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Posts posted by (PSN)CommanderC2121

  1. 1 minute ago, KosmicKerman said:

    Console players kept asking for quicker updates. Please enjoy your stay as a beta tester. 

    Theres a difference between beta testers though. I have no issue with finding railjack bugs. Ive been enjoying the whole experiences tbh, bugs and all. But if we are also supposed to beta test, we should expect updates at the same time as pc. You already got your resource buffs hotfix, so for console players to be beta testers like pc, we should also get the hotfix before holidays start. Its only resonable 

    • Like 1
  2. Pretty much the title. It would be disheartening if consoles didn't get the resource buff that pc will soon get. I know large updates require cert, but DE has said before that hotfixes are easier to implement on consoles due to not changing scripts or something like that. 

    I just fear that if left unchanged, the console playerbase for railjack will be hurt due to the soon discovered grind. 

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  3. 9 hours ago, Miser_able said:

    The anomaly it spawns on is random and quite rare. It will be listed as one of the mission objectives when you start the mission. 

    Actually, it was discovered that the anomaly (is that what were calling it atm?) spawns in a location for a set time, as opposed to being fully random

  4. 5 hours ago, Daepaloy said:

    That's a good point. I mean putting "Warframe Technology" would end the Argument completely. But Its just felt Too Arcade-ish. 

    Railjack isnt supposed to be a space sim. Games like Elite dangerous have weight in their space weaponry and it works because the game follows this logic throughout. It wouldnt make sense for warframe due to how fast we can already move. When was the last time you bothered using a Grineer rampart?  Now imagine that with railjack. Eeesh

  5. 12 hours ago, Awashmanx31 said:

    If you read it is feedback on Ember on how instead of all the changes that was just made on her to adding a different frame instead. 

    Except thats not feedback, its a rant (which you even say in your title). Rants are not allowed in feedback because they usually arent thought through enough to be proper feedback. You writing “ember isnt good now, make a new frame with ember abilities that isnt ember) isnt feedback because you fail to explain WHY ember isnt good, what needs to change, and why your changes would be logical/make sense. 

  6. 15 minutes ago, Smilomaniac said:

    Raids were challenging though, edge of your seat decision making and narrow escapes. This is just flashy gameplay.

    Seems to me you're more interested in defending the developer.

    Raids were never challenging. They were a boring slog that took at most 30 minutes. 

  7. 2 hours ago, Leqesai said:


    One thing to know, every frame won't resonate with every player. If you don't like a particular frame then try something else. There really are options for most types of players, at this point. 

    This ideology is paramount when it comes to enjoying warframe. Personally valkyr and inaros bore me to tears, but gauss/grendel/atlas make me have so much fun I easily lose track of time. 

    Play how you want to have fun, do not play to check boxes of “is this meta or the absolute best option”

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  8. 6 minutes ago, cmacq said:

    You don't get it do you? It's not free.  I have no use for twitch prime so I would be paying for the items and please stop with the real world quips. I know I'm older than pretty much all of you. I've done my real world time thx.

    The fact that you can do so much more with twitch prime then just warframe still leads me to believe anyone who complains about getting free content (and yes it is free, you pay for twitch prime to get benefits related to the website Twitch itself. Any other deals made are at the behest of an agreement with twitch and the game as part of promotion and sponsorship) yet uses the argument “I only got this for warframe” is a fool. You do not pay for twitch prime to maybe get a free prime warframe. You pay for twitch prime to get benefits for the website. 

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