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Posts posted by Shalath

  1. 2 minutes ago, --EC--Adrenaline said:

    Probably, the uninstaller is flawed then, had to manually remove some other related files/folders that were left behind before starting steam installation. That's quite a lot of wasted space if it happens to someone who doesn't know a bit about how programs work.

    Actually you have to be very careful with uninstallers because if you just nuke the whole Warframe folder you have nuked anything people may have put in there such as config backups. Almost every installer I have ever seen will only remove what files it put there in the first place to avoid such accidents.

    What is curious is why the game ended up in that folder in the first place unless a cache optimisation ran out of space, but I would have expected it to remove what it has not finished in that case. I'm fairly sure the optimisation copies and optimises the file structure to a new folder, removes the old structure (if it completes) and puts the optimised files back in the original location so it can simply keep the old structure and delete the failed one if something goes wrong.

  2. Ah, my trusty Dex Sybaris. I was lucky enough to start playing right around the third anniversary and I absolutely loved that gun. The good news is that you can pile forma into it and with the right builds it will carry you a long way. I actually stuck with it until MR 14 when I could finally hang it up for something that surpases it. You have a ways to go yet, but behold...


  3. 9 minutes ago, LordCommanderKimyo said:

    Hello everybody, is my third attempt to install Warframe on my laptop: I would like to aks you any advise on configuration and if there any chanches to modify the any ini. files or similar in order to make Warframe run

    You shouldn't need to modify anything to make it run?? Are you below minimum spec maybe?

  4. 12 hours ago, ZaneOlric said:

    Whenever I start up warframe, the graphics become supper pixilated and blocky.  It goes away when I change the graphics quality, but its kinda annoying to do every time.  Anyone know a fix?

    Dynamic resolution in the graphics options maybe?

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  5. Given that Ordis is pretty much our handler for the Jupiter rework I think he is going to be taking over from Lotus. He's also voiced by a member of DE's staff so they wouldn't have to pay a voice actor to do it and there are a lot of lines that would need recording.

  6. 5 hours ago, Zeddrith said:

    I keep reinstalling the game and it keeps saying "Update failed! Please try again later. The update will be restarted shortly..."
    I don't really know how to fix it since verifying doesn't work and I even tried downloading it on steam. My internet connection is fine too.
    When I install the game it asks me where I want to install the game but when I open the file location of the launcher it takes me to here: C:\Users\pc\AppData\Local\Warframe\Downloaded\Public\Tools
    Instead of: C:\Program Files\Warframe\Downloaded\Public\Tools
    I noticed that there is a launcher in appdata but there's no .exe file while there's a .exe file on C but no launcher. Is this the problem? I kept reinstalling this game for 2 weeks now I think and I got it to work twice but It shows the error again after I shutdown my pc. It works fine when I install it before so why am I having this problem now?


    The launcher being there is normal, mine is too but my game is in c:\Warframe.

    Try turning off bulk and agressive download options in the launcher settings. If that doesn't work go into Start menu->Settings->Apps and uninstall Microsoft Visual C++ 2015-2019 (both x86 and x64). It is normal not to have all of them. Once done reinstall both x86 and x64 below.


  7. When I did this I took a Rhino and my Arca Plasmor, though a Tigris Prime or something else that does fairly high spike damage would do. My tactic was to grab 5 points and keep hold of them as holding doesn't affect Rhino. I just hung around until the other team was more or less level with me and then banked. If time starts to get low then obviously you need to bank. Keep repeating that and you should stay within the margin.

    If you run out of credits Dark Sectors can be used to gain credits fairly quickly as well (not tried the Disruption route so it may be faster) and remember that your first mission of the day will pay out double credits.

  8. 4 hours ago, FitzSimmons said:

    i contacted my isp to give me static ip but now i can't play, the launcher says update failed, the content servers are temporarily unavailable, but i can open warframe.com

    Is it the same IP address you had before? If it is then making it static means the problem won't go away unless the DDOS protection system decides to stop blocking that IP address.

    Does a VPN or mobile hotspot work? Do you have any security software that could be blocking access to the servers? Some antivirus software contains a firewall and I've seen that randonly decide to block stuff before.

    Look in C:\Users\[username]\AppData\Local\Warframe for the launcher.log (appdata is a hidden folder). Do a search and replace on your username and computer name in there and post it here. I think it is just going to tell me the same thing but it may have a clue.

  9. 6 hours ago, FitzSimmons said:

    the site

    still shows same address, other games work fine

    You have to keep the modem/router off until the site shows a different address as if I'm right the DDOS protection the game uses is blocking that IP address. Other games would not be affected unless they used the same 3rd party DDOS protection DE uses.

  10. 1 hour ago, xerimoz said:

    Hi all, 

    I got this game about 3 weeks ago and have been absolutely loving it. I'm MR5 now and have made it to Pluto, but I've been finding it incredibly difficult to progress on the star chart at this point. My question is, did I move too quickly through the game? Should I go back and fully complete other planets to get my MR up? Something tells me I should not be on Pluto at MR5. 

    Welcome young Tenno!

    The two tips I always give new players are...

    1. Don't rank up your "broken" mods. Find replacements and rank those up as the broken ones don't go as high.

    2. When modding weapons don't forget about your elemental damage as roughly a third of your damage output comes from those.

