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Posts posted by JaycemeSwain

  1. 19 hours ago, NekroArts said:

    Either you didn't do them (recently) or you obviously hacked something, because you can't cheese with them with that now.

    Well, I said MR 9 but meant the disspearing platform one where you can still use abilities to cheese it. Most of the non stealth ones can be cheesed outside of the annoying difficult moving interception tests which require more mobility than most of the game even requires generally

  2. 56 minutes ago, NekroArts said:

    I believe that's the point. There have been many changes in the game to stop past cheese tactics.

    Explain MR 9 and titania/zephyr still being able to cheese it and the stealth tests with Redeember & Banshee. Those are still ones that would be difficult if the cheese didn't work. I mean there is also a bug with the operator only one that can put your operator to have their amp that legit cheese it. Sure you can't use abilities in the stealth ones, but DE hasn't been trying their best outside of the moving interception point tests to stop cheesing recently.

  3. 2 minutes ago, (PS4)Mordecai_Vrykul said:

    This is why they give you the option to practice. Do a few practice runs and when you are confident run the test.

    That might be true, but those 2 test are literally not very cheeseable even if you bring Limbo to cheese it. Its not an enjoyable set of tests and not really an equability of skill. I'd rather have another stealth test or a test like the dissapearing platforms. It took me like a month to do MR 24 test cause it was just that bad. I'm closing in on the MR 26 test and I'm dreading it since its just the other one with the vertical plane added. There should be alternative tests for each mastery test

  4. 12 minutes ago, Dhrekr said:

    Tennogen can only reshape the helmet.

    Is the bit that bothers you on the helmet? If yes, the answer to your question is yes. If no, no.

    It's really that simple.

    We don't actually yet know the specifics in regards to the rules of the helmet yet. I'm pretty sure that we'll be seeing an ivara tennogen skin not this round but the next where she has a clothy like energy veil, so that isn't completely out of the question

  5. 7 minutes ago, IMP_102 said:

    Unless that player had a good point ofcourse. I mean if you care about PvP, having a feature itroduced that allows players to essentially bypass it, thus potentially nailing the last nail in the coffin for that game mode. I could see where that player might be comming from and why DE has reconsidered their initial choice. DE should ofcourse work on improving PvP if they intend to keep it in the game.

    The player didn't have a point at all. Every of the other 4 conclave players said that unimed being usable for conclave would help the game. Only way to improve pvp since they intend for people to not use unimed is just remove it and put the rewards to the 3rd orb/turn the other pvp only augments to pve augments

  6. 50 minutes ago, IMP_102 said:

    Were you playing at the time when there was no NW? When an alert with an item you needed poped up like 3 times a week for an hour at some absolutelly random time. NW store is one of the best things to happen in WF.

    Nakak mask are cosmetics they don't affect my game play.

    As for aphothics, yes the ones tied to the Earth's day night cycle are bad. (who am I kidding, the whole flower scanning thing is not particularly fun)

    I played when we still worked on the old alert system so I get that. But I was talking on if you log on expecting x and x isn't in the store for the rotation.

    Nakak masks work with your point where they are time gated and we all know that fashionframe is the true endgame.


    Also if you want DE to change things, complain on twitter like that R3 conclave player did on the unimed usability with conclave. It seems like DE actually check there to listen to the really vocal minority

  7. To fix both those Issues, we could get 2 different new npcs in Cetus, one would just be one of the other vendors in cetus now being interactable and being the sorta "Ticker" for Cetus and the other would be another Agent of the Quills who is standing in the area of Onko and they'd work both as the Ticker like NPC for the respective group

    • Like 2
  8. 3 minutes ago, sleepychewbacca said:

    Wukong Deluxe disappointed me. 

    They went from this:

    to this: 

    Not my cup of tea. I guess I'll stick with the prime skin. 😞

    They did say they missed the armour set. TBF, for those unable to buy the tennogen, the helmet is still much better than base helm

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  9. 12 minutes ago, Zelmen said:

    @GinmokThere is only a 10% drop chance. I did this one a couple weeks ago. Don't think its bugged. Get a drop chance booster and a 2x booster and save yourself some trouble.

    Also just do eidolons because they seems to spawn a lot while fighting.

    Or instead of doing eidolons, they could just walk around as Ivara while in prowl. Since they give double drops

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