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(XBOX)a salsa wizard

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Posts posted by (XBOX)a salsa wizard

  1. Well DE showed at NYCC that they have been messing with Banshee & Loki alt skin. I hope they stick with the alt design for Banshee. Makes her look really dope.

    Banshee's looks like an actual Banshee and Loki's doesn't look very good

  2. Recently I was made aware of a certain John Prodman, I looked his name up and sure enough he existed, but it says that he is a legend. I read the entire page about him and I want to know if he can actually be found in game, if so where? Why does this mischievous man hide himself when everyone knows he is real? Where can I find this being.



    EDIT: Now that the crushing news that he is non existent in the game, I ponder if DE will ever bring forth the mysterious luminary from the depths of a Corpus Ship to appear randomly kind of like the Stalker

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