    Modding your frame and weapons are the key to progressing to the harder content in the game. Look at builds on https://overframe.gg to see what sort of mods you should be looking for and either use the wiki (https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/WARFRAME_Wiki) or a drop list (https://drops.warframestat.us/) to find out where to get them.

    Your sprint over the star chart makes me think you are missing some fairly critical mods, or at least the endo to upgrade them.

    Rhino is a good starter frame and is a real all-rounder so I would definitely look into getting him from killing The Jackal on Venus (the main Blueprint can be bought in the market for credits). He is also one of the frames that will teach you to read up on abilities carefully as many frame abilities have things that aren't immediately obvious. One example is his health cannot be damaged when he uses his charge (1st ability) and another is that when you activate Iron Skin for the first few seconds you are invulerable (though knockbacks and grapples still work) and any damage you take increases Iron Skin's health pool. Get yourself an Iron Shrapnel augment (don't level it up, the damage isn't worth the points) and you can pop your Iron Skin rather than waiting for it to run out at an inconvenient time and re-cast so you can make better use of that damage soak up.

  11. 3 minutes ago, FitzSimmons said:

    how can the site shows a different address if my internet is offline? the web needs internet access


    After you power your modem/router back up see if the site shows a different address and if not power off for a bit longer. How long it takes to get a new address depends on how your ISP has configured their address lease policy.

  12. 1 hour ago, FitzSimmons said:

    login failed, check info....
    i input correct passw and email but still get this....
    yesterday it was fine after update, before warframe revisit update i got the same issue, now the issue is back. help

    It might be that the DDOS protection has ended up with your IP address in error, it does happen sometimes. Go to www.whatismyip.com and make a note of your current address. Now power off your modem/router until that site shows a different address and it should fix it. A VPN or mobile hotspot should also work if it is the DDOS protection.

  13. 48 minutes ago, AmagiAzurLane said:

    I have such a question, but what is the best way to take Nekra? With or without privation? And if with deprivation, is it better to defile it or is it the same?

    I'm not quite sure I understand but with Nekros you should always have Desecrate active and have a slash-based weapon as the cut up body parts increase your loot. Personally I use Despoil to use health for Desescrate instead of Energy and have Health Conversion so the constant health pickups give me armor.

  14. I don't think Mot should be a requirement for CoH for this very reason. While most of the T4 missions aren't too bad even for a solo player like myself Aten can be a real problem as when I first tried it for CoH even my strongest frames struggled to survive and the defence target stood no chance. After a couple of days of trying different strategies I realised that if I wanted to progress in the story I was going to have to ask for help which is literally admitting defeat for a solo player. Luckily for me I found a post stating that if I ran Mot again (I had been taxied there in the past for relic farming) it should unlock CoH which it did. I had to go back to Aten later with a clan mate to complete it when arbitrations released.

    3 years ago I wasn't a vet but I was far from inexperienced or under-equipped. Honestly I would probably struggle solo with that node even now without a couple of specifc frames and very specific builds.

    Yes, the T4 nodes are a gear check which I fully get and agree with. Yes, if you can't handle T4 then you are going to have a bad time with a quite a few other areas of the game but the difference is that those areas are all optional when the story is really not. Aten is a far tougher nut to crack than any of the story quests after it so it doesn't really make sense from a progression point of view to expect new-ish players to complete what used to be pretty much end-game nodes about two thirds of the way through the story. CoH finishes on Tiwaz which is only level 20-25 as opposed to Aten which is 40-45???

  15. 2 hours ago, (XB1)ashes of suvius said:

    really? that in and of itself seems like its got to be a mistake.

    When threads started appearing about it I was a bit confused as Prisma Veritux has been on my AW for ages and unlike most I do enjoy a bit of AW now and again. Somebody in an old thread helped test and we confirmed it as I have very few AW melee weapons. I'm wondering if DE all play sword-style as I can't think of any other reason they haven't fixed it yet unless it is intentional. There have been plenty of threads but not a single word from DE.

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  16. 4 minutes ago, BANDS762 said:

    i already tried it suck i tried everything i saw on YouTube and forums 

    Have you tried reinstalling Microsoft Visual C++ redistributables? Uninstall 2015-2019 x86 and x64 (it is normal to not have them all) and then reinstall x86 and x64 from Microsoft.


    You can also try turning off bulk and agressive download in the launcher as I've seen that help with this before.

  17. 1 hour ago, Poseidon6th said:

    9.072 Sys [Info]: Downloading cache manifest index...
    9.170 Sys [Error]: HttpSendRequest failed to origin.warframe.com: ERROR_INTERNET_NAME_NOT_RESOLVED 
    9.170 Sys [Error]: Could not get cache manifest index.

    There's the problem, it is trying to connect to origin.warframe.com for the data and it can't resolve the name. If you open a command prompt and type "ping origin.warframe.com" does it fail? If it does there is something preventing your DNS finding this address. Google DNS will probably get you around it but it is a bit odd that your machine can get to warframe.com and not origin.warframe.com TBH.


  18. 2 minutes ago, Poseidon6th said:

    i tried that, ip changed, nothing else happened. I figured maybe its a corrupted file of some sort, so i reinstalled. Now a new message reading

    Update failed!

    Could not run the Warframe executable (antivirus software may be interfering)!

    The update will be restarted shortly...

    but guess what i have no antivirus software.

    Anything useful in the ee.log?


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