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Posts posted by JaycemeSwain

  1. 5 hours ago, Andele3025 said:

    Everyone accepted that I have no clue about the beef-witted mouth warts I keep spewing a time long ago. I just want to keep pushing that a Valkyrie themed frame having a beserker themed kit makes sense because I believe Valkyries are maenads


    8 hours ago, Perfectly_Framed_Waifu said:

    I keep pretending that a frames namesake doesn't need to fit it kit despite that being the case for every other frame

    Yup, everyone that isn't you two accepted this a long time ago. But keep trying to push your opinion as fact while ignoring all the sources provided that it doesn't fit your odiferous "argument" that we all know I won and you can't take the L so you continue to just try to prove that Valkyr needs to stay useless and not her kit(that has been improved a ton) given to a new frame with a closer feel to a namesake that does tear enemies limb from limb like a Maenad, Mafdet or Bärenkrieger(a word that literally translates to Beserker/Bear warrior) while she gains a whole new kit that fits her namesake a ton better while making her meta

    Golden Girls Deal With It GIF

  2. 4 hours ago, Andele3025 said:

    I know abolutely nothing on Valkyries, Celtic, Egyptian & Chinese mythos but I'm reprobrained to not google or provide sources and to ignore any sources that doesn't cover my silly idea that valkyr doesn't need a rework because I don't know that her name doesn't fit


    4 hours ago, Perfectly_Framed_Waifu said:

    I want to defend a troll because like them I don't know how google works due to being reprobrained to do so and continue to believe Valkyr needs to be useless and without a rework because I don't understand what a Valkyrie is

    Glad to realize you both admit it. - the audiobook.


    Maybe you can both learn to use google to realize valkyries using a spear fits because of Woden/Odin and isn't a brainchild of the the opera by Wagner within pop culture

  3. 2 hours ago, Teridax68 said:

    And with that, we should hopefully no longer be seeing this kind of thread anymore, and abilities in general would be a lot smoother to cast and recast.

    This became a thread where people don't understand that Valkyr is based off of valkyries and needs a rework with 1 only popping in to defend their trolling friend while the trolling one is pissing themselves with a belief that Valkyries were maenads

    3 hours ago, Andele3025 said:

    I admit I know nothing of Nezha and think that his update is what they should do to Valkyr because I'm reprobrained and can't google or provide sources on my opinion as I believe Valkyries were infact meanads so Valkyr fits her namesake

    Glad to see you admit it

  4. 2 hours ago, Perfectly_Framed_Waifu said:

    I like to change the wording when the person I'm replying to has a point because I prefer it if Valkyr is useless af with a name that doesn't fit her theme so I'll defend my clear alt account

    good to know you can admit it.

  5. 44 minutes ago, Andele3025 said:

    I don't understand that Valkyr is a Valkyrie and continue to believe she needs to be as useless as can be without a major rework or rename so will continuously pretend that Valkyrie means Beserker and act like I'm wiser than Athena.

    Glad you can admit that you're wrong, maybe the Gods will pity you. Replacing her claws with something that fits her theme more is a good thing. No amount of constant yapping from your trap will amount to different results

  6. 8 hours ago, Andele3025 said:

    I will continue to push that Valkyr is based on something that has nothing to do with her namesake at all and will push the narrative that she needs to be useless outside of her 2 & 4 until I go blue in the face. I also see myself as smarter than Athena & prettier than Aphrodite

    Glad to see you want the Gods to give you some knowledge since you don't want to want to continue to spout bs while pushing on a word that isn't a Valkyrie aka her namesake to seem like you're right

    7 hours ago, Perfectly_Framed_Waifu said:

    What I find most amusing is with what ardor they're laying forth an argument for something that DE would actually consider a change because they did so with wukong but I don't see it

    I do love how you keep reusing my line when my point is that they can move valkyr to fortuna and change her kit to fit her name and her lore to fit her better


    7 hours ago, Perfectly_Framed_Waifu said:

     Give Ash fire powers? Rename him to Ninja? He's still referred to as such internally in the game files, after all!

