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(XBOX)a salsa wizard

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Posts posted by (XBOX)a salsa wizard

  1. iHVtXXF.jpg



    i use this on raid level mobs and can vouch for it

    alternitavely you can mod it for puncture and just add two status mods for chorrosive and it works the same

    pfft burst -snickers-

    oh my god I have all of those mods, finally a build that I can actually make

  2. I unlocked the defense achievement on my gamertag, but it didn't unlock on my profile. The headahot one if I recall specifically says T4 exterminate, but as I have no keys I have yet to attempt it.

    I tried it once, I shot two butchers right on their heads and I didn't get a single headshot so I aborted

  3. The new update came out and with it some new achievements/trophies. I call them dumb because they don't work, for example one of them is to become the highest syndicate level of a syndicate. I have already done this multiple times and yet I don't get the achievement. Also the achievement to get only headshots in a t4 exterminate mission makes no sense, because most of the enemies don't have heads( Moas, Ospreys, Drones, etc.) how are we supposed to kill them wit headshots? And in most t4 missions Vor shows up, how to you complete it? I didn't have trouble with the other two except the fact that my sentinel killed an enemy in a defense mission and I had to start over, but that was my fault not the game's. Anyway, DE should fix these achievements.

  4. 3 because I can make my own story in warframe, for example my friend has a conspiracy theory that Lotus is actually against the Tenno and tries to get them killed discretely because she always sends you into survival missions when she knows that it's dangerous and she sometimes says " The odds were against us Tenno"  like she thought that you might actually lose. Personally its probably not true, but to him it is and it is the way that he plays and I play differently I make up my own stories for enemies and factions and why I am fighting them.

  5. Today U17.7 came out for console and my friends and I have been having tons of fun. I tried the quest but it was just as confusing as the new strange so I instead of searching over the forums for how to do it I bought Atlas with some plat I saved up. Atlas is really fun and by far one of the coolest warframes released in a while. he is....I could go on for days, but what I noticed about the update is that in the loading screen different parts of the Liset move around than before and the Liset seems a lot more, fluid and realistic then it did before. I was thinking it would be cool if in the next update you were able to do barrel rolls or flips while in the loading screens. Just suggesting that something like that would be cool, what do you guys think? Thanks for the awesome update DE.

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