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Posts posted by (PSN)joe03827

  1. Just now, SpentCasings said:

    Nope completly nuked all chat tabs. No trade no clan, no region, nothing. 

    Not suuposed to happen. That could be something in the game itself. Check your internet connection and if still nothing, talk with support. No channel ban nukes all chat channels. Not possible.

  2. Just now, PrVonTuckIII said:

    I keep seeing this, but where was this said? 2.25x2.25 is considerably smaller than the advertised 3x3.

    DE Rebecca said(on twitter) that steve measured the actual size of the map and that's what they got.

  3. This could be one of few things.

    1.It could be that the host's internet is really bad and affects the rest of the team members. This has personally happened to me on PS4 but i obviously can't talk about PC

    2.It could be a Commander grinner enemy. It has the ability to switch teleport you but this one has a visual identication of you being suspended in the air, teleported then standing on the ground again.

    3.It could be a warframe power. It might be troll but who knows. powwers that can teleport is Loki's switch teleport and Nova's Worn hole.

    I think it was just a bad case of bad internet connection.

  4. 20 minutes ago, GlowingTeehee said:

    Hi everyone, GlowingTeehee here.

    I logged right into the game knowing only that I will pick excal as my first frame, as any basic research would show that he is the only unique frame with no prime available.

    First thing I see is the bad guys, and I have to kill them with a badly explained infinite use of my first skill. Also the slash and dash of Excalibur bugged out a couple of times and it stayed with the sword on my hand.

    After some story and gameplay I find my self in a jungle (?). It kinda blew my fps (and graphics card) off the roof, but it looked good.

    After you finish your first mission and get on your ship the game kinda holds your hand and gets repetitive, like really repetitive. Vor's visions keep saying the same thing, even after I have removed the thing from my leg, so I have no idea what's actually going on.

    As I said before, the game holds your hand during this quest, and as soon as it ends I am lost.

    I am on planet earth but also on my ship (how?), with no direction, and some thingies blocking my access to other planets. None of this is explained. I don't know where to go and how or why. I am dropped in to the water like a rock. Give me a followup quest or direction, tell me to go to a specific neighboring planet. Explain what are the junctions.

    Also the quest dialog in the ship drags too long, shorten it and keep it tighter. I found myself missing some lines cause I left for a mission thinking Lotus was done talking.

    By the way I know that junctions are supposed to guide us with their requests and rewards but they are not explained at all.

    Bottom line:

    • Gameplay is FUN.
    • Story in first quest is very handholdy.
    • Dialog drags for too long in ship.
    • After quest is done you are lost not knowing what to do, or more importantly, how.
    • Gear is locked behind walls that are not even mentioned.
    • Junctions are vital and not explained at all.
    • In my ship I have access to consoles that unlock later but also access to useless three back doors?

    Thanks for reading, I will keep making these. Your input is welcome.

    The three back doors are story related (well 2 are, the third hasn't opened yet). Check your codex; has a lot of guides and things for new players that might answer some of your questions. About the junctions yeah i think DE need to put some sort of transmission from the Lotus or Ordis to tell you how to progress. 

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