    Ash is the remains of a fire ie the darkness after so the name fits. Ninjas work best in stealth and stuff like ash and mud do help with that. Ashes to Ashes, Stealth to Stealth, the unseen blade is best sorta thing


    Next would be reworking loki to feel like his name sake and being more meta out side of his 4 since the raids haven't existed for 3 years now(they were removed in 2018 and his current kit was extremely useful in LOR). Then we move onto Banshee getting reworked to feel like a banshee and not used for only her 2(since DE made her useless 3 the subsumed ability after nerfing the 4 augment) then DE could balance equinox so there is more of a reason to be in night mode other than sleep and day mode for damage

  7. 30 minutes ago, Andele3025 said:

    Yes, I mean rework because I don't understand what the Valkyries are

    I'll keep pissing around pretending that Valkyr fits her name sake more even when presented with the evidence that she doesn't. I'll even provide evidence which works against my lack of mythology knowledge

    Wukong's reworked passive plays into mind. sure he doesn't have his 72 transformations but he still feels like his namesake. Nezha looks and feels like Nezha does in the mythos. You still have yet to provide an actual part of Valkyries mythos where they acted like Bacchus' Meanads/Mafdet did to those she enacted justice upon. Until then, you have no argument. I will just say tho, you are prettier than aphrodite

  8. 2 hours ago, Andele3025 said:

    Point remains tho Valkitty just needs the Nezha treatment.

    So reworked to feel like the namesake. glad you actually in the end agree. Nezha & Wukong feel like their namesakes, Valkyr doesn't. Chooser of the slain doesn't equate to Battle frenzy frame who in retrospect feels more like an egyptian cat deitiy so if not renamed to the celtic deity of battle frenzy could be renamed Mafdet, a cat deity that did do the ripping limb from limb like valkyr in her 4 would do. Still wouldn't fit the location so Mars Open world when it comes

    3 hours ago, Perfectly_Framed_Waifu said:

    I like being a wingman who encourages someone to type so much bs their bottom is jealous

    Kan u vriend dalk help om navorsing oor rame te doen voordat hy dit gebruik om my punt onbedoeld te bevorder

  9. 1 hour ago, Perfectly_Framed_Waifu said:

    I like to defend hypocrites as I'm a troll. Someone give me a binky as I want to be immature instead of realizing that the valkyr simp is a hypocrite partially cause I also simp for a frame that is currently useless and actually needs a rework to be useful

    Glad you can admit it. Next course of action, ya'll need to realize I fixed valkyr with a kit that fits her namesake as a support who works as a Bringer of the valiant dead instead being a bunch of whining adult toddler that need a binky as I do not consent to your kinky trolling bs that continues to double down

  10. 18 hours ago, Andele3025 said:

    I keep pissing on the fact that I have no idea what Valkyries are so keep pushing a notion that I have no clue and keep using the notion of Celtic Battle Frenzy to pretending its the same as the pop culture pushed notion of Nordic Beserkers to push the notion that I want Valkyr to remain useless

    Glad to see that you admitted it. Now that is sorted, lets create a rename and rework to make valkyr actually inspired and working on the name which means chooser of the slain and the role Support through encouraging allies do damage.

    Only base stat change will be 50 less armour for 50 more health

    Passive changes into: Valkyr can give each ally a free instant revive. would work well with the vazurin passive and with a trinity

    1. Aurora Blade(replacement of her rip tide)

    Valkyr stabs forward in a cone, damaging enemies and healing nearby allies for 100/150/250/500(slash damage per second for 5/10/15/25 seconds)

    2. Sacrifical Blessing(warcry rename and buff)

    Valkyr sacrificies some health to improve the damage of herself and nearby allies by 10/25/30/50%(+20% of ability strength). buff lasts 5/10/15/20s

    3. Valkyr's Discretion

    Valkyr pounces forward turning the spot she lands into a healing area and damage buff.


    4. Geirr(Hysterria replacement)

    Valkyr is imbubed with the power of the fallen, empowering her health(by 150/175/200/225%) while lowering her enemies armour and causing them to be taunted to come after her instead of her allies. She is granted use of Geirr, her spear & shield to improve her chances of survival. While using Geirr to kill enemies, Valkyr's armour is increased to a hard cap of 1500.

    18 hours ago, Perfectly_Framed_Waifu said:

    I want to believe that a frame shouldn't fit the name of the frame because its just a game and I'm probably friends with the troll that is pissing over the fact that it does because they say it does.

