.

    Having all these together also doesn't really synergize, but I still find her fun and enjoy my own niche I've developed of playing her as a Siege Ballista, but I wish 1 would yoink an enemy to me instead of me jumping to them for it. Then I could pull an enemy to me, make them a fountain, charge endless energy and just spam Ults all day. It's, different but I find something therapeutic about it.

  4. Example of lack of creativity is that the Splat is by far the best general purpose Loader, especially since the 'Crit Rating' of the Loader also affects it's multiplier and not just its chance, you get far more bang for your buck leaning crit than Status. Particularly since, once gilded, you still have a base 15% status chance which is plenty for a weapon line up with no slash bias imo. The handful of status/element mods you'd want to use if you were going to add secondary statuses still get you to 20-30%, which, with even a humble fire rate of 5 a second, generally means you're maintaining your criticals or stacking on your corrosive in a decent amount of time. (If you're using side arms to stack corrosive. I'm crazy and would probably do like Gas/Magnetic/Radiation triple builds, or just double down the Rad in Rad/Viral.)

  5. Heeyyy, I'm gonna slightly pull off the main part of this topic to ask about the Armor/Health thing, how do you figure out how much armor is applying to each element, as well how much the armor matters vs. Health for damage calcs?


    Otherwise I thank you for mathing this out, though I'm really sad the main target isn't 'assumed' to be taking the 'explosion', that really gimps the listed damage and explains why I was feeling, SLIGHTLY, dissapointed with the results compared to Rattle/Moon.

  6. The closest the Corpus have to leadership is the Board of Directors, of which I believ we know 3 notable characters out of an approximate... 5? or 7. Something in that ball park. Salad V (well, former), Frohd Bek (Former?) and Nef Anyo. There's a handful of still otherwise anonymous players on the board, though Ergo Glast and Darvo are said to have been considered for election before moving to work with the Tenno. The board itself is just comprised of said characters, who seem to hold votes on any major move the Corpus may make on a 'faction as a whole' level, but overall are just the leading individuals of power (which for corpus, means money) and each have their own separate agenda's, goals, and routes to accomplish said goals. It's not impossible for one of these heads to deal excessively with the grineer and doesn't really want to antagonize them... or does, and just got over ruled. 

    EDIT: Note this is partially conjecture written by someone who should of been in bed 3 hours ago but started fishing. Oops.

  7. 12 minutes ago, Dopekoke said:

    damage over time effect that deals 35% of the source's innate damage per tick for 7 ticks over 6 seconds.  basically it means that the tick dmg itself will bypass armor but it depends on how much dmg you did in the first place since it will take 35% of that.

    'Source's innate damage' means the damage before factoring in resistances/weaknesses.

  8. I have like 1 palette I slap on everything so that my fashion frame game is at least 'on par' no matter the situation. I'll add and tweak add-ons as I get them or what I think looks good/okay. But I love my Green/White Core with Blue/Purple extras. (Though anything Metallic, especially Orokin Gilding, I make metallic green.) Most of this I use the Infested palette for, though I use the saturated second-darkest pure green for my main green. (I use the darkest infested green for energy.)

  9. What if Credits are in fact small forms of batteries and the cost we input is just a raw 'power draw' that we pay for with direct input? That would also explain how credits maintain value in super space, where raw material's are fairly abundant and having that backing the value of your currency means less than your power. It'd also explain why the Corpus are so energy based, they want to generate money, and what excess can't be stored in the little cards gets used in weapon cells.

    This is all completely asinine conjecture though, I've always subscribed to the 'secondary minor components' mentality of things like adhesives, none-gallium based bolts and rivets, welding arcs or whatever else you can think of.

  10. That depends, what are you fighting?

    I get the general question and why it's asked: We have 3 weapons that fill generally similar roles as beam based aoe. Limited range, but innately hits multiple targets very well. They do it very different ways though, and have very different damage types.

    The Amprex is a crit machine, which requires a VERY specific build with minimal room for 'personal flavor or flexability'. It's main shining point recently is being one of the best users of Hunters Munition last I checked, to spread AoE bleed like wildfire that is pretty effective regardless of scaling or enemy type, but it also doesn't innately hit AOE directly, you still have to keep a good track on your target.

    The Ignis and the Phantasma are much closer together, I think the Phantasma his more like a 'broad lazer' compared to the Ignis 'Cone', Phantasma also uses Shotgun Mods and ammo while the Ignis uses Rifle. The Phantasma's Radiation default is very strong as a proc, and imo, shotgun mods are generally better than Rifle, so it has a lot more raw power coming out.

    The main difference between the two functionally though, is that the Ignis has a massive clip and much more common ammo type that makes it more valuable for sustained fire against constant or beefy targets, making it ideal for Infested or Survival. The Phantasma has a small clip with a short reload time. Any amount of down time is bad, and the Phantasma's windows of it can get really obnoxious if it's the time a Charger or Ancient decides to round a corner and knock you over.

    I find the Phantasma has a lot of value as the Burst Damage parallel of the three, alpha striking down the 'tweener' Grineer or Corpus targets, while keeping the crowd in check. This particularly shines against Corrupted I find, where the radiation proc keeps them busy, and the large open Orokin maps give plenty of nice places to use the Mortar alt fire when they're out of the range of your primary fire. You can also mod it to have 2 ADDITIONAL combo elements, which opens a lot diversity for target management.

