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(XBOX)a salsa wizard

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Posts posted by (XBOX)a salsa wizard

  1. I used to only play with my friends, but I started to branch out towards the community. Since then I have met a few nerds here and there like are just really annoying, one time I was trying to test out Excalibur's fourth ability after the rework and this guy kept following me and taking all of my kills, it was really annoying. One time I used Loki against a troll, my fav frame is Loki because he is just really cool and I was farming orokin cells with some other guy(I didn't have Loki equipped) and we were getting detonite ampules every time, so we just tried to get through the mission asap and this one guy joined our squad, he recognized that we were trying to rush through the mission and every time we got to the extraction he would purposely take a really long time to get into the extraction so we would have to wait for him or the 60 second clock. Eventually I was done with this guy and I selected Loki and once we got to the extraction I teleported him in and before he knew what was happening I jumped in and we completed the mission, he then left our squad and the other guy, amused, said thank you in the chat.

  2. Have you ever wondered about why the void, which is such a beautiful expansive labyrinth of gold and wealth, only carries rubedo, control modules, alloy plates, and argon crystals? Those resources make no sense for a place that is all fortune and wealth. I think it would be cool if instead of a couple resources that you have hundreds of thousands of and never end up using, the void resources change every day/week or by what mission you play, maybe even it carries every resource in the game. I have millions of alloy plates and I never need it, so why don't they change the resources every day or two so it will be better than just getting the same thing over and over again. Anyone with me?

  3. The idea of a rock frame with a passive to resist knockdowns, an ability called shield wall and one where you summon monsters to pound on enemies sounds to much like a carbon copy of atlas.

    It could use a bit more work, is all I'm saying.

    well the shield wall is more like rhino skin because it isn't in just one direction, and the passive abilities don't really have to be there so those could be changed. Which ability summons monsters?

  4. Name: Vulcan or something cool like that

    gender: not female

    armor: 300?

    shields: 600 (max rank)?

    health: this really doesn't matter, so long as you recognize that Vulcan is a Heavy tank caster


    Now my idea is a mix of the balrog(not really though), the lava monster from Wrath of the Titans, and my imagination. Many a man might say," Oh he is too much like ember,"  but you would be wrong he is not fire but the molten rocks that melt whatever lies in front of them. So I would like to show what comes to my mind, but my skills in the art of drawing with photoshop fall short of my abilities with pen and paper, so I will put in my photoshop concept of Vulcan.


    really bad concept below



    please make a new version of the warframe, feel free to use my idea, but the one thing that I thought would be cool  is if he had cracks in his suit the the energy color poured out of, so red would look like lava and blue like water and black would probably look really cool and white would look.......yeah, nevermind



    passive: shock wave moas, scorpions, and ancients have no effect, but other means of being knocked down do

    passive: enemies who touch him have a chance of being melted, set of fire, etc. (10%?)


    1st: names really don't matter but for now lets call it smoke

    Vulcan emits a cloud of ash and smoke that gives enemies gas damage when they walk in it


    2nd: rock shield?

    Vulcan creates a shield of rocks around him that solidify and protect him, casting again will shoot the rocks outward, and do a certain amount of damage depending on how much armor or time was left for that ability


    2nd: magma wave?

    Vulcan morphs his body into a wall of melted metal, a menacing monstrosity that maliciously moves toward the direction of your choosing and the molten monster metabolizes the fleshy corpses of your melted adversaries. Sorry got a bit carried away with the alliterations there, but this one is basically tidal surge 


    3rd: lava flow?

    Vulcan's casts ranged sheets of lava upon his enemies 


    3rd: not atlas?

    Vulcan turns his hands into magma and goes on a rampage, he can also throw magma at enemies, every kill with the molten hands increases shields and ranged kills add to armor, so this is a great ability when you are under fire and because it replenishes shields when you get the kills, even if he doesn't have any left


    4th: Skyfall ( the only name that is good out of these abilities)

    Vulcan rains down ash lava and rocks onto the enemies and does all sorts of damage, impact, gas, toxic, heat, etc.


    4th: Highway to hell?(I can't think of which 4th ability is cooler)

    Vulcan cracks the ground beneath his enemies and drags them into the molten pits of lava below them, lava shoots up out of the cracks so it looks even cooler


    thanks for looking at this concept that was probably already made and please feel free to criticize everything about it!


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