    Glad you're able to admit it. I'm not getting hella pissed for no reason. You've added nothing that adds to the other persons nonsensical argument. I'm having fun with 2 trolls here, one who pisses themselves and is hypocritical on pop culture checking and the other who isn't adding anything to the conversation except thinking I'm getting pissed when ya'll are just hilarious

  11. 5 hours ago, Perfectly_Framed_Waifu said:

    No need to rename her, tho.

    using my line to support the little child that wants to believe valkyr doesn't need either a rename and a rework is just encouraging the little troll to keep pissing with their opinion they state as fact

  12. 5 hours ago, Andele3025 said:




    5 hours ago, Andele3025 said:

    I'll feel free to keep over being repeatedly Wrong about myhology, even wont change the facts like Valkyr being Celtic themed and just a fully fledged rework but I'm too stubborn to admit it

    Fixed with what you're trying to say.

    You're the only one here who is pissing over the fact that Valkyr is themed correctly even after presented with the mythos that says otherwise. Valkyrie the literal original word the name comes from means Chooser of Slain, not Beserker/Battle Frenzy. Just admit you have no clue on Norse Myth and you're presenting your nonsensical argument because you don't want valkyr to actually become like saryn or mesa type of dps meta because you enjoy being the one of like a handful of valkyr mains

  13. On 2021-06-07 at 3:26 PM, Andele3025 said:

    BERSERKERS ARE CELTIC but I keep believing they are norse because I want valkyr to fit the theme


    TLDR: No. I want Valkyr to stay useless because I dont want her to have a kit that fits her name


    Like disreguarding Cu Chulainn, Celts were extremely well known for their nude BESERKER STYLE OF COMBAT.

    You keep on beating around the bush because YOU believe it fits. Not because it ACTUALLY fits. Pop culture plays a huge role on mythology and I also used one of the many name variants for Odin, but you keep pretending that a frame whose name is based on a group of maidens whose sole duty was to bring the Valiant dead to Odin & Freya has a kit that fits that name. A shield Maiden theme fits better than a Celtic Battle Frenzy themed kit(like her current kit) does. A lovely reminder that tenchincally you can count the Eddas as fanfiction as there are various edits to make it fit the Christian narrative that pagans were forced to absolve to when it was written. We don't necessary know if what all isn't apart of the mythos and what was added because of christian influence


    Just because like you and your "friend" tells me it "fits" doesn't mean it fits. But keep on pretending it fits, hopefully it'll save you when they rework her completely with actually more fitting kit

    On 2021-06-07 at 3:31 PM, Perfectly_Framed_Waifu said:

    Obviously, the correct choice here is to rename Valkyr to Berserker, Garuda to Valkyr, and the mod Berserker to Garuda. /s

    nah, Hildryn should be renamed to valkyr. Valkyr to Beserker would appease these idiots that believe that the kit fit the old name. I know you were sacastic, but either rename to keep the cruddy kit that will still have people use her for either her 4 or 2 or a rename and rework where her entire kit is useful and fits her name sake

  14. 10 hours ago, Azamagon said:

    While Valkyries directly doesn't make you think of berserkers, they are still related to the Vikings' mythologies. And Vikings directly relate to berserkers. So, imo, her name fits well enough

    (Note: I'm Scandinavian myself and am not bothered by her name)

    As for her kit, yes, she needs updating. Some "on top of my head" ideas:

