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Posts posted by (PSN)joe03827

  1. 1 hour ago, (PS4)vl_Monarch_lv said:

    One step forward, two steps back. The DElays are so consistent they're not even surprising anymore.

    Maybe we should all try something new and place bets on what the next excuse for pushing back Sacrifice will be. Might be fun.

    Winner gets cookies.

    Have you thought that maybe just  maybe they decided to release particles first so they look god in the quest? And that maybe they want the best quality for the quest?

    Getting a buggy quest with stuff not working isn't fun. Release will have bugs, sure but it'll be much better than if they release it quickly.

    • Like 6
  2. 19 minutes ago, SaferSaviour said:

    I honestly think it'd be a bad move to make the earliest frames into Umbras. We'd end up with three different versions of Frost, Mag, etc. before the likes of Octavia or Khora ever saw their Primes.

    But if we look at the older primes, they're just their normal counterparts with some gold stuck onto them without any other changes/adornments.Examples are frost and mag (and maybe ember but she looks fine). So it'd make sense to refresh the older ones.

  3. Are we even sure they'll release other umbra frames?

    I mean yes, Steve said that. But that was like more than a year ago. Umbra and the quest probably had a ton of revisions since then and there's a chance that part may have changed (I personally would like more, but I'm just pointing this out) If from the quest it turns out that (maybe) Ballas is the one who makes Umbra, then how will he keep making them lore-wise?

    (Also Nova Umbra FTW)

  4. 40 minutes ago, KelsierSurvivor said:

    Well, we're in the same boat now. I was just on YouTube and a video popped up as a recommendation that displayed a piano cover of a soundtrack that had a title that gave away stuff #FeelsBadMan

    Might wanna edit that a little cuz spoilers. >.>

    Social media is currently filled with spoiler so try to watch the movie as soon as possible. For me its funny cuz a friend spoiled it to me (wasnt that major but still). 

    Anyway on topic of the .... topic, I really hope that the quest brings some more new music similar to other quests, i feel like the game needs something new.

  5. 23 minutes ago, (PS4)BLOOD-LINE-01 said:

    I won't be avoiding spoilers. Quite frankly after three whole years of waiting, I'm going to be glued to the first twitch stream of the Sacrifice like an extremely clingy lover.

    Also, whats Infinity War?

    I personally would prefer to experience it myself

    (IW is a new avengers movie, still salty i got spoiled lol)

  6. Let's be realistic guys. They were still working on mo-cap and the voice lines like a week ago and we don't even know if they have finished with them.

    After that there's putting that in the game (which honestly shouldn't take much) and putting it in the tilesets (which shouldn't take much also) and then there's a whole lot of coding making and putting everything together.

    Oh and obviously the testing which should at least two weeks.

    So people saying they want it in a month, As much as i want it now..


  7. 2 minutes ago, mac10smg-ToaOfGreen said:

    ...it’s been made clear that this is Ballas in the past. He’s introducing the new Warframes to the Orokin.

    The trailers are recent, sure...but the dialogue is in the past.

    Yh, I thought this was obvious

  8. 4 hours ago, KeLaRo said:

    why not? essentialy is just a switch pvp to pve is no human opponent/mate is available.

    Then where would the fun be? playing against AI who you know what they're gonna do is just cheesing the game and its without challenge. Lunaro any pvp gamemode is made for the challenge- to try to beat your opponent, not just a computer.

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