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(XBOX)a salsa wizard

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Posts posted by (XBOX)a salsa wizard

  1. In order to summon any enemy in the Simulacrum, you must have them fully scanned in the Codex, which, manually can be a major task (and a tedious one), so, as stated by both Karkinnos and Pepsi, you're best off building Helios (Clantech sentinel from the Energy Lab in your Dojo), removing Targeting Receptor, setting Investigator to slot one, maxed rank, and buying a lot of Codex Scanners—trust me, you think you'll be fine with a couple of hundred? *laughs* I had a good couple of thousand at one point; I haven't used Helios in a long while, so my Codex is maybe half-filled.

    And even if you don't particularly fancy having Helios scan everything for you, build it anyway! Great Sentinel, and certainly worth the resources.


    If you want to check your progress on scanned enemies, go to your Codex on your Liset, the stand opposite the Market, and click Enemies, and there should... *eye twitch* It would seem all my scans have been reset... Did you previously have completed scans? I'll be sending in a Support Ticket about this now, and if you did have completed scans before now, you should send in a ticket as well. <-- Tired Panda didn't even think of relogging.. I feel so stupid now!



    ...do Synthesis Scanners scan faster?

    How many times do you have to scan a single enemy in order to complete it?

  2. So I just farmed 5 days straight trying to rack up enough cephalon Simaris standing to get access to the Simulcrum and when I finally got it I entered and I couldn't spawn any enemies. What I am not sure about is which scanner to use, because I have used both of them(Codex and Synthesis) on enemies but I haven't "completed" a single enemy, what do I do?

  3. That game mode you asking for is called Excavation and you can stay in there as long as you want, enemies rank increase time passing and with the excavators you can get rewards faster then in a regular surv



    Well, u can always try high level Capture/Mobile Defense/Excavation , since enemies will keep spawning regardless of objective completion. Just not sure about the level increasing too, but it should at least happen in excavation since it is already a "endless" game mode. Hope i helped :)

    Well the thing about excavation is that it is only on a few planets and it is very open compared to the compact, tight corridors of a grineer galleon. I haven't tried capture missions before I will have to check that out though.

  4. One of my favorite missions to play with my friends is survival, we run around Grineer ships not searching for parts or resources, but fun. We have a great time fighting through endless waves of enemies as they get stronger and stronger. Every time we try different combinations of Warframes and see how their abilities react with each other, it's always really fun and we have a great time until we start getting low on life support. I know that is fairly balanced, but that isn't the point, I wish that a new gamemode where you didn't have to worry about life support or the thought of it existing. I know it would be too easy without the life support, but that's the point, it is easy to survive so you can have a good time. They could make it especially for people who are trying to have fun not resources. Maybe the enemies would drop less or there wouldn't be periodical rewards but I think that there should be a new survival mode like that. Do you guys agree?

  5. For starters, I love this game and hearing about the awesome stuff that goes on within it. My most memorable kill was on a Grineer Powerfist. He charged forward at me and my clan mates, I was running Hydroid and I turned into a wave and he was thrown back into one of those machines and the laser on the machine burned him alive, he went from water to fire in seconds. 


    Now I want to hear about what you guys have done!

  6. When I learned you could decapitate enemies:


    It t'was a long time ago, I was running Loki Prime in an alert mission on a Corpus ship, It was an Exterminate and I had killed all but one Corpus Crewman. This Crewman was a Sniper Crewman(not sure if that's the name, please correct me if I'm wrong) and he was searching for me, I was invisible at the time and snuck up on him with my hikou prime, I threw a single star and his head flew off and rolled around on the floor.

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