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Posts posted by (PSN)joe03827

  1. 18 minutes ago, Xzorn said:

    That would be considered a well above average Riven.

    The PC version lets you choose between the old roll or new one. I'm not sure which version Consoles got. I would think that one. You guys don't have to deal with quite as much dumb dumb as we do.

    .....Memories of Heavy Caliber on Ogris. the lulz..

    wait is heavy cal on ogris bad or ?



  2. Just now, DarkDeskes said:

    its not that its hard its that the detection doesnt reset between tries. For example how i lost the first round and then was instantly detected every other round before i could even move

    Oh , oops . Looks like I read your post wrong. You can Post in the bugs subforum about this so DE can notice. General discussion is more for ..... general discssution

  3. 49 minutes ago, DarkDeskes said:

    Just did the rank 8 rank up test and was discovered first try. The discover didnt reset and i lost every round cause of it. This will definetly need a fix because one try per day is very extreme.

    You can practice the test in the relay in the simaris room upstairs

  4. 9 minutes ago, Venom-Snake said:

    We have to remember that the entirety of U19 is: Lunaor, SotR, TSG and TWW. (I wont count Vaccum Within nor Recurring Dreams)

    So we had content for the last 6 months, it just didnt come all at once. Imagine the size of the bugs.

    And the size of that if u had do download it at once , would take days for ppl with bad internet

  5. 42 minutes ago, Gorila_Azul said:

    Teshin is a middle class, tax-paying citzen working in the HR department in a low-port corporation in Chicago.

    Teshin wakes up at 7:15 in the morning from Monday to Friday, takes his breakfast with his wife and two children and goes to work, coming back home at 7:00 in the evening.

    Teshin's family doesn't travel very often. Last year they went to Peru and toured there for one week. They all enjoyed it greatly.

    Teshin's favorite color is blue.


    Dunno why but that made me laugh a little 

    ( just realized i passed 500 posts)

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