    • Passive
      • Unchanged
    • Rip Line
      • Regardless of where you aim the ability, it ALWAYS drags Valkyr to the target point (instead of yoinking targets over to Valkyr). This would keep its functionality consistent, rather than switching how it works depending on if you target the environment or an entity.
      • Pulls in the nearest 3/4/5/6 enemies within 5/6/7/8 meters of the cast point towards the cast point's centre, quite similar to Larva. Affected enemies are also tangled up by energy-ropes, slowing them down by 15/20/25/30% for 6/7/8/10 seconds.
        • Pull radius is affected by Range mods, Slowdown potency is increased by Strength mods (capped at 75% slowdown), and Slowdown duration is affected by Duration mods. Number of enemies pulled in is unmoddable.
        • This makes it a hybrid of a traversal tool AND an enemy grouping tool. That's a first, I think?
      • Augment: Swing Line Rip Cluster - Increases the number of enemies able to be pulled in by Rip Line by 1/2/3/4, and causes all enemies pulled in by Rip Line to be bound together for 6/7/8/10 seconds (Duration-moddable), causing them to share 20/30/40/50% of all damage taken (unmoddable?) with one another. Note: Casting another Rip Line unbinds previously linked targets first.
        • Valkyr suffers from poor AoE damage, something this augment could help out with.
      • Alternatively to tweaking this ability, it could instead be made into a Parazon-action in some way, which ALWAYS brings you to the point (i.e. if you target an enemy, YOU are dragged to THEM) - this would allow for her to get a new ability instead.
    • Warcry
      • Recastable
      • No longer slows down enemies (as this was moved over to Rip Line)
      • Base duration increased to 15/20/25/30 seconds
    • Paralysis Rage Slash
      • Visually gets an upgrade: Now emits a visual sphere of clawing winds (similar in graphics to her Hysteria claws). Any enemy caught by this sphere is heavily damaged and opened to finishers (so, functionally, it is generally the same)
      • Damage is ALSO modified by her Hysteria claws' mods, making it a LOT more powerful!
        • Increasing the ability's damage like this could help Valkyr out with her poor AoE damage
      • Damage from Rage Slash counts as healing for Hysteria if Hysteria is activated!
      • Augment: Prolonged Paralysis Rage Storm - The damage of Rage Slash is reduced by 80/70/60/50%, but it now deals damage every second in its area for 5 seconds.
    • Hysteria
      • Only costs 25 energy to activate, while now instead draining a low amount of health over time (like 2 health/second or so, which slowly ramps up to 5 health/second? Not sure of the numbers for this)
        • Valkyr is no longer invulnerable during Hysteria, she instead has 80% damage resistance (unmoddable)
          • This gives her claws' lifesteal a reason to exist and allows her to use the Rage-mod to fuel her other abilities (and Rage is just so fitting for her namewise that I think it's a shame it currently doesn't work for her during Hysteria)
        • Healthdrain is affected by Ability Efficiency
        • The reason for the ability to drain health instead is twofold:
          • 1) To let her cast her other abilities without feeling you are putting yourself closer to ending
          • 2) It gives the claws' lifesteal another reason to exist.
      • Her Hysteria-aura is now a positive for her; Any enemy killed by any means while inside her aura heals Valkyr for 5% of her maximum health.
        • Ability Range can increase this aura, but it has halfed benefit from Range-mods (so with 160% Ability Range, it only has +30% range, instead of +60%)
      • Excess healing done with Hysteria's lifesteal or her aura-restoration is stored in a pool, which can help reduce damage taken (both from the ability's own lifedrain, and from direct damage)

    This gives her abilities quite clear functionalities:

    • Rip Line = Traversal and enemy-grouper
    • Warcry = Team buff
    • Rage Slash = AoE nuke (for real) and finisher-opener
    • Hysteria = Berserkery durability mode

    This entire rework still works with renaming her to a more fitting Beserker name. The Norse people might be known for beserker stuff, the Celts & Gauls were more well known for being in a crazy battle frenzy/Beserker fury that this rework and current live variant make use of. I used a name of a Gaul Deity just for that sake. There wasn't a Norse Deity of Battle frenzy persay unless you count Thor who was more thunder and lighting. When I think Norse I think of sacrifice for knowledge, Loki Hijinks(yes, warframe's loki also needs a rework to work with his name sake better) and self-forfilling prophecies. I don't think nude battle frenzy like the Celts/Gauls which played a big role in the theme for valkyr


    17 hours ago, Andele3025 said:

    No because she is a Battle Frenzy frame. Her kit only works because I say it does and have repeated it like does multiple times even though only her 2 & 4 fit the theme,

    You keep pretending to know anything about Valkyries but when pushed, you keep pretending to know from the book that was written post christianity so not all of it was 100% the exact myth. Even using all of pop culture(both Marvel comics and the Prose Wagner) as well as the Eddas still pushes the factor that Valkyr isn't at all like her name sake and is more clearly based on the Celtic/Gaul Battlefrenzy as The Nords didn't have a battle frenzy situation(thor was no where near as battle frenzy like Cú Chulainn was in his myths)


    17 hours ago, Perfectly_Framed_Waifu said:

    That's far from important, though, as is renaming or reworking Valkyr to fit any lore. Remember:

    I know creative liberties are a thing, but a name is meant to at least fit the theme of the frame, the name valkyr doesn't fit the theme of the despite what the small handful of valkyr simps say. Valkyr doesn't have anything in her kit that says bringer of the valiant dead outside of maybe her 2

