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Posts posted by (PSN)joe03827

  1. 30 minutes ago, NGSBRReAPeR said:

    Easy one here


    Now you see him

    Now you don't

    Now he's here

    Now he's there

    He's left a copy of himself

    You look down and prepare to aim

    But your weapon is not there


    Who am I?

    HMMMMMMMMMMMMM Ash ? I dunno tis so hard 

  2. Baro was supposedly someone you trade your extra prime parts for some cosmetics and Extra stuff , he isn;t supposed to bring op stuff and mods every time  him actually having brought some stuff before is just nice , but I dont think it suppsed to be the default

  3. You know , baro's i supposed to be a person you go to get cosmetics and extra stuff when you have extra prime parts , he isnt supposed to get new things every single time . Dont expect to get OP weps and mods every time . 

    7 minutes ago, WEREsandrock said:

    people who do not have any plat for cosmetics are probably very grateful for these.

    *cough* me (most of the time atleast) *cough* 

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