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Posts posted by (PSN)joe03827

  1. 1 hour ago, LegionCynex said:

    Excuse me? (Also fixed it for you)

    Wow, I can not WAIT until for the backlash for this, Just due to DE said, such does not mean, its pure 100% solid fact, they say things to throw us off, all I kown is that he -SHOULD- be coming in TWW (If you kown where to look you'll kown).

    While I won't be holding my breath, I can assure you, its not going to be pretty, However due to I'm hyping for TWW & Infested and Music Frame, this has healed my Umbra boo-boo 

    Well , We'll see ( i'll see after 30 years cuz console peasants *cries* )

  2. 22 minutes ago, Stonehenge said:

    WOOW, looks cool like hell.


    I thought, according to many sources in the game, that warframes were immune to infestation ? Am i missing something ?

    How this thing makes sens with general lore ?

    DE said this frame will have some lore into it sooo we will see ..

    16 minutes ago, clemza said:

    immune yeah, but orokins tried to makes infested frames if i remember well, and it will be probably related to that infested door in the orbiter. Since they said we were going to know about that door soon, and bard frame will be after that one.

    DE also said that the Infested frame has nothing to do with the infested orbiter door

  3. 14 minutes ago, Yablo said:

    So generally power strength isnt as important as efficiency, power range is good for magnetize and duration is completely personal preference?



    Yup , but feel free to test with different builds and find your favourite build

  4. Polarize isnt affected by power range , but by power duration , just like nova's molecular prime .

    BUT , power range affects magnetize's bubble which also affects the explosion that is at the end of the ability when  the timer ends

    For me i Have a High Range with Really low Duration ( so the magnetize bubble's timer ends quickly and it explodes killing enemies ) and a little bit of strength

    Strength isnt all that important cuz magnetize's main focus is to shoot inside the bubble which builds up a lot of damage that ticks on enemies which go inside the buuble and go into the explosion at the end ..... AND it scales   

  5. Ack and brunt IS IT , THAT THING SHREDS LVL 100s LIKE CHEESE ( im an ack and brunt fanboy)
    Seriously tho , ack and brunt is the choice , it so good . it also has some nice skins

    14 minutes ago, BaIthazar said:

    I checked, and sadly I don't have Final Harbinger... but I guess that gives me a goal to play towards :P

    Final Harbinger is a common drop from they feyarch specter so it shouldnt be hard to get ( i remember when it was a really low drop from the tyl regor manics aaah , memories )

  6. 18 minutes ago, Babellon said:

    consoles are on the grove right? that's literally the update just before the index. Why are people acting like they're so far behind the pc crowd? Index preview has been out for 1 week. which means you're not missing anything on console except the bug catching and fixing phase of pc beta. Y'all talk like you're back at U2 and we're all on endgame over here or something.

    yes, de, when are you going to get those consoles caught up to us pc players? oh...next week? well, I mean, um...yea.,

    ummm no , we dont have syndicate melees ( i need ;-; ) or vacuum within ( not anymore within ) and everything between i think silver grove U3 and now

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