  15. On 2021-06-05 at 3:17 AM, Andele3025 said:

     2.) you suggesting change that I as one of the adamant valkyr mains dont want change at all 3.) Asking to change lore for the fact it never made sense to the name


    Her 1 & 3 would be removed no matter the rework as it always has been a cruddy version of Zephyr's 1 & well her 3 was just plain useless. People play the beserker for the sake of her 2 or 4. so the rework could either keep or remove her 4. A rename to a traditionally male deity of battle frenzy doesn't mean that they have to make valkyr use he/him pronouns. A name doesn't determine the pronouns and presentation.


    Valkyries traditionally worked with Ƿōden & Freyja(since they were the transport of the valiant dead, half went to Ƿōden[Valhalla] and half to Freyja[Fólkvangr]). Please do research on Fólkvangr & einherjar instead of trying to spread misinformation and doubling down when you hear the truth on . Like the spear & Shield is the most well known weapon settup of the Valkyries in art. If Valkyr was reworked to keep her name, her 4 could either be exalted spear & shield or an exalted mount and it swapped with her 2 making warcry give lifesteal and immediate healing. Her 3 could be turned into reflecting damage ability and her 1 could easily be turned into a cone stab with a spear

  16. On 2021-05-31 at 7:51 PM, Andele3025 said:

    No it cant. Valkittys name and kit do fit cause I say they do as I cling to lore that is constantly retconned

    What part of lore can be rewritten don't you get. I take you still think Dark Sector the game is apart of the current lore. Valkyr's name and kit don't fit. Like the name Rudianus fits better as that is the name of a Gaul war deity whose name literally means "deity of red battle frenzy". A rework to fit that name would just swap her 2 & 4 altering the stats. It would also remove her 1 &  3, giving her more battle frenzy appropriate abilities. This keeps her as a full dps and has her with a more fitting name


    Or we could go for a rework that keeps the name but retcons her lore to be fortuna friendly. this rework would still keep the 2(with added lifesteal to allies), but the rest changes. so 4 is exlated spear and shield, 1 is a shield bash and 3 becomes a healing ability. this rework keeps her name(farming spot as well) and gives her a more fitting kit



    On 2021-05-26 at 6:45 PM, Andele3025 said:

    Nothing about garudas theme nor lore fits Jupiter nor does the entire Zanuka project and thus all pack proxies work without Valkyr


    Garuda is a vampire frame, they can easily rewrite her lore to fit the zanuka project. It can easily be retrofitted to use Garuda and not valkyr.  Valkyr does not fit her namesake and you're literally beating around the bush because you simp for the kitty cat that is dire need of a rework &/or rename and assume she can actually be fixed with her shoddy kit that doesn't fit the name at all.


    When I say the lore has been retconned a ton, I'm pointing towards how Limbo Prime makes no sense within the lore that was set when Limbo was initally made or how Nidus Prime won't make any sense with the lore we originally had for him. Lets not forget Dark Sector which was originally the prologue for this game and has been retconned completely out. The Zanuka Project could be what turns garuda into a vampire frame and the deluxe could be seen as a what if they went further. Valkyr being turned into a Solaris member melded with warframe symbiosis could work as her new lore. Plus her name sake is literally from a mythos where there is cold winters with tempretures similar to fortuna. So yes, its extremely easy to retcon the lore while reworking valkyr so she fits better with the asthetic of her namesake

  18. On 2021-05-22 at 8:18 AM, Andele3025 said:

    Ripline is held back as a map speedup by the fact that it kills your pull momentum much like how old wu cloud was slow as #*!%.

    Ripline was always useless, they slapped it as a bandaid onto the Itzal when the AW rework came and honestly should be scrapped in both cases

    On 2021-05-22 at 8:18 AM, Andele3025 said:

    And her non-primes lore and drop are hard locked to zanuka so no, makes negative sense to be from fortuna.

    Warframe's own lore has changed so goddam much that they can easily retcon Valkyr to go onto fortuna. Garuda's entire theme fits Valkyr's old lore anyways

    On 2021-05-22 at 8:18 AM, Andele3025 said:

    valkyrie doesnt mean nor is even related to the idea of shieldmaiden unless we limit it to post Kaiserreich writing. In norse myth they are selective psychopomps, air superiority cavalry (often covered in blood) and maids; by having the funny job to keep in check, bring drink and ready clothes for fallen heroes (and Odin) when not preparing for the twilight of the gods.