    Overall, the Ignis has a lot going for it as being the all round 'Good answer', if you can get the Amprex build right it'll melt end game stuff nicely, while the Phantasma has a lot of weird niche stuff it really shines in but also those niches where you can really feel the drawbacks.

  11. Adding Vent Kids as their own seperate faction with it's own seperate and stackable action for grinding standing is the main thing I blame for the recent surge. The way to get Vent Kids standing is painful, slow, and highly tedious, especially since K-drives control is, less than intuitive... and ho boy making the tutorial for it 'btw run from the massive nuke boss' didn't help.

    Otherwise report and call it a day, Warframe, with all it's grind and urge to pull higher level players back to lower level content to 'help out' while also having great rewards for players to 'push' themselves will have people making loopholes in the system. I'll admit to feeling very morally grey with my own gameplay, bringing MR fodder weapons to endgame content expecting to encounter a Mesa so I wouldn't be able to contribute anyway, and just pressing some basic frame abilities to contribute. (Being bubble as frost, Renewal as Oberon, EV Trin, Ravenous Nidus, Armor Buff and Rez Monkey Valkyr, Desecrate Bot Nekros, Occasionally Pilfering Hydroid, HP Cutting Saryn, Shield/Armor sapping Mag, Gotta Go Fast Pocket Shield Volt, Blinding Excalibro...) There's some many ways to provide even basic contributions that outright leeching really is unacceptable, there's a reason frames have utility skills, and just using yours makes being carried that little bit easier.

    It's late and that was a bit of a tangent, sorry. There are plenty of other frames that have support abilities that can make a big difference if you focus on using them but there's a lot of frames in the game and I was just reaching for a few 'forgettable Utilities' alongside 'common enough' frames that you may see a scumbag playing... like the starter frames.

  12. I was really surprised once I learned of the temp mechanic that there WASN'T a way to tell in Fortuna. A handful of Thermometers strewn about could be neat. Nothing too fancy, just like, a 'coolant' tube with some lines on it with the sections noted like '2 snowflake, 1 snowflake, sun' to represent 'Freezing, Cold, Warm.' Maybe have a proper rendition of the Minimap one by Eudico because the Floor Boss would want something a bit more precise.

  13. Hey Guys, I'm sure we're tired of seeing topics like this but google only does so much with how diverse people play and think, so I thought I"d just come here and ask directly what people though factoring in what I use the Fae King for.

    Oberon is a great frame since his rework, but I find it hard to build him because his entire kit uses everything, significantly at that! Duration is really important for Hallowed Ground and helps with Renewal, Efficiency REALLY Helps with Renewal, range just makes everything that much larger, and power makes Reckoning hit that much harder, and Renewal give so much more HP and delicious Iron Armor,

    The main skills I use and want to focus on are Renewal and Hallowed and play the SUpport/Tank mentality, but I can't find a find a stat to 'dump' even just between those two abilities. Right now my build is really basic, using just the Base 'Power Boost' line up (Intense, Reach, etc.) and Augurs with Phoenix Renewal and still feel like I'm fairly sub par... nothing lasts long enough, Hallowed has a good chunk carved out of it, and I can't seem to maintain my power with orb drops to keep up renewal.

    Ideas/Tips are appreciated, thanks in advance!

  14. I want to take a moment to say I love how everyone has mentioned like, entirely different frames and build themes through out this with minimal overlap! Playstyle goes a long way, and I'm sure that even a more 'basic' frame like Volt has value in Orb. Press 4: Mass no thought AoE Stun while being a shield tank against the Corpus generally Puncture based weapons? Very nice.

    To be back on topic, I run a bit of everything but generally specialize as being the utility guy, so I bring my Duration/Range Nekros to Despoil and Terrify in a pinch, Ivara to free win against the spy when they come up, Trinity or Frost for their 'Useful in any situation'-ess. Octavia is a potent Defensive Murder machine. Haven't considered bringing out my Oberon and I'm going to give that a try, cause I've seen other people running Obe and it seemed really effective!

  15. Tis a good day to see someone complain about a thing being underpowered while someone else complains it's over powered just minutes apart.

    Playstyle, mob type, general situation awareness and understanding, secondary supplements, there's a lot of factors into what makes someone feel or actually be overpowered vs. not.

    Right now Garuda hasn't been out for like, what, a week? People who aren't buying her couldn't of possible built her between the reputation reqs and build times? Let's give the community some time to figure out some good builds, other frame synergies, weapon synergies and the like and then we can start worrying about the nerf hammer, buff bat and the Tweak Tweezers.

  16. Solaris do have BRAINs, and the kids are like actual biological kids. I think even the full 'mech' solaris have an organic torso that does the living thing.



    To quote: 'Thursby's stable... well, as stable as can be with so much of him missing.'

    The guy is now a Robo head, on a apperantly robotic Torso, with MOA legs. What would need 'stabalizing' if he was fully robotic? There's probably still some lungs and a heart and a brain slotted in there somewhere.


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