    You still proved my inital point that Hildryn fits the name Valkyr more than Valkyr does. Even if my knowledge is lacking you basically proved my point. Valkyr either needs a rename or rework

    On 2021-05-22 at 8:18 AM, Andele3025 said:

    Warcry is solid other than maybe getting a small buff like baseline recast or its slow being turned into a aura

    I mean her rework would revolve on either keeping her 2(if they keep the name) or her 4(if they keep the theme)


    Valkyr rework could make use of an exalted spear & shield instead of claws if they kept the 2 and if they kept the 4, she could be renamed Meanad and be turned into Garuda 2.0

  19. 18 hours ago, Aphelion_Sole said:

    Kinda wish nightwaves would be scrapped. They didnt fix the problem just changed it. Only thing nightwaves did was extend the period in time in which you could obtain an item and extend the period of time until that item comes back. In essence its no different than the old alert system except now you have to wait longer for the stuff you don't want to go away until it finally cycles to something you do want.
    Nightwave cosmetics would do better in the market
    Nightwave mods would make better rewards to be placed in current mission types to incentivize playing more diversely
    Nightwave stories at least from my perspective and the people I know are uninteresting and not good and a lot of us would rather see development be used elsewhere

    All alerts needed was for all the useless rewards to be taken out and replaced with some better options and the rates on certain things like Vauban parts adjusted
    Instead the wheel was reinvented into a worse wheel that makes us wait longer to get where we need to go.

    So explain where you'd put nitain farming? NW did fix the issues of the old alert system of needing to be online/lucky to get the nitain alert every 6 hours. NW stories are pretty interesting, we can get vauban parts whenever we want and the system is overall more new player friendly. NW's stories helps to re-affirm any new lore we get while giving us new lore. Hopefully they deliver on the promise of making the older lore from old events viewable via NW. NW is a better version of the alert system and you just look like an old man yelling at clouds cause they became the rain to bless us all as you dislike change.

    • Like 1
  20. 34 minutes ago, (PS4)Lei-Lei_23 said:

    Glaxion Vandal was an event reward for Hostile Mergers, which was an event held in the summer of 2019. The Glaxion Vandal as a Twitch drop was dropped in December, 2019.

    I had a digital ticket for both Tennocon 2018 and 2019. Glaxion Vandal was not provided as a Tennocon drop. If it was, you need to provide a source for your argument.

    Well I was a bit confused, it was a drop for watching the 2019 game awards. But here is the thing, it will be added to Baro's drop table later so no need to get your panties in a knot because a new weapon comes from twitch drops. I mean instead of complaining about this, why not push DE to lower the Hema costs, add the chinaframe exclusive weapons to the main game(Cadus, Prisma Machete & Carmine Penta) and make Unimed work on conclave

  21. 39 minutes ago, (PS4)Lei-Lei_23 said:

    Cosmetics, sure. Pre-existing weaponry that was obtainable from past events or content, sure. That had been the stance for Twitch drops for a number of years.

    But now it’s a weapon tied to MR made into a Twitch drop.

    This is not good.

    Did people just suddenly forget that Glaxion Vandal was initally a twitch drop from a previous tennocon only?

    They have to give people reason to watch the livestream and this is a good way to do it. Honestly would prefer if they threw chinaframe exclusive weapons to normal warframe initally this way/

    • Like 1
  22. 9 minutes ago, NinjaZeku said:

    From what I remember, DE was going to change it so bundles get discounts for things you already own,
    but ... yeah dunno, either that was scrapped or they just never got around to actually implementing that, I guess.

    Or potentially some idiot decided to cry about it, just like with unimed and with the hema situation

    • Like 1
  23. 40 minutes ago, (PS4)Ozymandias-13- said:

    I'm sure he's not forgotten, just that while he's underwhelming he does actually work. Other frames are more in need of fix to actually be minimally functional. 

    I'm sure he'll get there. We aren't entirely positive how rework order is decided, but they have hinted that it's basically on a volunteer basis. So it might just come down to a developer deciding they've got ideas for him and are up for the extra work hours. 

    Sure Frost works, but he is just a troll frame that also happens to be a worse Limbo/Gara

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